8th Ed. The Great Library of Lunaxoatl: Lord Agragax’s Unofficial Army Book Index

Discussion in 'House Rules' started by Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl, Feb 13, 2018.

  1. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Greetings Lizards,

    Welcome to my Library where in coming years I will attach PDF copies of all the unofficial army books I will come to produce (Hope this is OK @Scalenex ). This thread has been set up to keep track of all the Unoffical Army Books I will create and to allow all users to view them and enjoy them.

    Any of you can have a look at any of my army books and download copies if you wish, but I have to mention the rules of the Library:
    1. No selling copies of the PDFs or anything like that (I know you’re all good folk, but I have to warn you all the same). Firstly the lore and rules are my or GW’s work and secondly the images have been borrowed from Google images and belong to all sorts of other people. I’m using to create unofficial books for domestic use, so that is OK but it can never be commercial.
    2. GW will never let any of my works be used for tournament play I don’t expect because they are completely unofficial (although I don’t expect they do fantasy tournaments anymore anyway :(), and most likely other wargames clubs with stricter rules won’t allow them either - stick to using them in friendly play.
    3. For privacy reasons I will not be including my real name as an author of these works, so nobody is allowed to claim my stuff as their own. If anyone does, I will close the library permanently (although I don’t expect anyone will - we’re all friends here).
    4. All of my works aren’t the most amazing army books in the world - they were all created using Microsoft Word, my imagination and stuff on Google images, so please don’t criticise the appearance of my works purely because of that. I’ve tried to make them as close to the real thing as possible.

    Other than that, you are free to browse and generally go where you will around this thread. Initially there are few links because I haven’t yet completed many of my army books (they take ages to do) but I can list all those I have in current production and when they are finished I will provide links to them.

    Warhammer: Cult of Grimnir - The Slayers are at the forefront of this book as I provide rules for Slayer armies, something that hasn’t been seen in Dwarf collections since early 6th Edition with the rules for Karak Kadrin army selections. Within I have attempted to make Slayers much more viable than they have been in recent years, including making ordinary Slayers cheaper and including new units such as Magma Dragons, separate units of Giant Slayers, Doomseekers and Magma Dragon Hatchling packs.

    Warhammer: Cult of Sotek - I imagine this one will be especially popular on a Lizardmen forum. This book will be examining the little Skinks and their hulking Kroxigor cousins in greater detail than in Warhammer: Lizardmen, which supports Skink armies but doesn’t make them that viable. Within this tome I will not only improve the power of Skink armies but will also be bringing back lost units like Skink bowmen and the legendary Horned One Riders, along with formidable characters like Nakai the Wanderer and Itzi-Bitzi the Piranha Warrior!

    Warhammer: Tilea - Although many fantasy players like the idea of 16th Century Italian mercenaries, to me they appear to be a rubbish theme for a fully-fledged army. In this work I am changing the forces of the Tilean city states to become an army truly worthy of Warhammer, where I will be including soldiers and creatures based upon a new theme - a fantastical parody of the mighty Roman Empire, with disciplined Legionaries at the fore, supported by Scorpion batteries and cavalry formations and the more unusual, in the form of Cyclopes, Cerberi, human Centaurs and other previously unknown creatures. And nobody fear - I’m not going to do a Matt Ward and completely retcon GW’s Tilea lore - instead I am keeping the so-called Merchant Princes not as the rulers of the states but as petty gypsy leaders who believe they are the true rulers of Tilea (but aren’t) who are accompanied by wandering bands of sell-swords. They will be largely the same in style for those who wish to continue to use Warhammer: Dogs of War.

    Warhammer: Albion - One Matthias Eliasson has already written an Albion army book, but to me they looked too Scottish - I’m going to be bringing the Albionites into a more Celtic setting, based upon the warriors and faiths of the Ancient Britons rather than the Picts who occupied Scotland at the time (despite the claims of the Scots, the English are more Celtic than the Scots are). I plan Albion to be the second Warhammer force to be able to use units of chariots (after the almighty Tomb Kings of Nehekhara), along with fearsome warrior warbands led by noble tribal chieftains and the other mysterious inhabitants of their Misty isle.

    Second draft is published and available to read here:

    Warhammer: Sea Elves - For those of you who don't know their pre-4th Edition Warhammer lore, the Sea Elves were an intended fourth Elf race, alongside those we know today. These were ultimately folded into the High Elf faction as the Lothern Sea Guard, but the arrival of the Idoneth Deepkin faction for AoS and their awesome sea creatures has prompted me to consider rebirthing the Sea Elf idea in the Warhammer Fantasy setting in a new guise.

    Warhammer: Orcs and Goblins (Unofficial Update) - To coincide with the influx of new Greenskin miniatures released for the AoS Ironjaw and Gloomspite Gitz factions, I am compiling an update to the Orcs and Goblins book in the style of the free White Dwarf army book updates that should give Greenskin players more choice and more fearsome units, such as Black Orc Boar Boyz, Sporesplatta Fanatics, Cave Trolls and Maw-Krushas.

    Warhammer: Skaven (8th Edition) - Being a Skaven player myself as well as Dwarfs and Lizardmen, I was disappointed when GW dropped Fantasy and didn’t give the ratmen a full-colour 8th book, so I’ll be giving the rats an update they deserve, combining the units released in the End Times with the units from the 7th Edition book and updating rules such as Magic Items and Magic Lores to suit the new 8th Edition.

    Warhammer: Dwarfs (Unofficial Update) - I feel that the Kharadron Overlords would look great in fantasy, so I imagined them to be a cult of Dwarfs who principally worship Smednir, Dwarf God of the Forge, who especially revel in making the finest machines they can to bring ruin to the enemies of the Dwarfs, so Dwarf players everywhere will, I imagine, be pleased to see the long-awaited introduction of Airships and giant mechanical Dwarfs into the game. Instead of the Cult of Smednir idea, I'm going to be producing an Unofficial Update PDF for Dwarfs as well, including rules not only for the Kharadron airships as proxies for Dwarf Dirigibles and Thunderbarges, but also Dwarf mechanical walkers (currently called Steam Striders in my personal canon) and Shard Dragons (which I was intrigued to find in Monstrous Arcanum were sometimes harnessed into runic collars by the Dwarfs and sent into battle to wreck their enemies).

    Warhammer: Swarms of the Hive Mind - Tyranids in Fantasy basically. Well, if Daemons can travel to the Warhammer World, I don’t see why Tyranids can’t. After all, they are one of the most fantastical of the 40K factions and would be one of the most likely to be able to visit the Warhammer world. Alternatively the Swarms could be an insectoid race related to Tyranids, perhaps a Tyranid swarm that remained dormant for many thousands of years after the Old Ones’ conquest of the Warhammer world. It will be very interesting to see them against Lizardmen or Daemons of Chaos in Fantasy, and also to model characters like the Swarmlord and Deathleaper.

    First draft is published and available to read here:

    Warhammer: Bretonnia (8th Edition) - Another (and probably the greatest) casualty of GW's meddling, the Bretonnians weren't given a 7th Edition book, let alone an 8th Ed one. Matthias Eliasson's already written one, but that isn't stopping me from developing my own version, with my own ideas and some borrowed from Warhammer: Total War (which as far as I'm aware wasn't made when Matthias made his).

    Warhammer: Spirits of the Dead - The Nighthaunt are not only an extremely popular AoS faction, but would also fit pretty much seamlessly into the fabric of Warhammer Fantasy. Because of this, they are getting their own army book too, which translates their AoS units into 8th Edition, boosts some ghost units pinched from the Vampire Counts book and brings Forge World units like Mournguls into regular Fantasy gameplay.

    Warhammer: Hordes of Shadow - As part of the development of my Albion book, I designed many characters and units inspired by Matthew Klaas de Witte's awesome drawings, and some of those drawings featured evil, corrupted Albionites that were in the thrall of Be'lakor, the Dark Master, and given Be'lakor's stronghold, the Citadel of Lead, is in the north, these guys make far more appropriate fantasy Scots. This is my army list for them, featuring degenerate Chaotic Scottish Highlanders, sinister shadow Daemons, mutated monstrosities and even twisted Undead that have been shackled to the will of the Dark Master. This faction, to use AoS parlance, is mostly Chaos but with a bit of Death and Destruction thrown in too.

    First draft is published and available to read here:

    Warhammer: Pirates of the Vampire Coast - One of the most fun new additions to the Warhammer franchise since the Total War game emerged, while I'm not a fan of Vampire Counts, I do like the idea of the Pirates of the Vampire Coast. My army book for these will draw heavily on Warhammer: Total War's units, but will also feature some units of my own based upon other fantasy pirate media like Pirates of the Caribbean, because let's face it, Davy Jones and his cursed crew of fish-men are one of the most awesome fantasy creations ever.

    Warhammer: Beastmen (8th Edition) - The third army to not be given an 8th Edition book by GW, Beastmen are certainly in need of one. Again Eliasson has made his own version, but I have my own ideas on how to improve them, based upon discussions with fellows on EEFL and a Matthew Klaas de Witte artwork.

    V1.1 is published and available to read here:

    Warhammer: Fimir - Several attempts have been made to give this forgotten faction 8th Edition rules, but they've always felt half-baked, mainly taking the form of 'Allied Contingents' which are meant to be taken alongside another army. Thus I have aimed to give the Fimir a proper, full-size army list for the first time, incorporating not only the eponymous one-eyed Gaelic amphibians, but also a cast of allied creatures that live alongside them and form a symbiotic relationship with their society, including the Goblinoid Boggarts, Daemonic Greenteeth, the avian Rhacos and the loathsome Sludgesuckers.

    First draft is published and available to read here:

    Warhammer: Chaos Dwarfs - As with the Fimir, several previous attempts have been made to give the Dawi-Zharr a full-size army list, but none of them in my mind have done it quite right, in particular the fact they've often rewritten too many of the decent foundation rules established in Tarmurkhan: The Throne of Chaos. Therefore, I have taken it upon myself to write an alternative list that acts as an addendum to Tarmurkhan, keeping as faithful as possible to the existing material and only implementing the bare minimum of updates to existing rules and units, and also adding enough new units to rival the other Warhammer Fantasy army lists in size and option choice.

    Keep watching this space as I will be updating with links to these and more unofficial army books in the Great Library!

    Last edited: Feb 1, 2024
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    The first drafts for my Albion and Swarms of the Hive Mind lists can now be viewed at leisure!
    Robert Kaye and Imrahil like this.
  3. Robert Kaye
    Jungle Swarm

    Robert Kaye New Member

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    These are excellent. Thank you for sharing them with me. I have posted them in the fandexes group for others to view.
  4. Robert Kaye
    Jungle Swarm

    Robert Kaye New Member

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  5. Tabletop Campaign Repo
    Jungle Swarm

    Tabletop Campaign Repo New Member

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    Hi @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    I run a little site called the Tabletop Campaign Repository (https://tcrepo.com). TCRepo is a 100% free, no ad, community resource for hosting homebrew campaigns, scenarios, rules, & resource to support narrative play in tabletop miniature war games. All authors are credited and, everywhere practical, author permission is obtained.

    I'd love to rehost your Army Books. You'll be credited as the author and I'll link to both the original download links as well as this thread. I can also link to any other site/blog/profile/channel that you have.

    Let me know what you think. You can reach me here or at campaignrepo@gmail.com.
  6. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Welcome to the forums!

    That's an impressive site you have there, a 100% free community resource for hosting homebrew stuff for games including different editions of Fantasy and 40K sounds right up my street!

    Yes, you can host my army lists on your site. I'm also going to be making full-scale army books, some of which are for the lists I've already created to make them look nicer and once any rules ambiguities have been sorted out, so I'll PM you with a link whenever I've made such a book so you can replace the draft list with the book for the corresponding faction.
  7. Tabletop Campaign Repo
    Jungle Swarm

    Tabletop Campaign Repo New Member

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    Perfect thanks! Likely early next week I'll get some download pages up and share them with you for your review. Please reach out anytime here or at campaignrepo@gmail.com (or on Twitter @campaignrepo) with questions, updates, or additional new material.
  8. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Apologies for the delay in this, I’ve only just got round to replying to your post on this.

    I was never a fan of 8th Edition 40K, so I’m afraid I cannot be of much help in discussing the rules. However, I’m impressed with the cover - the first AoS Seraphon book cover was always the best one to use for something like this - and even more impressed by the fact you’ve created a hard copy! How on Earth did you manage it in an economical and printer-friendly way? That’s something I want to do with my fully-rendered Fantasy army books if I ever get a chance.

    The one bit of advice I would add is that the back cover should follow the design of the other 40K Codices and include some lore about the army and what the book contains, rather than just a full-spread picture.

    With regards to updating it for 9th Edition, I would advise you have a look at other 9th Edition updates to 8th Ed Codices and follow a similar plan of rules optimisation for the new Edition. One thing I would particularly advocate is the introduction of customisable sub-factions, I know for a fact that the Necron codex implemented this and it’s an excellent idea that rewards those players who want to come up with their own army background as much as those who use GW’s existing sub-factions.
    Bowser and Robert Kaye like this.
  9. Tabletop Campaign Repo
    Jungle Swarm

    Tabletop Campaign Repo New Member

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    Hi @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl,

    I just got done uploading Hordes of the Shadow, Swarms of the Hive Mind, and Albion to TCRepo. Take a look at let me know if you'd like anything tweaked.

    You'll always be able to see all of your work at your Author Tag here: https://tcrepo.com/downloads/tag/lord-agragax/

    I've also created a tag for "Agragax Great Library" specificially for your Army Books here: https://tcrepo.com/downloads/tag/agragax-great-library/

    If you ever turn The Nehekros Imperishables, The Order of the Sacred Lady, and/or The Gloomforest Spawn into download docs (PDF/Word/etc) I'd love to host those too :)
  10. Robert Kaye
    Jungle Swarm

    Robert Kaye New Member

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    Thanks. I made it using blurb. Not something I'd do in bulk, but as a treat for myself it felt great to have a physical copy in my hands.

    I did consider it, but I have to make sure that it doesn't look too much like the official product. So when the total war artist gave his permission to use that big landscape picture I decided to put it on the back.

    I do normally follow the set up of official books. I won't bother with crusade rules though. I've been pondering about how to make custom regiments for them. Perhaps a choice of homeland and a choice of fighting style?
  11. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    My first draft of the 8th Edition Beastman army book is up and ready to read! @Tabletop Campaign Repo @Robert Kaye feel free to post it on your respective fandex sharing sites!
  12. PlasmaDavid

    PlasmaDavid Active Member

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    Before I read any further into the new beastment book and asides from saying well done putting the effort in, please consider

    1) Using a font other than times new roman. Something like Arial without the text flourishes (and possibly better kerning) is much simpler to read.
    2) The background "page texture" is much too strong and interferes with the text through the entire book, especially the rules sections. Consider either making it much fainter or including all of the section within light coloured boxes (with the unit stat lines within their orange boxes like you already have)
    3) Consider a "rules only" PDF too. I suppose people can quickly do it themselves using "print to PDF" but it's always nice just to have a quick and easy rules only version without the fluff etc.

    I don't mean to be a bugbear, it's just always a shame to see things like this have so much time and effort put in only to have a few oversights on the editing/presentation bring down the whole thing. I've seen it plenty of times on various fan PDFs.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2022
  13. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    The font I used in my Beastman army book was actually Garamond. I thought it matched the Warhammer Army Book font well, because while I don't know what font that is, it also has serifs in it and fits the fantasy theme better than something dull and modernistic like Arial. I'd rather not do this if I can help it.

    It's curious that you're the only one who has complained of this so far (I haven't heard any comments from any of the lads on EEFL about this), but I'll see what I can do. Perhaps solving this will make it easier to read the font as well so hopefully I can deal with these two birds with one stone.

    I'm not too fond of this idea, nobody asked Games Workshop to make 'rules only' versions of their army books, and there isn't much point in trying to make it look like a fully-fledged army book if folk don't want to read the fluff that I have carefully and diligently prepared and even added to, but if I have time I'll consider it.
  14. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    V1.1 of the 8th Edition Beastman Army Book is out now! (Same as before, the link is in the first post of the thread, having replaced the link of the old book).

    I look forward to hearing your views on this updated version, which has implemented many changes suggested on EEFL with the aim of toning down the power level of the army, as V1.0 made the army a bit too OP in a fair few places ;)

    Enjoy, fellow Beastlords!

    @PlasmaDavid in this version I have also modified the background to make the text of the book easier to read. I hope it is more to your liking :)
  15. PlasmaDavid

    PlasmaDavid Active Member

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    It's much better, but in all honestly there are *still* bits where the darker watermark patches interfere with the delicate fonts visibility. I would have gone with half the opacity of what's there.‍ *shrug emoji goes here*

    (Not that it will effect me, I'm not making the time to even read the official beastmen army book and I've just started a small force, let alone taking the time to properly dig into fan works. But feedback is feedback!)

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