First of all I must say sorry for my... 2 and a half month absense? If any of you reading this remember why I left for that ammount of time, things have cooled of a bit. Should be more active. Anyway, some of you may also remember that I didn't have a big army. Thats still true, but to a certain extent. Its bigger, but only by 5 models. I got: 3 Charm skinks 1 Terradon rider 1 Skink priest ( ) I would usually be happy with getting new models, but there are one or two problems. Well, five to be exact... 1. They are metal. 2. I believe they are 6th addition (or whatever its called) because the dates on the them is 2002. 3. The staff of my skink priest is bent... ( ) 4. A charmeleon skink unit is 5-10. 5. A terradon rider unit is 3+... So yeah, if anyone could varify no. 2, that would be great. Only discovered the lizzies during 7th addition. And if anyone knows how I could straighten the skink priest's staff, that would be great aswell. Btw, don't tell me to send it back, I've been told you can't seeming as it came from the internet (SO lame )
The version of model doesn't matter at all. Some people still use 2nd edition models, as long as you like them its fine. To unbend the staff gently manauver it with some force, it should bend easy enough just be careful not to bend it too many times or it will snap.
If you have a pin-vice you can purposefully break the staff and pin it back in the correct position. If it's not too small, that is.
Kk thanks. Gonna try this now... ... Worked And feels pretty solid. Just gotta be careful when handling it. So as long as I like them its fine? Kk then. Painted one of the Charm skinks. Looks quite good. Also began painting the terradon. The paints a bit... Funny, so to speak. Oh, one more thing. Going to... Well, I can't remember where tomorrow and theres a games workshop there, so I'ma take £26 (Enough for a slann-mage priest should I be lucky enough to find one). Theres only one problem, though I am told it doesn't apply to the games workshop. Its a bank holiday. If they arn't open all I'll be doing tomorrow morning/afternoon is shopping with my mum & dad
Good luck, slann isn't essential right off the bat, but if you are planning on playing 2000+ points then diffenitly pic one up.
Got more than I bargained for. First off my nan slipped me £20 just before I left. From it I got the following: 1x Stegadon 10x Temple guard Got back 1 or 2 hours ago, gonna go stick the first mostly-painted temple guard together after I update my army list