Hello! I need your help for a part of my color scheme for my skink. Precisely for the ''thing'' on their head and gold. http://i843.photobucket.com/albums/zz356/Daritomar/Picture011.jpg Taking picture of the model reveal massive flaws in the painting, but this a playing quality model, so try to keep this in mind. How do you paint your gold? Gold seem to be a *insert the swear word of your choice* to paint and doesn't cover well over black. For the ''thing'' on their head. (No idea what the name for this in English, not even sure in my native language either) I am thinking a lightish orange or yellow scheme. Throw me your ideas! Thanks!
Painting Gold, eh? I think I've developed a pretty good system with GW paints. First, I basecoat it with Iyanden Darksun (if you want the gold to be very bright) or Calthan Brown (if you want it to be a little darker). I have a little trick with metallics as well. I find that, since they have little flecks of metal in them that give them their metallic sheen, the best thing to do is to drop a steel ball-bearing in the pot, along with a couple drops of water, flow improver, and/or drying retarder. Before I use any metallic, I shake it up for at least a minute or two to ensure that the metallicness is well distributed. Anyways, after the basecoat is dry, I use Shining Gold, followed by a wash of Devlan Mud once it's dry. Then i cover up any spots that are too dark with Burnished Gold. The final highlight is done with a 1:1 mix of Burnished Gold and Mithril Silver. That's the way for the easiest, and best-looking results. If you want, I could give you a much more in-depth tutorial with many different colors.
Thats alot of steps just to do gold.. I buy folk-art paints from wal-mart, they are super cheapo, but surprisingly the gold is very good. It's only 1.97$ for a tube by me (a tube being like 3-4 times the amount of the little GW paints) and its very watered down from the start, but the way it dries the water all leaves it and the gold sinks and drys to the surface, so for my gold I just put a thick layer of the gold on the object and make sure to give it plenty of time to dry completely. Its the best gold I've ever found on any model, and its just straight from the tube, one coat gold...
The crest(the thingy on the head) looks fine as it is. For gold I myself put a layer of Scorched brown on the area where the gold is to be. I then paint a thin layer of shining gold over it and I mean thin. (Keep some parts of the Scorched brown showing, for shading.) I then paint a second layer of Shining gold over the other one. (Try keeping some of the previous gold layer visible too.) Then I start mixing Mithril silver with the Shining gold. Like 80:20 (gold to silver) ratio. After that a 50:50 mix for highlights. Done. Reference pic
Not right now, The other pics (of the same model) were out of focus anyway. He is the only skink I painted so fair. He is my color scheme test model. I will build 2 units of Skink skimirshers and will convert the remaining ones in Chameleon Skins. I will post more pics as my project advance!