AoS 1k List Help

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Skorp, Mar 8, 2018.

  1. Skorp

    Skorp Active Member

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    Hi All,

    Playing in a tournament in a couple weeks and just found out today. Wanting to put together a list quickly from what I have available and would love some help. Would love something skink themed, saurus knight heavy, or a kroak bomb.

    Built and Painted:
    15 Saurus Warriors
    8 Saurus Knights
    Lord Kroak/Slann
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer
    Skink Priest/Starpriest (Conversion)

    Built Unpainted:
    20 Skinks
    5 Chama Skinks
    15 Saurus Guard
    8 More Saurus Knights
    25 More Saurus Warriors
    Eternity Warden
    Oldblood Carnasaur
    Stegadon/Engine of the Gods
    3 Ripperdactyls

    Was looking at Iggy's 1k list in another thread and really liked it but would have to build my Kroxigors and don't have razordons yet.

    Something like the list below would use all models I have built and could be fun. I'm open to building something or buying something, but the more I can use what I've already done the better.

    Skink Starpriest
    10x Skinks with Boltspitter/Shield
    10x Skinks with Boltspitter/Shield
    5 Chama Skinks
    3 Ripperdactyls (Could Swap for Kroxigors)
    Stegadon (Sunfire Throwers or Bow?)

    Total: 980

    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  2. Deynon-Nikus

    Deynon-Nikus Member

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    I have zero experience with skink themed lists, as I go saurus heavy, but this is what a saurus-heavy player would recommend.

    The Starpriest's real value to an army is his serpent staff - this doubles the damage of bite attacks. If you take a giant blob of 15 Saurus Knights, you'll have 2 cold one bite attacks each at double damage, and then if you take a scar-veteran on a cold one, you'll also make an extra cold one bite attack and reroll any 1's on charges. In total, that's 48 cold one bite attacks going off at 3+ to hit and 4+ to wound dealing two damage each, average round you'll be dealing 16 wounds with those before saves... which is a lot of wounds.

    Then they still have their 16 normal weapon attacks each, and then 16 extra bite attacks coming from the sauruses - these have a low chance of dealing wounds, but still deal double damage from the starpriest as bonus attacks.

    You have 16 knights at the moment, just dress one up a little extra fancy or use an alternate head from your oldblood to denote him as the scar veteran on cold one.

    if you WANT To run pure skinks, I honestly have no clue how viable that is right now. The shadowstrike Starhost is a must, as is a bastilodon with snakes, but the starpriest won't really benefit anything from a list like that but the ripperdactyls, which is going to get them focused down fast. Engine of the gods is always good and fun, never used a stegadon, would definitely recommend some salamanders if you want some good ranged support.
    Skorp likes this.
  3. Deynon-Nikus

    Deynon-Nikus Member

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    Here, I made a list I think has potential, especially for a small tournament like this. You will need to buy one more squad of skinks and one more squad of ripperdactyls.

    Allegiance: Seraphon
    Skink Starpriest (80)
    - General
    6 x Ripperdactyl Riders (280)
    10 x Skinks (60)
    -Boltspitters & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (60)
    -Boltspitters & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (60)
    -Boltspitters & Star Bucklers
    Bastiladon (280)
    Shadowstrike Starhost (170)

    Total: 990 /1000

    Leaders: 1/4 Battlelines: 3 (2+) Behemoths: 1/2 Artillery: 0/2
    Wounds: 60

    The three squads of skinks are there to hold objectives, make some shooting attacks and nothing more - only engage in melee with them if you have to. Your main methods of attack are going to be the ripperdactyls and the bastilodon.

    Get the bastilodon where it will be able to hit as many units as it can with it's snakes - lords of space and time from the seraphon allegiance should get him into the right position within a turn or two. Have the skink starpriest cast mystic shield on him every turn and he'll be there until the end of the game, shitting out more mortal wounds than your opponent will be able to believe.

    The Ripperdactyls are going to want to engage an enemy within the Starpriest's serpent staff range, so that the 6 of them do double damage. With the extra damage output first turn arriving on the table 3 inches from a key unit, they're going to murder anything in their way. This is going to be best used on warp lightning cannons to cripple skaven opponents early and easily. If going for a backfield unit in this fashion, consider using your first Lords of Space and Time teleport to get the skink starseer behind your opponent, and then have the ripperdactyls swoop down from the skies between him and the enemy, to really get that shake and bake combo going from an unexpected angle.
    ChapterAquila92, Crowsfoot and Skorp like this.
  4. Skorp

    Skorp Active Member

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    Thanks guys, I'll have to think about whether I want to get more rippers. I do have a model I could use as a scar vet on cold one. A friend also said I could borrow his razordons so those are on the table too. Here are three lists I'm thinking about, need to narrow it to down to one. Shadowstrike seems so expensive at 170 points for a 1000 point list. Is it really worth it?

    Full disclosure this is for the Adepticon vanguard tournament. Not looking to win, but just want to be competitive and not get blown out of the water.

    Option 1:
    Similar to the original post, I think this is the list I'm most wanting to play, but not too excited about building the krox.

    Skink Starpriest
    10x Skinks with Boltspitter/Shield
    10x Skinks with Boltspitter/Shield
    3 Kroxigor (1 Moonhammer)
    3 Razordons
    Bastiladon (Solar Engine)
    Stegadon (Sunfire Throwers or Bow?)

    Total: 1000

    Option 2:
    Same as above but with Chama skinks instead of Krox.

    Skink Starpriest
    10x Skinks with Boltspitter/Shield
    10x Skinks with Boltspitter/Shield
    5 Chama Skinks
    3 Razordons
    Bastiladon (Solar Engine)
    Stegadon (Sunfire Throwers or Bow?)

    Total: 980

    Option 3:
    Saurus Knight Heavy

    Scar Vet on Cold One
    Skink Starpriest
    Engine of the Gods
    10x Knights
    5x Knights
    Bastildon (Solar Engine)

    Total: 980
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  5. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    I like the first list (ofcourse :p) Would use a bow on the stegadon, so you can snipe. Kroxigors are the only heavy hitter you have in melee. The bastiladon can tank. But doesnt destroy units that fast. If you change the krox for chameleons you should have 40 points to spare instead of 20. Then you could add another razor. I love chameleons but would only take them in units of 10. For the third list, would definetly change the enige to the stegadon with bow. Unsupported the enige will be a loose canon.
    ChapterAquila92, Crowsfoot and Skorp like this.
  6. Skorp

    Skorp Active Member

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    Thanks for the feedback Iggy. I think I'm going to go with the 1st list tentatively. Really don't want to build the Krox in a rush, but seems like they are needed for the list. Something makes me feel like there will be lots of skeletons hoards to deal with, so was thinking sunfire throwers, but with the bow on the stegadon I'd definitely play it differently. Any other advise on playing the list Iggy?
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  7. Deynon-Nikus

    Deynon-Nikus Member

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    It allows you to drop your ripperdactyls 3 inches away from the enemy at any time. That's a really, really good ability to immediately deal a ton of wounds to something the opponent might have thought was safe.
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  8. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    If your facing 20+ units the sunfire stegadon is great fun. For 20 man unit it deals aprox 7 wounds at 5+ save. And about 5 wounds in CC. Only downside is you have to be in CC with it to hit 20 man. In the charge turn you have to shoot at 3inch range. So you will be able to make less attacks. Only the melee weapons tend to get much worse when it just has 3 wounds. So you will definitally want to have celestial rites and maybe an mystic shield on it. I would only send it in when I have a good chance of clearing the whole unit. Pair it with razordons and you’re good! Or aim the bastiladon at them as well.
    Crowsfoot and Skorp like this.
  9. Skorp

    Skorp Active Member

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    Fair point, I will have to get 3 more rippers at some point, but not wanting to buy more right now.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  10. Deynon-Nikus

    Deynon-Nikus Member

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    I really don't understand why people prefer the laser beam to the snakes. The snakes are guaranteed mortal wounds if you get it into the thick of things, tying up the enemy and being a giant threat to their most powerful units. It's been the MVP of every game I've brought it to, and can shred otherwise tough units like treelord ancients and other giant, high armor monsters. Takes a ton of pressure off my Carnosaur, and the random wounds dealt to other units is great for getting extra people to flee through battleshock+Carnosaur's bloodroar.

    Remember, ANY time a unit takes a battleshock test, 1d3 extra people flee on a 4+. If you can get enough mortal wounds on a squad of elites, like rat ogres or kurnoth hunters, and there's a carnosaur nearby, on a lucky roll you can kill 1 with snakes and then the other two flee, just for being too close to your other units.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  11. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I normally prefer the laser because it is ranged. That rending attack with two damage at 20" has let me snipe heroes that the snakes would never have reached because of enemy tarpits. Also I think the damage against hordes is better.
    It has its uses.
    Although I have to admit since we can teleport the snakes have even greater potential. I have to play them some time in the near future...
    ChapterAquila92 and Crowsfoot like this.
  12. Skorp

    Skorp Active Member

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    I come bearing great news of a very enjoyable time with the list at the Adepticon PM Vanguard. I went 2-1 starting with a loss against chaos (loss, but first game with the list), a questionable win against stormcast (I realized I was playing the teleport rule wrong in the sense I couldn't use it without a Slann and had overlooked that part, not sure which way it would have gone otherwise, feel very guilty about that), and a win against Nighthaunt (very close game with a major victory at 14-13 and proud of putting to use what I learned about the list from the previous two games).

    My Version of Iggy's List

    Skink Starpriest (General, Master of Star Rituals, Incandescent Rectrices)
    10 Skinks with Blowpipes/Starbuckler
    10 Skinks with Blowpipes/Starbuckler
    3 Kroxigor
    3 Razordons

    Game 1 - Chaos (Minor Loss)
    Battleplan: Take and Hold
    2 Objectives, Major Victory for Holding Both after the 3rd Round
    Otherwise least cost of units lost wins

    Chaos List
    Chaos Lord on Mount
    Herald of Slaanesh
    Herald of Tzeentch on Disc

    10 Daemonettes
    6 Fiends of Slaanesh
    5 Chaos Warriors
    3 Flamers of Tzeentch

    Put most of my stuff near the center. His warriors held the objective while the rest came around the left side. Flamers wrecked my razordons before they got to do anything. Felt like it was over but it ended up being close in the end and I lost on units as I couldn't make up the loss of the razordons. Definitely forgot a lot of rules this game. Lesson: Don't move your units forward against melee armies.

    Game 2 vs Stormcast Eternals (Minor Victory)
    Battleplan: Blood and Glory
    4 Objectives, Major Victory for Holding All after the 3rd Round
    Otherwise most held after 5th Round
    Otherwise least cost of units lost wins

    Stormcast List

    Knight Azyros
    Lord Celestant (General, Staunch Defenders, Mirrorshield)
    Lord Relictor

    5x Judicators
    5x Liberators
    5x Liberators

    3x Vanguard Raptors with Longstrike Bows
    5x Decimators

    Put most of my army on the right side near a mystical terrain feature, one group of skinks on the left hiding behind a building. Most of his army was near mine except for the raptors, celestant, and the decimators on the left near my skinks. The latter group didn't end up doing anything all game. The mystical terrain screwed me over as the razordons couldn't fire once and the bastiladon couldn't fire on two turns. Lesson: Don't put too many units near a mystical feature or its a high chance something isn't firing. Even without firing Bulbasaur was still useful tanking shots.

    Game 3 vs Nighthaunt (Major Victory)
    Battleplan: Scorched Earth
    6 Objectives, Points scored for objectives held at the end of your turn
    If you hold an objective in enemy territory you can choose to remove it from the board for D3 points.
    If tied, least cost of units lost wins

    Nighthaunt List

    Knight of Shrouds (General, Lingering Spirit, Pendant of the Fell Wind)

    6x Spirit Hosts
    3x Spirit Hosts
    5x Hexwraiths


    Stegadon and 10 skinks on the left objective, Bastiladon and Kroxigor on the center objective, skinks surrounding the razordons on the right objective. The stegadon was across from 3x spirit hosts. The bastiladon was across from the mourngul, 6x spirit hosts, and the knight of shrouds. The razordons opposed the hexwraiths. I stayed put on the first turn for the most part. He came to me and damn that -1 to hit from the mourngul is nasty. He ended up taking out the bastiladon and krox and razing the center objective. I ended up taking his left side objective with the stegadon/skink combo double moving the skinks. I razed it for more than him on the D3 roll. So it came down to him having to abandon his center objective to come to me and me rolling more on the D3. Oh, and also the fact that when he came after the razordons and skinks objective with the mourngul it failed a 3" charge with snake eyes and he then couldn't take out the skinks and take the objective. His spirit hosts went the other direction for my starpriest between the stegadon and bastiladon. Lesson: Mournguls are scary.

    Thanks for reading and for the list Iggy. Had a blast and saw some fantastic displays. Sigmar players are the best. The last guy was upset he lost to my noob butt, but was still a good sport about it.
    Crowsfoot, Aginor and IggyStarhost like this.
  13. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    Seems like you had alot of fun! Yeah with this shooty list you need to position well and stay out of threat range. I hold the razors back until I teleport them. Like with the flamers, you shoot and kill them, or they shoot and kill you.

    And did you use the Energy Transference ability with th krox when near the bastiladon? I doest work:D
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  14. Skorp

    Skorp Active Member

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    I did have a lot of fun. You cant teleport without a Slann in the list no? Also was a bummer the starpriests ability doesn't have any good targets with jaws/bites.
    ChapterAquila92 and Crowsfoot like this.
  15. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    Yeah you van teleport once without an slann. The ability does work on the kroxigors, although they dont have an high chance of doing damage, but double is always good!
    ChapterAquila92 and Crowsfoot like this.
  16. Skorp

    Skorp Active Member

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    So if the Krox wound on a six their jaws trap and instead of normal damage you roll off, I wasnt reading it that the priest ability would work in that case?

    Is the single teleport in an FAQ?
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  17. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    It's in the GHB
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  18. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    About the Krox: We have discussed that before and I don't think we reached a consensus.

    Pro argument: It is a jaws attack so why shouldn't Serpent Staff work?
    Con argument: Serpent Staff only affects weapon damage, but this is an ability.

    Single teleport doesn't need a FAQ because it is clear in the rules as written. There is no mention of a Slann in that rules paragraph so none is needed.
    ChapterAquila92 and Crowsfoot like this.
  19. Skorp

    Skorp Active Member

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    I would agree it should work because it is a jaws attack but the way the description of the ability is worded I was reading it as instead of normal damage you do the roll off and in that sense you aren't adding to the damage of the attack, its an ability as you said.

    Glad to hear there's consensus that the teleport should work. My opponent seemed adamant that you needed a Slann and it seemed like he knew the game better than me. I'll have to check in the handbook again when I get home. It seemed to me when I read it again after he mentioned it that I did need a Slann.

    Edit: I did check the handbook last night, you are right of course. I would have won that third round easier than I did, but my fault for not knowing my rules. I was feeling so guilty about cheating, so now I'm glad I didn't and my third opponent just believed he knew my rules better than me.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2018
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  20. Skorp

    Skorp Active Member

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    So I played a modified version of the list at a vanguard tournament at my local GW store this Saturday. Thought I'd post a battle report as I enjoy sharing the deets and maybe it'll benefit someone.

    My List

    Skink Starpriest (General, Master of Star Rituals, Incandescent Rectrices)
    10 Skinks with Blowpipes/Starbuckler
    10 Skinks with Blowpipes/Starbuckler
    5 Chameleon Skinks (substituting for 3 Kroxigor, can't use Woogity Krox at GW store)
    3 Ripperdactyls (substituting for 3 Razordons, borrowed them previously and don't have any yet)
    Stegadon with Bow
    Bastiladon with Solar Engine

    Total: 980/1000

    Game 1 - Ironjawz (Major Victory)
    Battleplan: [Will add if i find packet]
    Objective: Least unit value lost wins

    Ironjawz List
    Orruk Megaboss (General, Live to Fight, Daubing of Mork)
    Orruk Warchanter
    Fungoid Cave Shaman

    10x Orruk Brutes (2x Gore Choppa)
    5x Orruk Brutes
    3x Orruk Gore Gruntas

    Total: 980/1000

    Deployed with Bastiladon and 10 skinks near left side with a mystical terrain feature. Stegadon and 10 skinks in the middle. Starpriest between them. Rippers on the right side. Chamaskinks in hiding. He put everything in a blob on the mid left. My plan was to try and come at him from both sides and surround him, hopefully split him up while whittling him down with shooting.

    Basically worked out, this was my first game ever playing my rippers after building them 2 years ago. They missed a charge and I generally learned they really benefit from the deep strike of the shadowstrike starhost. Without that and with only 3 they were a bit underwhelming. 14" move is nice with fly, and if you can sync up with the toad its pretty nice too. It was fun to play with my toad finally. Wanted to try out the stegadon in melee but probably should have held him back. Chama skinks popped up and assassinated his shaman first turn.

    Game 2 vs Daughters of Khaine (Major Victory)
    Battleplan: Take and Hold
    2 Objectives, Major Victory immediately for Holding Both after the 3rd Round
    Otherwise least cost of units lost wins

    Daughters of Khaine List
    Bloodwrack Shrine (General)
    Hag Queen

    5 Blood Sisters
    5 Blood Sisters
    5 Blood Stalkers
    5 Blood Stalkers

    Total: 960/1000

    He setup with leaders at his objective, stalkers behind, sisters in front. I put everything near the center with skinks and starpriest near objective. Chamaskinks in hiding of course. Bastiladon and Stegadon went up and kept firing at his blood sisters. Trying to get fewer than 5 models within 3" of the objective. It was 40k terrain on this table so his stalkers were 10" up and the angle made it so I could fire on his units near objective but he couldn't fire at me with his stalkers up on the roof and shooting at an angle. Took till the bottom of round 4 but eventually popped the chamaskinks onto his objective and ended the game with him only have 4 units to my 5 units within 3".

    Game 3 vs Nighthaunt (Major Loss)
    Battleplan: Places of Power
    3 Objectives along the mid-line of the map.
    Only heroes can hold objectives, each turn they are on the objective you get more victory points for that objective at the end of your turn.

    Nighthaunt List
    Knight of Shrouds (General, Cursed Book, Supernatural Horror)
    Cairn Wraith
    Cairn Wraith
    Tomb Banshee

    6x Spirit Hosts
    5x Hexwraiths

    Mortis Engine

    Total: 900/1000

    Kind of impossible with 3 objectives and my 1 hero to his 4 heroes. Was expecting the same missions as Adepticon's vanguard, but the store manager couldn't get a hold of that packet unfortunately. Wasn't sure what to do and made a couple mistakes, his melee ate me up cause I couldn't stay back and shoot. Would love to a rematch of this game, but oh well.

    He ended up winning the tournament and I got third place overall out of 8 total. Was a fun Saturday :) Think I would have done better if the missions had been what I expected.
    Aginor and Crowsfoot like this.

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