In the nutshell, she is a lesbian who would like to have a threesome with ,her girlfriendfriend and me. I'm not in that kind of thing, so we paint each other on our body instead.
Want to see the uncensored painting? Of course, due to the assessment of the adhesion of the colors to the skin and their possible side effects. : D: D
[skaven heresy!!!!!!] Never seen one with blue like that, but he looks good though! Well done on that ugly tail, looks nice and slimy
My favorite model is actually both versions of the troglodon. Both been photographed here, but the truth is that I could finally finish and stick to Oracle on top of him.
Hello guys and girls. It's been the best time I've ever been here, so I'll add something from my now somewhat more diverse production.
Great stuff! I especially like the new Oldblood on Carnosaur, that blue with the extreme white highlights looks awesome.