9th Age Snake swarm scouts as living shield in 2.0 BETA rules?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by MJanek, Feb 20, 2018.

  1. MJanek
    Jungle Swarm

    MJanek New Member

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    So I just played first game under new BETA rules, and saw changes in Snake swarms. Venomus Tide now forces charging enemy to make dangerous terrain test. Combined with scout option and unbrekable rule how viable do you think is using them as shield in front of our forces? To deny them charges on our main blocks, force them to pivot into bad positions and soften them before combat. I'm used to deploing them on flanks, but now I'm thinking of 2 or 3 units as mobile shield directly in front of main forces.
    In game that I just played, cheapest block of 2 snake swarm models took 10 guys from 40-model block of Skaven infantry and almost cost my enemy whole unit due to panic test. I admit that was (un)lucky roll, but it got me thinking.
    What do you guys think?
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  2. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    Yeah, definitely. Even if they're just a speed bump in front of your main line, they've become a seriously dangerous speed bump. The more numerous AND the more expensive the enemy model is, the more dangerous they become. I'd still go for the double-whammy of using them at funny angles to set up enemy units for counter-charges, and doing damage to them along the way. But one of these days, I dream of setting up one after another, so that my opponent's heavy cav just charges into one, loses guys, wins, overruns, loses more guys, etc. As long as the point work out in the end, that would be a real devious trap to catch someone in.

    In your game, did you use just one unit of 2? Or more?
  3. MJanek
    Jungle Swarm

    MJanek New Member

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    Just one unit. It was 2vs2 game, 2500 points for player (5000 for side), and I wanted to test a little bit of most units. But now I think I will bring at least 2 units of this guys to every game.

    PS. Note to self - do not underestimate force of spear-equiped Saurus in taking frontal charge. Friend thought that his uber-heavy calvary will ride through them like butter. He was wrong... :D His face when realised that his 2+ armor save is reduced to 5+ - priceless :D
  4. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    Yeah, I had the pleasure of taking a cavalry charge with a spear block the other day. Well, I mostly whiffed my rolls when he charged...but it was ok, knowing that the next round was a grind, in which I still had 2 AP and he was down to Strength 3 Elves...I think spears have finally been made into the tool they should be.

    I'm considering bringing 2 Snake Swarms to my next game, as well..real curious how that will turn out.
  5. MJanek
    Jungle Swarm

    MJanek New Member

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    OK, so yesterday I had another battle. This time I indeed brought 2 units of Snake swarms and deployed them in front of my army. The results were... mixed. :D

    They did took first charges from at least 3 units (2 calvary included) and did some damage with Dangerous Terrain. Moreover, one of them manage to survive first round of combat, and keep calvary unit engage. However, I made mistakes in positioning, resulting in succesfull charge between them onto my salamanders. Also because positioning, second unit which was destroyed allowed enemy to overrun onto my main forces.
    That said, they still managed to slow and mix enemy units to the point, that enemy calvary unit bumped onto own chaos warriors during pursuit resulting in them never getting into Close combat.

    So If you are better at positionig your forces on the table then I am, this strategy can work :p

    PS. On other note, this time I took Scrox block instead of Saurus with spears as Core unit, and now I don' know which one of them is better. :D

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