7th Ed. high elf cav

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by shahryar, Dec 16, 2009.

  1. shahryar

    shahryar Member

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    Okay my GF likes cav and has actually started to really like high elves. So being bored one day I tried to help design a army that is very heavy on cav. Any advice on a cav heavy high elf army(keep wanting to say eldar)
    And any advice on what to add for higher point games.

    Spearmen 15
    Musician 1
    Standard 1
    -Lion Standard 1

    Silverhelms 8
    Shield 8
    Musician 1
    Standard 1

    Ellyrian reavers 5 Might actually end up using wood elf ghlade guard
    Musician 1
    swap spear for bow 5

    Ellyrian reavers 5 Might actually end up using wood elf ghlade guard
    Musician 1
    swap spear for bow 5

    Noble 1 yea the noble will be with the ellyrian reavers
    Steed 1
    -Reaver bow 1

    Mage 1
    -Chariot 1
    -level2 1
    -Annulian Crystal 1
  2. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    Unless you want her to lose drop the silver helms, they suck... Field Dragon Princes, and to be heavy cavalry at say 2000pts, you field 2 units of 5 dragon princes with a noble in each for good hitting power. Field some ellyrian reavers for re-directs and etc, and maybe some tiranoc chariots for those wonderfully long chariot charges.

    Some mages for magic defense and fill your core with some archers. Maybe have one unit of White Lions or Swordmasters to help give you a stronger center to your army, if you really want an anvil and hammer tactic field phoenix guard...

    Or you can go heavy magic, and field 2 units of 6 dragon princes, and use character slots for mages...

    Cavalry is really just, small units of 5 fast-cav or hammer units of 6 heavy cav....

    Very few full cavalry units out there, though I do know of some, like bretonnia and tomb kings...

    Then again I'm not a high elf player (anymore, i was for a little bit)...

  3. shahryar

    shahryar Member

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    well she is trying to decide between high elves wood elves and dark elves,

    is a wood elf fast cav army easily doable, I was thinking using dryads as a hold up, ghlade riders for harassing and wild riders as a hammer

    oh is dark elf horse cav heavy doable?
  4. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Yes, I planned a DE cav army. 3 or 4 units of 5 dark riders with musician and crossbows. 2 units of harpies. 2 units of cold one knights, one with your lord and one with your BSB. Ring of hotek on a CO champ. A cauldron and a scroll caddy. A hydra and then some bolt throwers or chariots or shades (with GW's).
    Stupidity WILL get tiresome though, even on Ld9 or 10
  5. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    I'd suggest against Wood Elves. I was playing them not to long ago, and I have to admit they have issues killing the 7th edition armies out there. Probably because I face VC alot, and other heavy cavalry has more staying power, though wood elf heavy cav is also fast cav. and Wood Elf fast cav are nice cause they can move and shoot with no penalty...

    But I think your better off with High Elves, even dark elves seem to get more power from magic, hydra, black guard, etc. Their cold ones seem to be more of a support hammer to the bigger and better things. Where as high elf army can be tailored to support the dragon princes better...

    Plus you have a more viable option of a dragon, which can help keep interest in the game...

  6. shahryar

    shahryar Member

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    This is what I threw together for wood elves for the learning game her opponent would be night gobbos the cluster of radiants is because the gobbo player is taking a shaman

    ghlade riders 5
    Musician 1

    ghlade riders 5
    Musician 1

    dryads 10

    Wild Riders 5
    Musician 1

    Noble 1
    Steed 1
    Wild rider kindred 1
    Spear of Twilight 1

    Branchwraith 1
    Cluster of radients 1
  7. Sturen
    Jungle Swarm

    Sturen New Member

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    For HE heavy cav I would take 2 or 3 units of 6 DPs, one with ellyrion banner, another with champ and HoF and the other naked. Then run a BSB with battle banner and a DP kit (same equipment as a DP) and put him in the HoF DP unit. A couple of units of elly reavers (glade riders work :)) with mus and other command maybe. Then take a couple of mages with seerstaff and silver wand and mount them in the elly reaver units (yes really). Take fire lore and use burning head to cause havoc :). Take a lord choice only if you feel the need. Mage of possibly even a dragon riding prince :D. Fill spare points with chariots. Then take as many rares as you can afford and two units of ten archers and you have an easy army to play. The DP units (particularly the BSB one) can front charge anythin they want and win. Use the BSB one for the most dangerous enemy. The reavers with mages should march block and cast burning head. The chariots are guards for your arrtillery. Simply keep them back and protect the archers and RBTs.

    hope that helps :)
  8. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    I'm an avid Wood Elf player and I disagree (respectfully) about the Wood Elves' cav being weak. Used as they are meant to they are VERY strong. "Cheap" (assuming Elven units are cheap) units of five Glade Riders + Music and a couple of five man Wild Riders are absolutely devastating! I even had a Dark Elf player whom told me that if I chose Wood Elves in our next campaign he wouldn't ever challenge me and place his territory on the opposite side of the map haha!

    I don't have my Wood Elf book with me but here is my suggestion for a 2K Cav set up;

    Highborn w/ Wildrider Kindred on Great Stag, spear of Twilight and armour that gives you regeneration
    Noble on Steed w/ L. armour, Enchanted shield, Hail of doom arrows
    lvl 1 Spellsinger w/ Glamorweave Kindred on a Unicorn, Orb (gives you +1 DD if opponent uses 3+ to cast), dispel scroll

    5 Glade Riders w/ Full Command and bows/spears (Noble)
    5 Glade Riders w/ Music and bows/spears
    5 Glade Riders w/ Music and bows/spears
    5 Glade Riders w/ Music and bows/spears

    5 Wild Riders w/ Full Command, banner makes them flee -1 D6" (For General)
    5 Wild Riders w/ Full Command, War Banner (for Mage)

    Treeman (if you have points for)

    As you can see, heavy on cav and even decent shooting if you combine your shots. VERY mobile and a good amount of magic resistance (remember Wild Riders have MR1). Plus that unicorn is devastating in CC.
  9. Lingbei
    Cold One

    Lingbei New Member

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    Wood elf cavalry force can be devastating but it needs to be used correctly. I played against them before and they ran rings around my elite infantry and shot them to shreds. Personally I don't like Dark Elf cavalry, my friend used to use them and in one game he lost a unit of 10 Cold one Knights to some plague swarms which I found comical and in every other game they didn't even get in to charge due to magic and them failing stupidity.

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