7th Ed. 2250 List for RTT

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by SohCahToa, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Hey all,

    Ive decided to dust off my lizardmen army after a long hiatus (the storm of chaos was a huge buzzkill for me), and I thought what better way to adjust to 7th addition rules than enter myself into a RTT ;) . As far as I know, there are about 60 different players with a majority bringing dwarves, asur, asrai, and vamps (there is no comp. points in this tournament so im expecting all kinds of nastiness).

    I know generally what the new army books bring to the table, but if you think of anything that my armylist has a massive weakness to, a comment would be appreciated. And of course, comments would be greatly appreciated.


    Slann Mage 2nd gen 585 Pts
    General;Battle Standard
    Plaque of Tepok []
    Plaque of Dominion []
    Diadem of Power []

    Scar-Veteran @ 178 Pts
    Great Weapon; Light Armour; Shield; Tlazcotl; Quetzl
    Charm of the Jaguar Warrior []
    Aura of Quetzl []

    Skink Priest @ 115 Pts
    Magic Level 1; Lore of Heaven
    Dispel Scroll []
    Dispel Scroll []


    10 Skink Skirmishers @ 70 Pts
    Blowpipe; Scout

    10 Skink Skirmishers @ 60 Pts
    Javelin; Shield

    10 Skink Skirmishers @ 60 Pts
    Javelin; Shield

    10 Skink Skirmishers @ 60 Pts
    Javelin; Shield

    1 Jungle Swarm @ 60 Pts


    4 Kroxigors @ 232 Pts
    Great Weapon

    6 Saurus Cavalry @ 280 Pts
    Spear; Shield; Standard; Musician
    Huanchi's Blessed Totem []

    5 Terradons @ 175 Pts

    5 Terradons @ 175 Pts


    3 Salamander Packs @ 195 Pts

    Total Army Cost: 2245

    Hopefully the list is pretty self-explanatory. Originally I was fiddling with 2 units of Kroxigors, but have found that the new lores have become much better at can-opening, so I thought to put in another unit of terradons instead to ensure that ill be able to deal with a gunline quickly.

    Also, I was thinking of replacing the salamanders with a Stegadon to draw fire away from my Saurus cavalry if my skink screen gets wiped out to quickly, but Salamanders have simply been too effective recently for me to warrant pulling them.

    And yes, that Jungle Swarm is there intentionally, as ive found that a lone jungle swarm placed in a centrally located terrain piece can cause a disruption well worth its 60 pts
  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Hi and welcome to Lustria-online. Be careful of posting individual points costs for items, thanks :)

    As for the list I think it I a strong one, here is what I think.

    Your Slann is WAAAY to valuable to be running around without a unit. 2nd Gen, BSB, and maxed out on items means you are looking at 900ish VP if he dies. If anything manages to engage him in combat you have no static CR, no means of generating kills, and no protection against fear or terror. Even a small unit of saurus with the BSoTlazcotl will serve you well I think.

    Why is the BSoTlazcotl on the JSoD? I think the BSoSotek would serve him better, the difference between 4 and 5 attacks is quite a lot when try to kill knights, war machine crew and characters I have found.

    Otherwise it looks like a strong list :)

    Great username btw :p

  3. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Yeah, I guess I fall more in line on the lone Slann side of the debate as far as his deployment goes. The idea is that with the skink priest around, I can plop my slann in a woods or some other defensive position, or place him somewhat behind my lines. As long as I use my troops correctly, I should be able to redirect everything away from my slann either by fleeing or wheeling units for altered over-runs. The jungle swarm and the scar-veteran generally stay close to the slann if im playing on the defensive (against shooty armies I dont have to worry about my slann being attacked to much). You'd also be suprised at how manuverable a slann is after playing a long time with him in saurus, after all he can pivot 360 degrees and still move 8 inches, meaning that you can usually get out of a units arc of vision. The only time my slann has ever been engaged by an opponent is from a clan eshin sorcerer's skitterleap, and from now on ive taken the default fire spell whenever i play skaven just in case.

    As far as the JSoD, I use Tlazcotl most importantly because i have had several terrible experiences with banshees and the Dwarven Master rune that makes you charge that specific unit rather than the tasty war machines behind them. He becomes useful in that he can then be the one to charge headlong into the casket of souls or kamikaze into a vamp without worrying about a fear or terror test. Its situational, but I find that 4 attacks at strength 7 are more than enough to deal with his intended targets (war machines, chariots, lone mages, chariots :D , etc.) However, I could just try to make him into a powerhouse and switch out the blessing of quetzl for the blessing of sotek (then only 3+ against arrow fire) for Sotek and just move him up initially with a unit of skinks as protection
  4. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Yeah I find that a unit of skinks is enough to protect him from shooting in the first turn. After that he's usually sent on his way (or even the first turn if my opponent lets the steed of shadows go off ;))

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