Army Fluff Tlitomak, the Master of the Hunt

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Y2J, Dec 11, 2009.

  1. Y2J
    Jungle Swarm

    Y2J New Member

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    Hi! I'm new here and thought the best way to introduced myself was to show you my army fluff, I originally got into wahammer with lizards a few years ago but at the last minute went for beasts instead, after that I went through Orks and various 4Ok armies, until resting on empire and lizards. Well here is the start of my army fluff hope you enjoy

    Since the days the second moon was thrown into the atmosphere the Slann and there servants in the Temple-City Tlaxtlan had been desperately trying to find a way to destroy it. One Skink Priest, Kor-Chuq had been trying for many years, he was one of the most powerful Skinks in the city Kor-Chuq was famed for his obsession with the chaos moon. One night Kor-Chuq heard a great voice in a dream, the voice told the Priest of a great temple of the Old Ones in the south, on an island known as Kaihuaxapati, the voice told him that only there was the secret of the way to destroy the chaos moon Kor-Chuq, as he awoke, wondered who the voice was and had one name planted in his head, Xhotl, the chooser of the great, later that day an amazing spectacle was held at the spawning pools as the spawn pools of the sentinel, finally had a spawning, although this was strange as it was not only the pools of the sentinel but at almost every spawning pool, all of these lizardmen were dark blue, almost black and each bore the mark of Xhotl. Taking this as a sign Kor-Chuq headed to the great Slann Mage, Lord Adohi Tehga. Telling him his tale Kor-Chuq was surprised as the Mage instantly ordered the Skink out of the room, Kor-Chuq went next to the other Skink Priests in the temple-city, asking for help but the Priests had their own problem, the recent amazing spawning had not yet even moved, if any Lizardman got near the Sarus would instantly kill it. Kor-Chuq went to the scene, nervously he approached, a group of Sarus backing him up. Strangely all of the spawning, Skink, Sarus and Kroxigor all got down on one knee to Kor-Chuq, surprised the Skink Priest jumped back, a Sarus warrior walked towards him, I bore a huge sword and large shield, “I am Kha-Loq” said the warrior, “I come to command your army on its quest great master.”Kha-Loq got down onto one knee again, ‘My army’ Kor-Chuq thought, “Yes” the Skink Priest nodded remembering Xhotl’s final words, “Yes, Yes, we will go south, but first I have something to do…”
  2. dhuan gor

    dhuan gor New Member

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    MORE, I want to hear more please continue.
    your story is very good.
  3. Y2J
    Jungle Swarm

    Y2J New Member

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    Thanks, here the next section

    Chaqaxloqtli sat on his platform, deep in meditation, his spirit soared into the skies, flying into the depths of the universe but, suddenly something drew him back, he returned to Lustria, to Tlaxtlan, he found himself at the Spawning Pool, there he found a large army, he was puzzled, why had nobody informed him, but that was not the only thing that puzzled Chaqaxloqtli, each of the Lizardmen bore a mark, a mark the Priest Kor-Chuq had mistaken for the Old One Xhotl, ‘No it can’t be’ the Slann thought, it was the mark of an Old One alright, an Old One that only the greatest Slann Priests knew of Tlitomak the Old One of the hunt…

    Kor-Chuq ran through the buildings, desperately looking for the right temple, finally he found it, the Temple of the Great Beast, home of Chaqaxloqtli. He rushed through the chambers, Chaqaxloqtli had been Kor-Chuq’s master for a long time, he would understand, he would help Kor-Chuq. Kor-Chuq reached the Temple Guard at the door, before he could even speak the door burst open, the great Slann came forth the Slann looked at the priest and projected two words into his mind, “I know” nodding the Skink Priest turned and headed back to his army, the Slann in tow. ..

    c and c welcome
  4. dhuan gor

    dhuan gor New Member

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  5. Y2J
    Jungle Swarm

    Y2J New Member

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    Thanks! I had quite a bit of this wrote up already and have just edited the next bit, notice anything in the last scentence or so?
    Kor-Chuq headed back to his army, they had been moved to outside the city the dark black warriors frightening the temple-cities rulers, after bribing many skinks, Kor-Chuq had got them all weapons and armour, they were a force ready to journey to the south, Kor-Chuq thought, the great Slann moved to the front, “We will leave when you’re ready” Kor-Chuq nodded, “I have one more thing to do…

    Kor-Chuq for the third time this day found himself running through the Temple-City looking desperately for the right building, at last he found it, entering he immediately saw the Skink he was looking for. “Xili-Zec stop what you’re doing and come over here.” Kor-Chuq snapped, irritated just by the presence of his student, “But master, what about cataloguing these scrolls?” Xili-Zec muttered. “Never mind them, come on!” Kor-Chuq said before running of, shrugging Xili-Zec followed. As they reached the army Xili-Zec almost fell over with fright, “W-what! M-master, what is this!” Xili-Zec stuttered, “Fool, did you not see the signs? Did you not here the talk all day?” Kor-Chuq snapped. “Master, to be truthful you have had me locked up cataloguing scrolls for the last 15 years.” “That is not important, just go attend to Chaqaxloqtli so I can get rid of you!” Kor-Chuq shouted, as the skink scampered off, Kha-Loq walked towards the priest, “Are you ready master?” the great sarus questioned, Kor-Chuq nodded, “Good, we will leave then, the Chameleons have found a Dark Elf force to the south.” Kha-Loq continued, his voice sounded almost happy at the thought of battle. “Okay then.” Kor-Chuq agreed, “Oh, get a skink to tell the temple-city master, Dhuan Gor that I’m leaving, for good.” Kha-Loq looked up “It will be done master.”…
  6. dhuan gor

    dhuan gor New Member

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    I like the last line hehe. the hole story is very good I would like to read some more, much more.
  7. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    yea its realy cool i might post my own fluff
  8. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Master of the Hunt ey?....
    I'm in trouble then...Big time!

    The fluff is nice, but I'd recommend using more paragraphs. That way your text will be
    more clarifying.
    As it stands right now, it's a big wall of text facing me.

    The Hunted

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