7th Ed. Vampire Counts Deathstar

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by SlannOfItza, Dec 13, 2009.

  1. BigBoston05

    BigBoston05 New Member

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    As a VC player, I fear the lizardmen, even before HE.

    If he is Deathstarring a unit of Blood Knights, which have Frenzy, so just "Kite" them with a unit of Terradons, remember they have to charge a unit with in charge range, and just take them out of the fight.
    Remember you dont have to fight that unit. If he wastes 4 turns chasing 90 points of terradons.

    Take a Slann, and 2 EotG's

    Run 3 dispell scrolls and the Cube (cast your second sign first) and D-Power to pull 2 dispel dice over.
    Or go super casty with Lore of beasts and stop his units with Beast cowers and hunters spear. No VC player like miscasts, his General is a wizard who can miscast, take cupped hands for 40ish points. You kill the General you will win, you kill thier casting you will win.

    You need to remember that in the casting phase movement spells and rebuilding units are the most important. Never for get the book. Let him summon zombies clean them up at 50 points per unit.

    EotG's BA will smoke grave guard, get half points and get out.
  2. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    I can't really kite them well, since he sets himself up so he can charge multiple things. So even if I put terradons infont of his unit, he can charge things to the left/right. Frenzy doesn't mean he has to charge the closest thing...

    And since when do they auto-rally? They only auto-rally after a hit and run (you have to charge them first), the feigned flight rule simply means after they flee IF they rally they can move/shoot as normal...

    And if you had read earlier, I can't take a slann and 2 stegs of any kind, I only own 1 EoTG and if I ever get a second steg it'll be an ancient with chief and warspear...

    There's also the little fact that re-rolling the results on your enemies miscast doesn't effect cupped hands of the old ones at all. You roll on the miscast table first, before you decide to pass the miscast over. Only something like soul of stone could effect it, if you wanted to try and roll a 2 before you passed the effect over...

    So I'd also like to shut down his magic phase, but its hard since he casts alot of stuff on one dice...

    But thx for the advice.. ;)
  3. BigBoston05

    BigBoston05 New Member

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    Sorry miss read some things, like I said Im a VC player so I dont flee.

    If you can't out manuaver him with lizardmen, then you might as well switch to dwarves lol. He have a ton of things that either fly or skirmish. You can out move him! So dont give him options, take control of the board and set the tempo of the battle. True he can charge mulitple units, but you are the one deploying your troops, and you have as many movement phases as he does.

    You can shut down his magic phase better then anyone else, with the exception of HE.

    If you dont want to use your best tools, all the advice in the world isn't going to help you.

    Good luck with your battles!
  4. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    I was looking at the Blood Knight's stats and noticed they only have a leadership of 7. Could the Blade of Realities knock them out in one hit? The army book says that for each hit, they take a leadership test. If failed, they are removed as casualties with no armor, ward or regen saves available. Does this mean they could be rezzed by spells?

    It would be sick to see a Carnosaur hit the flank of the unit and take them out. 5 attacks at weapon skill 6 means you will get 3 to 4 hits (3+). Leadership tests will be failed a little less than half the time, so maybe 1 or 2 guys just vanish, no saves at all. The other 1 or 2 have full saves. What do you guys think? This applies to vampire's too because they have leadership 7 unless I'm mistaken.
  5. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    Yeah I've considered blade of realities before as well, it can help kill the BK themselves but the vampire lord is like ld 9 and other vamps are ld 8 so they don't fail often. I guess its worth it if he luckily failed, killing his general would be satisfying...

    Though if there is even one BK left he can summon wounds back, being 2 wounds each, it takes a while to summon back but he can get 2-4 wounds healed per magic phase, casting on one dice from multiple wizards...

    My current lizardmen list with a carnosaur wasn't running the BoR because it seemed like he only hit with 2-3 attacks a turn, and I've only used it against my bret friend who has ld 8 on just about everything, so my lord was killing 1-2 single wound knights a turn. I did get lucky and kill his general outright one game, but I don't think I can rely on my enemies bad luck so save my carnosaur from his vampires...

    Also there are 5 blood knights, and a vamp lord, and a bsb...they are 6 wide with one BK in the rear rank. So killed 1-2 per turn with BoR is gunna get my oldblood dead fast...

    *Edit: decided to look it up and Vamps are ld 7 but the vampire lord is ld 10*
  6. BigBoston05

    BigBoston05 New Member

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    Unmodified leadership test, he can't use his generals LD unless it is the general in which you are attacking. and Yes you can bring them back with IoN.
  7. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    Yeah, I knew that already, it wasn't a statement about killing the BK, I mentioned vamp and vamp lord Ld because I'd need to kill them more then the normal BK. So I was mentioning their Ld in order to compare the effectiveness of the Blade of Realites...

    Thx though... :D

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