Ok so this isn't my first post... but it should have been. Basically I started playing warhammer way to young. I was maybe 10. Noone else in my family has ever played so I was left to learn the rules myself. I didn't actually read a rule book until I was probably 17. Even then I just skimmed over it. When I was 20 I played a tournament with a chaos army that I thought was unbeatable only to lose all three games by huge amounts because of stupid technacalities being exploited that I had never seen before (huge units of fear causing wolves charging forward like 12 inches and then being pushed into combat by magic! beating a unit of 5 chosen knights with my chaos lord and out running them!). I stopped playing because I didn't see the point in trying to enjoy a game in which you will only ever play against 100+ handgunners, Vamps, or chaos knights. A year later (present) I realized the void in my life and picked up the rule book. After reading it several times over now I am aware of all the stupid things that people who only get any enjoyment out of the game by beating you at all costs no matter how cheezy their army is can pull and am developing well balanced armies to counter them and will adapt my tactics to counter them. I however, do not get any enjoyment out of playing super cheezy armies so I hereby vow to never play VC, Tomb Kings, green skins, empire, chaos or dark elves. Instead I like the challenge of having to be tactful in my game play. 150+ skinks isn't cheezy is it? But ya, I played for about 12 years without reading the rule book and now that I am playing again I have read the thing like 8 times over to make sure I didn't miss a thing. But I am yet to play a game with my developing army. I'm 21, live in Mesa Arizona USA and work over night at a hotel. Any more questions?
Wellcome regarding chessyness, its not the army thats cheesy, its the player, i play VC, DE, and DoC constantly and have yet to see a cheesy list. the only game with a cheesy list i played was when i wanted to try the skaven SAD list before the new book was out (beucase i never tryed that sort of list before) and that was with my opponenets consent since he was aswell curious of skaven cheesyness. just play everyone you know and when you see a cheesy list say bye
If only we could avoid even that first game with the cheesy player. It's good not to write other players off at first sight though. If you get along despite some unsporting list choices/tactics you might be able to point out that they're not making many friends with those moves, and maybe they'll change their ways. Some people only see gaming competitively when they first get in to things; some people feel better about their lives at the expense of other peoples' fun.