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Blog The Jade Host: Mayan Lizardmen

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Warden, Mar 11, 2016.


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Awesome. I find it makes a huge difference.
    LizardWizard and Warden like this.
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    The Battle Standard Bearer has had some work done, mostly just a big coat of gold paint.

    warden201801_bsb WIP 06.jpg
    Not sure if I am going to do the feathers in red or green yet? :muted::hurting:

    Also finished my four temple guard Slann bearers; now they just need the palanquin and a slann to carry around. Long standing project moving closer to fruition:

    warden201801_temple guard slann bearers 02.jpg
    Prior to the addition of the shields and the forward wood pieces.

    warden201801_temple guard slann bearers 01.jpg

    warden201801_temple guard slann bearers 03.jpg
    Imrahil, Lizerd, Chicken Lips and 4 others like this.
  3. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    And in other news, the House of the Pigeons is completely painted.


    warden201801_uxmal house of the pigeons_complete 01.jpg
    The building is three separate pieces that fit thematically next to each other, but can easily be moved around the map for some diversity.


    warden201801_uxmal house of the pigeons_complete 02 back.jpg
    Some ratmen heresy may have leaked into the project... :eek:

    warden201801_uxmal house of the pigeons_complete 03.jpg

    Some pictures of the access stairways on the individual terrain pieces, plenty of places for Mordheimers to assault up:

    warden201801_uxmal house of the pigeons_complete 06.jpg
    warden201801_uxmal house of the pigeons_complete 07.jpg
    "Trapdoor" above the stairs (doesn't actually lift up):

    warden201801_uxmal house of the pigeons_complete 08.jpg
    More heresy spotted among the ruins:

    warden201801_uxmal house of the pigeons_complete 04.jpg
    Imrahil, LizardWizard, Lizerd and 5 others like this.
  4. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Haha love the graffiti. :D
    LizardWizard and Warden like this.
  5. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    Your creativity is so extraordinary! I really like how every bit of your terrain is actually playable in every detail.:cool::)
    Not like those bought models where a stegadon can hardly fiddle it's tail through a 'big gate'. :banghead:
    Me, too.
    Also like how there is always a puzzlpuzzled looking skink or two around... o_O;)
  6. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Had some fun playing Jungleheim with my new buildings this weekend, more pics in the battle report! :cool:

    warden20180204_treasure hunt_battlefield layout_3.jpg

    warden20180204_treasure hunt_battle report_8.jpg
  7. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    More terrain work for future Jungleheim/Mordheim games:

    warden201802_uxmal long house WIP.jpg
    Two more buildings with their first coats of paint and details ready to go. The one in the foreground is modeled after a long house of columns I saw at Uxmal while I was there.

    I am planning to eventually fix up my jungle fortress (which was damaged quite a lot during the move :(). Overall the pieces need the dark-grey "detail" paints, and I plan to add more greens and browns to spice up the terrain pieces. Right now I started working on the easiest parts: the two "ruined" wall sections. I also made a bunch more ladders (you can never have enough!). Here are the bases with a fresh layer of mud-paint:

    warden201802_ruined pieces and ladders WIP.jpg

    More siege towers will be fun to make too.
  8. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    You are my true terrain hero. I really envy your board.
  9. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    Terrain hero! Terrain hero! Terrain hero!
  10. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Truly honored by your compliments :smuggrin:

    More heroics have been accomplished: the two new terrain pieces are now complete! :artist:

    The Long House from Uxmal and a basic terrain building I nicknamed the Snake-Faced House, loosely based on a structure from Tulum (without the face of course, that is based on the BIG pyramid I built from Chicanna.

    warden201802_Uxmal Long House_complete 01.jpg

    Uxmal Long House:

    warden201802_Uxmal Long House_complete 04.jpg
    ...comes equipped with some experimental stairs down the side! They are a little short, its hard to balance minis on them:

    warden201802_Uxmal Long House_complete 05.jpg
    warden201802_Uxmal Long House_complete 03.jpg

    The interior:

    warden201802_Uxmal Long House_complete 06.jpg

    The Snake-Faced House:

    warden201802_Uxmal Long House_complete 02.jpg
    ...a skink encounters a trespassing warmblood:

    warden201802_Uxmal Long House_complete 08.jpg
    The back of the house features a rickety ladder to get up to the second level:

    warden201802_Uxmal Long House_complete 09.jpg

    Quick comparison between the Snake-Faced House and the first Mayan/Jungle-themed building I built over a year ago. Both have the same shape (a simple one, easy to reproduce):

    warden201802_Uxmal Long House_complete 10.jpg

    Final pic, just the same skink scampering through the jungle terrain. :lurking:

    warden201802_Uxmal Long House_complete 07.jpg

    I hope you liked the pics! :snaphappy::vulcan:
  11. HeirofCarnage

    HeirofCarnage Well-Known Member

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    Why has GW not hired you to make them terrain?!?!?!:facepalm: :banghead:

    They should pay you to design these. Then they mold them, and sell them as kits! I am certain that they would be a hit!:artist:

    The way that you tie history with fantasy is quite alluring. People can use the terrain for Warhammer, or they could use it for Historical wargaming.

    I don't know if I have enough seniority to do this (I might get blasted for it) but yolo!
    Warden, Aginor and tom ndege like this.
  12. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Long house is long! :D
    Looks cool! :)
    LizardWizard and Warden like this.
  13. Toltecatl

    Toltecatl Well-Known Member

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    That's awesome!! I love the snake face it seems to jump right out of those walls :)
    How many hours did you put into that?… and how much space do you have to store all that? :cyclops:
  14. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I have only been working on projects for at most 2 hours in the evenings when I had time; I would say about 6 hours for both terrain pieces spread over three nights? (2ish hours to build, 4max hours to paint...). The estimate seems a little high, but I normally do them really slowly while listening to music or youtube videos.

    Everything is stored on the shelves of my game room:

    warden201802_terrain storage 2.jpg

    I might get some better storage methods later, for now everything is contained on the two shelving units along the wall. Plenty of space for terrain and works in progress.
    warden201802_terrain storage 1.jpg

    I am honored by your compliments, though my painting skills are far from professional (and my materials far too cheap)... I do get a ton of inspiration from GW, like the awesome Mayan/Aztec themed piece by Mike McVey featured in the white dwarf, and the amazing Hexacoatl temple-city display! :watching:

    Mayan artwork and their civilization is another big hobby of mine, so I am glad I can get my wargaming hobby to match up too!
    Lizerd, Itepixcauh, Toltecatl and 2 others like this.
  15. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I have decided to start working on some major terrain pieces that have been in my backlog for some time: Mordheim platforms!

    This is the general plan, I think I have posted them before somewhere:

    warden201802_Mordheim Platform plans 1.png

    The basic idea is to put more, smaller pieces of jungle terrain on top of the larger blocks (the images were made using sketchup, just like what I used to make my temple-city artwork!).

    So far I have made three of the above terrain pieces, here colored green: the Arch of Labna, the Rattlesnake House, and the "raised plaza" which needs a better name.

    warden201802_Mordheim Platform plans 3.png

    I have finished assembling the ones labeled in yellow today and will be painting them next. If I have a chance I will add some of the ramps too.

    El Tanjin platform inspiration (Bldg A):

    el tanjin bldg A.jpg

    Sayil Pyramid: the platform is going to be the bottom-third of the structure; eventually I will make the upper part too.


    Xochicalco platform inspiration: its going to be fun to paint this one up! (more pics of this fascinating structure here)


    Another angle of the platform pieces I am planning to still construct:
    warden201802_Mordheim Platform plans 2.png

    Inspiration for this Mordheim-platform-setup comes squarely from Long Island Wargaming and their amazing City Limits Mordheim Campaign battle reports, posted over on youtube.
  16. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    Good plan!(Great Plan?) Think it's a clever idea to build stuff according to bigger plan. That way you can use it all together as a mordheim setting (or skirmish in general) and also use the single parts in unit based games as terrain on a bigger board.

    As a suggestion for a name for the raised plaza: what about something with market? Fish market? Market of Bones? Blood Market ... or maybe Arena? As a tribute to the traditional indigenous ritual sport of South America? You know what I mean... this Aztec mixture of soccer and basketball where the winner team was sacrificed to the gods and the losers sometimes where already dead or heavily injured... Arean of Glory ... Madison square garden ...
    LizardWizard, Warden and Aginor like this.
  17. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I do like the idea of making a Mayan/Lizardmen ballcourt, that is a good one that I will have to implement.

    Not decided on a name yet though, though "Madison square garden" made me laugh :D

    ...major progress completed during the day, including a several hour long mural painting section:

    warden20180216_Mordheim Platforms WIP 01.jpg
    Sayil Platform:

    warden20180216_Mordheim Platforms WIP 02_Sayil.jpg

    El Tanjin Platform:

    warden20180216_Mordheim Platforms WIP 03_El Tanjin.jpg
    Xochicalco Platform:

    warden20180216_Mordheim Platforms WIP 04_Xochicalco.jpg
    warden20180216_Mordheim Platforms WIP 06_Xochicalco.jpg

    I had a lot of fun painting the Xochicalco feathered-serpent patterns on this one!

    warden20180216_Mordheim Platforms WIP 05_Xochicalco.jpg
    I will probably fill in most of the dark grey space with some Lizardmen glyphs too. Plenty more to be done :artist:

    warden20180216_Mordheim Platforms WIP 07_Xochicalco.jpg
  18. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    That's SO cool!!! :)
  19. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Multiple projects still being worked on, to include the platforms, but here are some pics of Project Gatormen Part 2:

    warden201802_gatormen WIP_01.jpg

    A new crop of 15 is assembled and ready to be painted, with enough bases to be four groups of Gatormen Posse or twenty kroxigors!
    Another quick shot after I added sand to the bases in the first layer of basing. The missing models are drying after being spray-painted black. Also I drilled all the future magnet holes in the bases and the gator's feet.

    warden201802_gatormen WIP_02.jpg

    I plan to give all four units a unique color scheme; after scouring the internet for pictures here is what I came up with:

    warden201802_gatorman plan.png

    My current gatormen are green to start as a baseline (upper left-hand corner), with the rest being slight deviations from the start. One group is going to have some red warpaint, another dark-scaled version will have some white skull warpaint, and the fourth will be a lighter-scaled version, maybe something more akin to a nile crocodile.

    I came across this video from Blue Table painting with some excellently painted gatormen, this is probably the scheme I will try to mimic for at least one of the groups.
  20. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Most of the basecoats are complete for the gators, except the light-colored unit as I need to mix a better color than the one I attempted :meh:

    warden201802_gatormen WIP_03.jpg

    Bases are muddied up and ready to start the water effects. I have done similar work to the carnosaur's base in the effort to get him done this month:

    warden201802_carnosaur WIP 01.jpg

    Work continues on the platforms too, adding tons of tiny glyphs and details!

    warden20180216_Mordheim Platforms WIP 08_Xochicalco.jpg

    Most of the tiny glyphs are randomly spouting invocations of Sotek (SOTEK IS GOOD, SOTEK IS GREAT! :cyclops:), but the center section states a mysterious message from the Old Ones, inspired by @Krox_v.2 's mention of Douglas Adams earlier this week (SO LONG AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH! :smuggrin:).
    warden20180216_Mordheim Platforms WIP 09_Xochicalco.jpg

    One thing I noticed writing out this phrase was the Lizardmen alphabet in the back of the army book doesn't have an "f," so I have been using the "ph" glyph instead :bookworm:
    LizardWizard, Lizerd and tom ndege like this.

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