Looking for a Lizardmen army! Have Tau or $$$

Discussion in 'Trading Forum' started by RiTides Nids, Oct 30, 2009.

  1. RiTides Nids
    Jungle Swarm

    RiTides Nids New Member

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    I am looking for Lizardmen! I'm really hoping to find:

    3 stegadons (all of the same type, either new or old)
    salamanders (prefereably old-style, but either works)
    temple guard
    kroq-gar / carnosaur
    saurus and skinks
    some characters (skink priest with cloak of feathers, other characters)
    possibly razordons or chameleon skinks

    I have a large Tau army, over $1000 (retail price)! 5 Devilfish / Hammerhead / Skyray tanks, 6 Broadsides, 10 crisis suits (7 of which are plasma/missile rifle), 48 firewarriors, 3 pirahnas, 8 pathfinders, 6 stealthsuits, 1 ethereal, 40 kroot, drones... all is painted except for 3 of the Devilfish / Hammerhead / Skyrays, and 3 Broadsides, which I may trade separately since they are not painted. The paint job is a good tabletop standard, and I can send pictures to anyone who is interested.

    If I were to buy lizardmen, I would have to sell the Tau first. I'd definitely prefer to trade, and I would trade in your favor, since I'm the one looking to make a swap :). I currently have one 40k and one fantasy army, and I want to have two of the same system instead, so I can actually get some games ;) since my friends don't have armies at all.

    Let me know if you have Lizardmen, or want Tau, or even better... both!
  2. spacelizard

    spacelizard Member

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    Where are you shipping from? Also, what options does the hammer head have on it?

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