7th Ed. My 1500 points list

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Haemoglobin, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    Soo heres my 1500 list, I used it a couple of hours ago. It massacered a Highelf army, even though i did some pretty stupid things lol.

    2 x 11 Skink Skirmishers = 156

    15 x Saurus Warriors + spears + musician + banner = 198

    14 x Saurus Warriors + spears + musician + banner = 186
    joined by a Scar-Vet with light armour, sword of Might, Shield of the Mirrored Pool = 140

    Skink Priest (lvl2) riding an Ancient Steg with EoTG, carrying the Wardrums and Curse-Charm of Tepok = 435

    Skink Priest (lv1) with Plaque og Tepok and a Dispel Scroll = 105

    3 x Terradon = 90

    16 x Skink + 2 x Kroxigor = 190

    -> 1498 points

    Yeah I should get some cavalry, but I haven't bought of those models yet.
  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    That looks like a decent starting list to me don't really see any problems with it myself. I big on the cavalry though I will admit they are not essential to a Lizarmen force.
  3. eggory

    eggory New Member

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    i would drop a krox and use the points to bulk up your saurus to 18 and rank them 6 wide 3 ranks
  4. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    The list looks good in general, A couple of personal preference suggestions

    2 x 11 Skink Skirmishers = 156
    These are fine but can be dropped to 10's if you wanted more saurus or to split the skrox units (see below)
    15 x Saurus Warriors + spears + musician + banner = 198
    This is good too, I prefer the 6x3 formation as eggory suggests but to each his own
    14 x Saurus Warriors + spears + musician + banner = 186
    as above
    joined by a Scar-Vet with light armour, sword of Might, Shield of the Mirrored Pool = 140
    I'd drop the Shield of the Mirrored pool, I find it a bit too situational in 1500pts, especially with the amount of magic your totting yourself. Maybe consider Enchanted Shield for a 2+ save?
    Skink Priest (lvl2) riding an Ancient Steg with EoTG, carrying the Wardrums and Curse-Charm of Tepok = 435
    I can't quite recall what the Curse Charm does, but I believe its an anti-mage item? again, your quite strong in the magic phase already, maybe consider getting the plaque here so he's for all intents and purposes a lvl 3 mage...
    Skink Priest (lv1) with Plaque og Tepok and a Dispel Scroll = 105
    Not certain about the plaque on a lvl 1, as he won't be able to reliably cast the higher level spells... maybe consider another dispel scroll or else just freeing up the points
    3 x Terradon = 90
    I love Terradon units in 1500pt or less games! I run 2 myself...
    16 x Skink + 2 x Kroxigor = 190
    Generally not a fan, but with 2 saurus blocks it could work well, Id consider splitting it into 2 11 skink and 1 krox units if you can scrape up the points.
    -> 1498 points

    Mainly personal preference, but there you go, hope it may help...

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