I'm about to go to my LGS later today and pick up the Stegadon model. It's the first big model I've painted. So far everything else I've done is around infantry size. For the little guys, I can blue-tac them onto little dollies so when I paint them, I don't have to touch the actual miniatures. Is there anything I can do similar to the Steggie to keep my dirty, oily hands off the thing while painting? --DF2K
There are lots of ways of assembling the model so it depends mainly on how you plan to do this. For me, I assembled the Stegadon itself before painting with the head being left off, I then used a screwdriver and a large amount of blu-tac and put the screwdriver down the opening where the head clips on with blu-tac at the base of the handle to give me pretty much a headless stegadon lollipop and from here could hold the screwdriver handle and paint the model without touching it. I then painted the head seperate and glued this in place.
i have to paint mine aswell as soon as i'm done with the COC's. i'm probably gonna paint its belly and the base and then glue them together... from that point it will be easy to just hould the base and paint the rest without touching it