The looming excitement that might be TW warhammer II

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by The Sauric Ace, Mar 9, 2017.

  1. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Ok thanks I will see if I can spot that.
    So many symbols everywhere in that game.
  2. Papalugy

    Papalugy Well-Known Member

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    If you hover over an army a red circle will appear. This is how close a friendly army or settlement will have to be to reinforce it.
    Aginor and HeirofCarnage like this.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Ok, thanks!
    Next question: If I put a hero into an army, will they still use their hero ability (the one affecting the region, such as build cost reduced or public order bonus)?
  4. Papalugy

    Papalugy Well-Known Member

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    Not in the first one. They changed that in 2. You should have a little button to deploy the in the bottom center of the screen, around where the recruit button would be for a general.
    Aginor and HeirofCarnage like this.
  5. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Oh! So those guys have been doing nothing all the time!!! I'll put them to work then. :D
  6. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Getting closer to being able to play. $400 in the piggy bank out of 750 budget
    Aginor likes this.
  7. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    Wait you have to click to get the hero to use their bonuses? Gees.
  8. Papalugy

    Papalugy Well-Known Member

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    Only certain ones, in the skill tree it will share the same symbol as the deploy button. The others will be passives. In 2 they got rid of that so all they're stuff is passive.
  9. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    Oh right, I've only played 2. That explains why I couldn't find it, haha
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  10. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    Well well well

    I started the third ritual when I had 2 full armies to defend. Thanks to a drop of 3 full chaos and 2 full skaven I've been toasted

    I definitely mucked up some basic building stuff (went nearly the entire campaign without cavalry, probably over hit the monsters I needed)

    Even so far out this game is hard. I am going to do kroq-gar on easy. I think. Will it be so easy that it isn't fun? Hard to say, I made a lot of mistakes.

    The first thing I did badly was my military building. I think I need centralised access to units and everything else focus on getting me cash. Secondly, ensure I get full provinces. Don't let allies take them and be stuck without. Thirdly I need to pay more attention to quests. Also the Maz campaign was supposed to be an experiment before launching into Kroq-gar. So I should have reloaded after a few poor battles early.

    Keep scar vets early and get them points, same as beasts with no Maz I suppose. Also - I think a skink hero with some good income boosting could really be worth it. I suppose I should build boats? Can we build boats? My northern army was so smashed I didn't build my coastline.

    Finally, the really hard thing to do is to treat diplomacy like I did in Shogun. I can't reject the Tomb Kings because they are bad. Gees life would have been easy if I had allied with them when they wanted against the dark elves, instead of getting relentlessly hit by both.

    If I fix all this stuff will easy be too easy? Will think about it and launch into it tomorrow.
    HeirofCarnage and Aginor like this.
  11. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Meanwhile in the old world:
    The Vampire Counts have had a Blitzkrieg against the Wood elves.
    Originally I just wanted to attack the Vampire faction (Mousillon) in the west to earn some brownie points with the Empire. So I gathered three armies in Nuln and wondered how to get to that territory without annoying allies or my troops being half-destroyed on arrival.
    ...and then the Wood Elves wanted me to fight Brettonia, which I declined, so they declared war against me!
    I swarmed in and captured three towns they had just taken away from Mousillon (which in turn had them captured from Brettonia) and a few rounds later I took a Mousillon stronghold, destroying their main army. No chance against Mannfred. :)
    Meanwhile the captured cities all have walls and so on, I even recruited another small army there.
    It seems the perspective of me attacking three more cities in a few rounds (which I would have done, destroying the Mousillon Vampire faction and taking control over all northern wood elves cities) was enough for the Elves to ask for peace (which I accepted) and Mousillon to become vasalls (which I accepted as well. For now. The Empire and a few others are a bit pissed that I didn't destroy them).
    The Wood Elves have one small settlement in the north, next to Brettonia. Might take that in the next war... ;)

    Meanwhile the War against Chaos has allowed me to take a LOT of cities in the north, including Kislev. I had to kill a few small Chaos armies but their main forces (Archaon and one other big guy) are fighting Dwarves in the south.

    I wonder if I will be able to hold those cities once the Empire and/or Chaos tries do attack them again. I tend to build them as big as I can with walls and garrisons so they might be able to hold a few rounds so I can get an army to defend them.
    I am still spread a bit thin...

    We will see. :)
    discomute, Captaniser and Papalugy like this.
  12. Papalugy

    Papalugy Well-Known Member

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    I find it best to build military building where you have resources to improve your troops. i.e. medicinal plants for skinks, gold for Kroxigors, temple guard, and cav, etc. This works really well for Kroq Gar as his starting province has medical plants, the one to the south has gold, and the one south of that has exotic animals. I also found Kroq Gar's campaign to be way easier that Mazdamundi's as you have mountains sheltering you in the west and the coast to protect you from the east. Speaking of coasts, no you cannot build boats, but do keep you I open for treasures in the sea as they are a great way to supplement your economy. Temporary treaties are absolutely a thing you should consider, after all Tomb Kings are definitely better than Dark Elves and Skaven. Also you will not be forced into war with them due to the ritual.
  13. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    Great advice. I had decided on easy, but you are making me rethink things. Then again, I would have needed twice the amount of armies to withstand what happened last time on moderate.

    What do you mean "improve the troops"? I thought you just built military chains in order to be able to build them?

    edit: if I can't build boats, how do I attack ulthuan?
  14. Papalugy

    Papalugy Well-Known Member

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    So when you have say the resource medicinal plants build built and upgraded it will grant experience levels (the little chevrons on the unit cards) to skinks recruited in that province. So it behoves you to build the units in the provinces where they will have the most chevrons. As for invading Ulthuan, all army can sail and fight on the seas. However, all battles on the seas are auto resolve only.
    discomute likes this.
  15. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    How can my army said if I can't build boats?
    edit - just googled this. Wow I never would have guessed that armies can just move across water. Righteo.

    PS. I hated navy battles in Shogun 2 and auto resolved them all. I am glad they are auto resolve here...though I have to say the computer does very unfair auto resolves in my opinion!
  16. Papalugy

    Papalugy Well-Known Member

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    Yah the AI auto resolve bonuses are just stupid. I've lost count of the times when the auto resolve said I was going to be crushed then I fight it manually and the balance bar says its even, then I proceed to curb stomp the AI's army cause its like 50% ranged units or something stupid like that..
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  17. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    I don't remember Shogun 2 being like that. Is that a TW:W thing, or is there another reason like I used to be quite bad at Shogun 2?
  18. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Hmmm maybe TW:W has so many different units (compared to real life medieval armies, which I assume Shogun2 does) so that might make it harder to compute. Or maybe TW:W just wants you to play more battles manually?
    I tend to auto-resolve battles that are more than 75% in my favour, especially sieges since I don't like the damn clunky movement on the walls. So for big sieges I just put two armies there and attack with such overwhelming numbers that I can win it more easily.

    Meanwhile in the Old World:
    Turn 250 and the Vampire Counts decided to finally kill Mousselin and take their cities. I raged when I saw that they only paid me 350 for being my vassals, despite having two ports and other stuff that all taken together granted an income of at least 1500, and also everyone hated me for allying with them. my main force led by Mannfred took their two main cities.
    The last remaining not-confederate Dwarf faction nearby wants me to fight the Wood Elves but I will try to postpone that at bit.
    Karl Franz and me are fighting Chaos like madmen up in the North, and we are winning most of the time.
    I am still recruting two new armies, because there is a Lord of Change running around in the south with his army and he has literally killed the whole Greenskins and more than half of the Dwarven cities and is moving closer to me. My problem is: How am I supposed to fight a war down there in the south? I cannot take cities there so I will suffer from atrition all the time and have no reinforcements. The first thing can be prevented by using the raiding stance I guess, although then I won't catch him as I become very slow, but without reinforcements... I guess I will have to wait until either the Dwarves kick his butt or he moves closer to me.
    ....Or maybe I can use the grave sites created by battles to raise some stuff....
    Papalugy and Captaniser like this.
  19. Papalugy

    Papalugy Well-Known Member

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    Part of it must be the sheer amount of unit variety, but part of it is that certain races get bigger auto resolve bonuses (like the Dwarves). Honestly most AI armies are fairly balanced its just occasionally you get these really stupid ones, and I've just played enough TW:W that I've lost count.

    @Aginor Yah the sieges suck compared to Rome 2 and the (lack of) Settlement battles are even worse. I've had settlement battles where as the defender I was forced to deploy on the down slope of a hill that was covered in trees. That meant the attacking army had all the advantages, the stupidity it made me so angry I literally turned off my computer.
  20. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Ok at least that hasn't happened to me yet.
    In fact I have played four or five siege battles (as the attacker) and I won all of them, but the way units move on walls made me super angry.
    I haven't played a siege battle as a defender yet, either I counter-attacked the attacking army before it reched my city, or they were so overwhelmingly superior that I auto-lost it. :D

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