Hello everyone. Well after many years of playing High Elves, i have finally begun too become bored with my army. There is only so many times you can keep using the same tactics and models and hear the inevitable complaints of "oh what a surprise a dragon" In response to these constant critique's i have decided to field an entire army of dragons! just to annoy the complainers even more, and hope to build my army over the next few months in time hopefully for a few tournaments, otherwise it will be more complaints about "that dam dragon again" I have been lurking around the forum for some time and a few others, although the others all seem to have gone inactive quite a while ago, but finally i have decided to register and say hello.
Well welcome to the forum! I hope ontop of making a dragon list your planning on playing lizardmen? I think you'll get more help from the forum if you were, though the rules help and etc are always useful... Anyway, Welcome..
I used to play them, and still own the army book (6th and 7th). Oh, sorry for trying to one-up everyone..
hehe Try all the way back to the early days of 5th when Nagash walked as a god amongst men, when Lizardmen were the new kids on the block and the winds of magic didn't fall into the hands of the fickle dice gods but were bound into a predictable and reliable deck of cards and a single hero could hold against an army. Boy I feel old. (By my Nagash comment you may guess that I also play undead or vampire counts as they are called now too I don't like to play with them at the moment tho, since they got put into "the big three" other people automatically don't have fun and complain. Plus when I win I don't like people going on that its the army winning not me. I've been waiting forever for the day GW will decide that Nagash is ready to take over the world again and will make a campaign for it.....well maybe next year )
Lizardmen had the Slann armies Waaaay before 5th, like 1st or 2nd edition. Remember the labotamized eunuch slaves? Entire armies of Slanns with swords and shields, and everything. It was only much later that they started having saurus and skinks, and I think they missed an edition or two, but I digress..