9th Age New to 9th list

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Baggies, Feb 19, 2018.

  1. Baggies
    Cold One

    Baggies Member

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    taking this list on sat, what do you guys think

    + Characters

    Caiman Ancient Battle Standard Bearer, Halberd, Special Equipment

    Saurian Warlord Alpha Carnosaur, Army General, Shield
    . Special Equipment: Serrated Scales, Spirit of the Stampede

    Skink Priest Druidism, Light Armour, Skink Palanquin, Wizard Apprentice
    . Special Equipment: Jade Staff, Sun Tablet

    + Core +

    Saurian Warriors : Champion, Musician, 35x Saurian Warrior, Serpent, Spears, Standard Bearer

    + Special +

    Caimans 10x Caiman, Champion, Halberd, Musician, Standard Bearer

    + Jungle Guerrilla +

    Ramphodon Riders : 3x Ramphodon Rider

    Skink Hunters Blowpipe, 11x Skink Hunter

    Skink Hunters Blowpipe, 10x Skink Hunter

    Weapon Beasts Salamander

    Weapon Beasts Salamander

    + Thunder Lizards +

    Thyroscutus Sun Engine

    Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
  2. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    The shield won't do you any good defensively (you'll be using the mount's Defensive Characteristics) - is it only there for the Serrate Scales? Not a bad idea at all, it looks like that's the only thing that can get us +2 Attacks.

    It looks like you're skipping Special Equipment on the Caiman Ancient, is that correct?

    The big Warrior block, alongside the huge Caiman block, looks like it could be a lot of fun. With the Caimans, Alpha Carno, and Rhamphs, you've got a lot of fast-moving, hard-hitting stuff. The big Warrior unit and the Thyro are both good anchors, so this is a list that would lend itself well to a refused flank - not the Deployment type, but the strategy: Deploy the Warriors and Thyro to the middle, and the three big guns all on one flank. Let your skirmishers slow down the far flank, while your Warriors and Thyro hold up the middle, and hit the near flank with everything. If it goes well, you'll destroy one flank and be able to turn and run through his army, taking on a few units at a time.

    What's the thinking behind your magic set-up? Sun Engine, Druidism, Apprentice instead of Adept, Jade Staff, etc.?
  3. Baggies
    Cold One

    Baggies Member

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    I was thinking of the 4+ 5+ regen to be honest from the magic, and healing wounds I meant to put adept as well need to make a change there
  4. Baggies
    Cold One

    Baggies Member

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    Updated list gone up to 5000 points

    ++ Saurian Ancients (Saurian Ancients 2.0 Beta) [4996pts] ++

    + Characters +

    Caiman Ancient Battle Standard Bearer, Halberd, Special Equipment

    Saurian Warlord Alpha Carnosaur, Army General, Shield
    . Special Equipment: Serrated Scales, Spirit of the Stampede

    Skink Captain on Flying Mount Alpha Ramphodon, Poisoned Javelin (3+), Shield

    Skink Priest Druidism, Light Armour, Skink Palanquin, Wizard Adept
    . Special Equipment: Jade Staff, Sun Tablet

    + Core +

    Saurian Warriors Champion, Musician, 35x Saurian Warrior, Serpent, Spears, Standard Bearer

    Skink Braves [180pts]: Bow (4+), 16x Skink Brave

    + Special +

    Caimans 10x Caiman, Champion, Halberd, Musician, Standard Bearer

    + Jungle Guerrilla +

    Ramphodon Riders Champion, 4x Ramphodon Rider

    Skink Hunters Blowpipe, 10x Skink Hunter

    Skink Hunters : Blowpipe, 10x Skink Hunter

    Weapon Beasts : Salamander

    Weapon Beasts Salamander

    + Thunder Lizards +

    Thyroscutus Sun Engine

    ++ Total: [4996pts] ++

    Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)

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