Curious. Anyone use Strewarts favorite rare earth magnets to swap out EoTG with a Giant Bow or Giant Blowpipes? The flexibility would be nice. --DF2K
Im curently in the process doing just that. Not with that brand. Im at work right now so i dont know what i use. The magnets are 3-4 mm in diameter and 1 mm think. Its easy to work with them and after the paint is applied, u will never see them ... kind of what i have done so far is pinning (and not glued) the pips in place. Drilling very thin into the howdas railing. About the EoTG and chair, its magnaticed. As for now... im considering how to magnatise the giant bow. If i cant find a nice way for it... so be it. I dont think im doing to use that anyway. I would just like the options if i ever change my mind.
How about mounting the bow on a base on it's own and the just placing it in the front of the howdah when playing it a normal steggie? Maybe you don't need to use magnets for it? I don't have a steggie yet, so i'm just tossing untested ideas ^^
Here I am discussing conversions like it's old hat, yet I haven't even seen a magnet to use on minis, much less tried 'em out. The idea of the bow on a base is intriguing, but I'm fairly anal and would like my model to look perfect (which it never does so it takes me 17 years to paint one). Speaking of the magnets, if anyone knows of any tutorials (with pictures) or has pictures themselves could I see a link or some photos? That'd be super handy. --DF2K
I didn't use magnets to make the howda customizable but I did use magnets to magnetize the howda to the stegadon =). Kind of off topic, sry!
I have a steggie en route to my home, and I was thinking of doing exactly the same thing. There is no sense in wasting money on stegadons when you can simply mod the howdahs to have interchangeable setups. I will hopefully get to try it in the coming weeks, and upload pics.