7th Ed. 1000 points vs Skaven

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Sebulba, Dec 30, 2009.

  1. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    I finally played my first game of fantasy today since back when slann were carried on palanquins by temple guard! I made quite a few mistakes because I play 40k all the time and the rules can be way different sometomes.

    I had
    saurus with spears
    skinks with a kroxigor
    2x skirmishers

    I also had a JSoD and a skink chief with a dagger of sotek in the skrox

    He had
    storm vermin
    censor bearers
    doom wheel

    and a lvl 2 warlock with howling wind and warp lightning


    The board was divided in half by a river with a single bridge over it which helped me out quite a bit. My opponent made a bit of a mistake because he put his doomwheel way back in the right corner of the table even though we had put all our units on the left. My saurus lined up to march across the bridge while the rest of my army spread out in front of the skaven. It went skrox skink skirms terradons CoR Saurus and skink skirms and across the board globadiers censers storm vermin w/ warlock clanrats doomwheel.
  2. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    Turn 1
    He gets first turn and moves everything up. All of his spells fizzle as he misses the casting costs of both.

    On my turn I make a huge mistake and charge the globadiers with my terradons and the stand and shoot killing two which panics the other and the globadiers pursue (wrong) whichare caught and the skinks skirmishers panic and run. Fortunately, my salamander paniced the storm vermin who flee and run for the next three turns off the board! The censors also panick but rally on the following turn.

    Turn 2

    his doom wheel moves into range and shoots bolts at the skirmishers who are hiding in trees, killing 2. The globadiers move through the woods up to the river bank and then the Deathmaster snitch himself enters the table near the skrox (did I forget to mention him? Haha)

    My turn sees the saurus getting into position and by now most of my stuff is in the river and the saurus are facing clanrats on the other end of the bridge. Shooting kills some rats... But not enough to do anything.
  3. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    Turn 3

    He moves his doom wheel after 3 turns of great rolls across the stream to terrify the skinks and shoot them but they stay. The globadiers shoot at the CoR but don't kill any. The censors charge into the front of the saurus killing 5 but the saurus annihilate them in return.

    I move my skrox forward away from snitch and move my skirmishers up to try to shoot him next turn. My salamander moves to get a bead on the globadiers and eats skinks instead... My saurus charge the clanrats and cause them to flee 12 while only pursuing 11. The flee off the board next turn. The CoR move to the opposite shore.

    Turn 4

    Snitch moves after the skrox. The globadiers shoot at the salamander killing a handler. The doom wheel charges, breaks and catches the skink skirmishers. After the dust settles it is back on its own side looking at my saurus units backside!

    I face the saurus towards the doomwheel and semd my CoR to help. I face the skrox towards snitch and put a wound on him with javelins.
  4. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    The rest of the game was a forgone conclusion. Snitch fails a charge due to fear then charges in, fails to kill the kroxigor which he directed all his attacks against. He gets clobbered back and dies. The doom wheel is apparently impossible to kill with what I have but after killing my saurus and CoR it rolls its third 1 on the misfire chart and falls apart. The globadiers die in a combined charge by the salamander and the Skrox.

    Victory to the Saurus!

    I will try to post a unit by unit review tomorrow. Thanks for reading!
  5. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    Scarvet: This guy was boss. 4 great weapon attacks saw off many units of rats and he might have even killed the doom wheel if the CoR wouldn't have failed stupidity when they were suppose to charge the doom wheel's flank... Haha. I didn't use the charm because he always dispelled it. He was much better than the Skaven heroes and did more than the warlock and Snitch combined!

    Skink Chief: This guy probably wasn't worth his points. The dagger of sotek causes fear in skaven... But so does a Kroxigor. He was a cheap hero who scared snitch and killed some stuff.
  6. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    12 skinks and a kroxigor: These guys were great! I think I lost 1 or 2 skinks in close combat with the globadiers but they destroyed the unit! The also killed snitch with a javelin and the kroxigor's great weapon. The kroxigor survived all of snitches attacks! Really cool unit.

    15 saurus: MVP for sure. The killed the censors and the clanrats and stood up to the doomwheel for 3 combats.

    5 Cold Ones: These guys didn't really do anything. They put a wound on the doom wheel though and would have killed it if not for failing stupidity. They were suppose to hit the doom wheel in the flank to support the suarus but they drooled instead.. Alas.

    3 terradons: I killed them off first turn... My fault competely. I won't assign them a grade.

    Skirmishers: They did okay, never really got in range of anything but the did hold up the doom wheel while it shot them... Better them then something else I guess.

    Salamander: One shot ended the magic phase of the game and scared off two units... Really cool. I recommend taking these guys. This probably doesn't happen every game though.
  7. Khakorlot

    Khakorlot New Member

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    I don't get how the doomwheel managed to stay in combat with 15 saurus, static CR should've sent it packing (it's only Immune to Psychology, it's not Stubborn). He was probably very lucky with his rolls there, as i've had 12 saurus see off 2 ratogres and a doomwheel in the first round of combat due to CR, which is one of the only ways we can take it down.

    Apart from that sounds like a fun game, nice win!
  8. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    snikch was 1/4 of his army and he is such a crappy character, even if he would have managed to kill teh krox, the skinks would have probably killed him.... he doesn't do much.
    and you got lucky with the salamander :p failing Ld 8 is not that easy... well maybe 7 if he didn't have 3 ranks of SV.
    and the DW is easy to kill with skinks like any monster.... instead of regen it has a 4+ armor save, but other than that its your basic skink target practice monster.... and it should have ran from teh saurus when it charged them in teh front... D6+1 impact hits and 2D6 S2 attacks shouln't be able to beat your static CR and if you get to hit back with spears thats 3+/6+ wich should cause at least a wound... but i guess everyone is unlucky from time to time

    grats for the win
  9. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    Yeah, I didn't know the rules for the doom wheel and after the third round of combat I realized that the bolts were shooting attacks... Which he used Every combat... He was throwing a lot of attacks... The players were so screwy at this GW (To the guy next to me: 'No! You don't automatically cast comet of cassandra!') He wouldn't let me poison his doom wheel either...
    Yeah, his list was kind of screwy. He said he normally takes 8 jezzails and two units of plague monks with one furnace with some other things. He was just trying something different.
    Do you roll to hit with the bolts from the doom wheel? He killed off most of my army with it. Can you poison it? Can you kill it with a S7 hit?
  10. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    Yeah, I really lucked out with the salamnder and killed off the back rank of storm vermin. 7 is pretty easy to fail, slightly less than half the time you do (double 4's or higher fails, 4 and a 3 don't).
    Also, the doom wheel only has an armor save (which is lowered by strength)? And by what you've described it sounds like he was getting 3 bolt shots AND impact hits every turn ('the grinding attack' he called it). I should have read his rulebook... Haha all these rule problems are my fault entirely lol.
  11. Khakorlot

    Khakorlot New Member

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    From my first game against the wheel it looks as if the closest unit to it (friend or foe) get hit by the bolts. I don't think you roll to hit, but instead each bolt does D6 (I think) hits with strength determined by the roll of an artillery die (the one with 2 up to 10, not 5 up to 25) From what I gathered, it's 3 shots against that unit, with the shots stopping if a mis-fire is rolled when determining strength, and then you roll on the doomwheel misfire table (note that they aren't exactly 'bad' misfires, one of them increases DW movement by a D6, and trust me, after seeing a doomwheel misfire 3 turns in a row and get 3 extra D6 added to it's movement, misfires become more of a curse than a blessing).

    So yeah, worst case scenario, 3 bursts of 6 shots at S10...

    As for poison, i'm not sure, is it a warmachine? (If it is then it's immune to poison) Is it a chariot? (If it is, then it isn't immune to poison) I personally never got close enough with my skinks to try, they all got fried.

    And S7 killing it... I don't think it does, in my game it crashed into a wall and only took wounds from what was several S10 hits. We could've played it wrong, I don't know, but i've not heard of S7 insta-gibbing the wheel happening anywhere else.
  12. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    Yeah, the book says 'like a chariot' a lot. Nothing really says 'chariot' so I'd go with war machine. D6 hits though?? Wow, we didn't play that way but I'd believe it. Still, triggering leadership tests on it is key.

    For the skaven players on here (and lizardmen facing skaven) I'll grade his units too.

    Snitch: This guy did really badly. He came on second turn (he flanked instead of appearing with a unit...) and killed NOTHING. 250 points wasted. That and I really dislike named characters.

    Warlock: A level 2 wizard was cool. He got two good spells and I was lucky to panick him the first turn or he could have hurt some stuff. Really low leadership though. A good choice on my opponent's part.

    Storm Vermin: I didn't really know what to say about these guys. They ran the first turn or else they might have done well, strength 5 attacks are cool in a skaven army. Don't know how much they cost, but clanrats with spears are probsbly better.

    Clanrats: Take them, they're great for their cost. Just make them groups of 30, 20 just isn't enough.
  13. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    Poison wind globadiers: These guys were cool. Throw int combat? Toughness test? Skirmishers? Don't know how much they cost but they are a really cool Skaven unit. Their ramge is a bit short though.

    Plague Censor Bearers: Similar to the globadiers. Unfortunately my opponent's champion killed himself with his own poison before he could attack but they charged in and killed 5 saurus. They cause toughness tests just for being in btb contact AND get like 3 attacks each. Really cool and powerful.

    Doom wheel: Really awesome. I still don't know the rules for it but it's a great rare choice. Awesome model, awesome flavor (cheesy flavor... Haha). Must have for any skaven general.

    Hope this was helpful for you guys. I had a lot of fun playing it and I look forward to future battles.
  14. Khakorlot

    Khakorlot New Member

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    Plague Censors are a bitch (my first meeting with them took it's toll, not only because the guy cheated and never took that random test where they see if they kill thesmelves, even when questioned about it) but are easy if you survive the first round of combat. Toughness tests aren't amazingly harsh on Saurus, as they have a good toughness, just watch out for censors that like to hunt skinks, as soon as they reach B2B you may as well remove your unit. (although they have distracted an expensive enemy unit and probably killed something with a stand and shoot)
  15. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    Yeah, skinks will epic fail some toughness tests... Just try to make him charge over his movent to get the stand and shoot. They have something like LD 5 so any panic check will see them off.
  16. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    let me clear a few things up: the doomwheel moves like a chariot but has no descrption of unit type so untill an errata comes out for teh skaven book it is a monster. in each shooting phase it fires 3 bolts to the closest unit within 18" (friend or foe) but can be stopped with a ld test at 7. each bolt deas D6 Wounds, not D6 hits (ergo its a monster killer, quite useless unless rank and file with only 1 wound per model). the bolts fire at the S of an art dice. missfires are either +1 D6 movement, move in a random direction or some hits and -1 D6 movement.

    T tests from globardiers? that doesn't sound right. they have a thrown weapon that allways wounds on 4+ and ignores armor saves

    stormvermin are regular clanrats with +1 initiative, heavy armor and halbeards, with the option for shields. they only get to S4 and they ccost double the points of a clanrat, their use is debatable and mostly a mater of prefference.

    the engineer is quite nice since he can swap for warp lightning (D6 S5 hits +2 if he as a 20 pts item) and the 6th spell (crack's call) draws a line from the engineer 4D6 in a direction and all those hit take an I test, wich can suck for saurus if they are hit from the flank

    clanrats are best used 25-30 strong and they are the basic rat unit, they used to be mandatory in the odl book, now they are just the unit that does what has to be done, everyone takes them.

    as for snikch... normal assassins are barely usefull and cost 150 points... you can give them some magc items and they have poison attacks, snikch has no such thing... he's just crap like most skaven special characters

    the plague censor bearers are really awesome, a bit unreliable due to frenzy, but otherwise awesome... they have 2+1 attacks each S5 when they charge, T4 and they force T tests on everyone in base to base, friend or foe but they only fail it on a roll of 6

    edit: forgo to mention, the doomwheel causes D3 S6 hits in any turn it is in close combat and it did not charge, these are caused at the start of the close combat round (even before chargers, etc) but like impact hits, they are distribuited like shooting
  17. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    So it counts as a monster? I read the skaven book today and it just said 'it moves like a chariot' which isn't helpful. Also, it has a 4+ armor save NOT a ward save...
    Also, it takes automatic hits when it passes over terrain (it went over lots of terrain). Each wound causes it to take a 'loss of control test' as well.

    I don't mean to rag on the guy but for someone who claims to play lizardmen all the time this was a little silly.
  18. Khakorlot

    Khakorlot New Member

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    Loss of control test? That's news to me... It seems like everyday that i'm finding new ways that i've been cheated out of the same game, I still almost won it despite his efforts, ending only in a minor win for him, but it was at the cost of a cavalry squad, (targetted by jezzails with BS4/5 instead of 3/4) a Saurus unit ,(hit by Plague Censor Bearers that never took their tests to see if they kill themselves) a doomwheel that never took any Loss of Control Tests and won him the game by eliminating my scar veteran after harmlessly rolling over difficult terrain, a guy who claimed (backed up also) that my Saurus stayed at a 4+ AS whether in combat with HW + Shield or not, (I lost a good few Saurus to rolls of 3 in combat that should've kept them alive) claimed that his Chieftan had 5 S5 attacks from an augmented weapon, a mundane hand weapon and a tail weapon and also stated that I can't wheel on a charge move.

    Looking back on that game now, I can see exactly where and why he cheated (picking off my cavalry as they were a turn away from getting a rear charge on his chieftan's clanrats squad after I followed his claims that you can't wheel on a charge, not taking any stop tests as he'd need the 6D6 movement he ended up with after so many misfires to take out anything on the board, not taking any auto-hits after passing over terrain (only hitting a wall made him do it, because it was obvious something would happen)

    It just sickens me that someone has to prey on newbies in order to claim wins. I'm also surprised that he couldn't have even fought for a draw, which is (to me) the best game you can play of fantasy, as in most cases it represents the amount of fighting that went on. It's no fun when it's a Massacre or Solid Victory, because not much died, but with draws you can almost be assured that a lot died, and it was a tough but fun game for both sides.

    All i'm gunna say is read every new codex that comes out thoroughly, because if people are gunna go for the new races, then they're going to claim inexperience with rules as a defence for downright cheating, so it's best to know when they're being jerks and when the army book really wasn't specific.
  19. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    forgot about difficult terrain: when the DW moves through difficult terrain i dakes D3 S4 hits (the chance to suffer a wound are low, so you weren't really cheated :p) and if it takes a wound FROM MISSILES it rolls a dice for each wound, on a 1 it suffers an "Out of controll" result on a misfire table and it moves 3D6" in a random direction. when it hits impassible terrain it takes D6 S10 hits (that totally sucks)
    his chieftain actually had S5 witha the warlcok augmented weapon, it adds +1S and +1A, like any other magic item it wouldn't work with an additional hand weapon and the tail weapon is an additional WS3 S3 attack
  20. Khakorlot

    Khakorlot New Member

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    Aye, I knew the S5 was right, but the amount attacks, the use of the mundane HW to increase attacks and the use of the tail weapon with the augmented strength was what I was miffed about. Is the tail weapon also WS3? He was using it with the Chieftain's WS5. (You're going to have to be the forum source of Skaven knowledge, you know :p)

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