Army Fluff The Glitterspines of Xilixi

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Khakorlot, Dec 30, 2009.

  1. Khakorlot

    Khakorlot New Member

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    Hi, you may have spotted this up at Warseer, and then spot some of the names and think "Hang on, they don't match, this guy is an imposter!" but I want to assure you that i'm the same guy (if you want confirmation then give me your Warseer acc. name and i'll drop you a PM) and that i've just changed some of the names, just putting any minds at ease there.


    The comet spotted by the Skink Priests of Huatl was thought of as simply a sign; however, it was not until the ancient temple city was ruined, that the comet was fully understood. Doomed were those that crossed the gold-strewn path off the mainland of Lustria, those in search of treasures, those in search of adventure, those searching for answers.

    The comet that had crossed the stars that night, impacted upon a small, partially submerged island off the Lustrian coast. The impact, however, did not destroy. Much the contrary. The island re-emerged. The comet had seemingly disappeared, for the impact zone was not that of a regular impact. It was flooded by lava, or rather, surrounded. A huge golden temple sat in the centre of the lava, a single golden crossing connected it to the rest of the island. The impact had also forced the emergence of a longer golden pathway, linking the island to the mainland.

    A whole Temple City had formed overnight.

    When an Empire Armada found an island lying in the middle of their sailing course, they strived to investigate, fearing the forces of Chaos had been at work. However, what they found were pools of lava, although it was not superheated. It was warm, although in a seemingly permenantly liquid state. Although it was not the lava that caused the disappearance of the Armada.

    The first and last things that the crews and soldiers saw, were great reptilian shapes emerging from the pools. The first to appear were unlike the rest, as though greater. Huge spikes of solid silver protrouded from their backs. Shimmering gold scales protected their turquoise bodies. Everything was metallic. Their teeth were golden. Their claws were golden. Even their heads were protected by gold, and tipped with a spike of silver at the back. The others were not as great aesthetically, lacking the gold, although keeping the silver.

    Riflemen of the Empire Armada opened fire upon sight, although their bullets were ineffective against the solid metal protection. As the Riflemen turned in retreat as the reptiles started their advance, the trees began shaking. Small figures were spotted dashing through the undergrowth. Men started falling, their bodies covered in tiny barbs. Loud roars preceeded the charge of several giant reptiles, at least twice the size of the others. Those who managed to escpae to the ships were hassled by smaller reptiles riding on the backs of winged dinosaurs. Sails were torn to shreds. Crewman were hit by javelins, lifted off the ships or torn apart by the attackers.

    A single empty ship was discovered by a routine Empire patrol. Nothing was left, save for a single fallen reptile. It's body was riddled with bullet holes. In one hand was a blowpipe, in the other, a javelin, tipped with gold. The other source of gold, was atop the head of the reptile; or, it was assumed to only be adorning the head of the reptile. Many attempts to remove it soon explained that it was attached. Grown in. Whilst the Empire, and soon other races, knew of a new threat growing in the Lustrian jungles, none knew of how they came to be. None but the Slaan that was discovered slumbering atop the emerged temple by an inquisitive Skink Priest.

    Soon the Temple City was in it's final stages of creation. Mighty Kroxigors built walls of solid gold. Skinks toiled away at forges deep inside the lower levels of the Temple City, melding their solid obsinite with the properties of the gold that seemed to occur (or grow) in the mystical magma and lava of the island. Great ranks of Saurus warriors, each led by a golden scaled champion, bravely fought off intruders, mainly crossing via the golden bridge linking the mainland and the island, but sometimes intruders from the sea. The Golden City now held the most valuable army in the known world. If a raiding party could claim just one warrior casualty, they would be set for life.

    Soon, tales of the Golden City had spread, and attackers came from across the continents to try their hand at besting the Golden Army, each failing; however, larger settlements soon got wind of the city and the army, and the forces mustered to attack the Golden City grew in size each time. Now, the Lizardmen of The Risen Isle must face more than just raiding parties and attacks from small towns, and prepare to repel the armies of Chaos, the ever-growing Empire and their Dwarven allies, risen armies of the Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts, forces of greedy Ogre clans, armies of Elves, each with their own agendas, dark, mystical, or otherwise, and the Skaven; long-time foes of the Lizardmen.

    The Golden City must be completed. The greedy armies of other races must not be allowed to reach the sacred pools. The Old One's plans must be put into motion. The Golden Army must not falter; for if the armies of the Lizardmen fail, it shall mean the end of times for all.

    Due to the post being a bit odd (it keeps spazzing out every time I type, it flicks back to the centre of the post and then down again and does that every time and I can't keep it down) so i'm gunna have to include my second post seperately.
  2. Khakorlot

    Khakorlot New Member

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    Q: Where does the gold come from?
    A: The comet held the secret to creating that. Only Lord Kaiabotl knows truely of how the comet came to possess such qualities.

    Q: Why are their mentions of furnaces?
    A: The furnaces are needed for the process of strengthening the Obsinite. Obsinite seems to react with the gold to form a stronger alloy, but furnaces are required to stop the gold cooling and permenantly hardening.

    Q: Why isn't the lava referred to as hot?
    A: The lava joins onto the gold question. High Priest Chuq'qu and the other Priests seem to think it is imbued or magical in some way, although the origins of the magical properties are debated. Chuq'qu thinks it is a gift from the Old Ones, whereas the younger Priests argue that it is a chaos temptation. Again, only Lord Kaiabotl truely knows.

    Q: How much gold is present in the lava?
    A: From the state of the temple city, is it thought that the gold naturally grows in the lava, else the temple city would've run out of gold long before now.

    Q: How is the gold extracted?
    A: Using obsinite blocks. In furnaces, Obsinite is mixed with the lava until the right amount of gold has reacted and formed the alloy. Only small amounts of Obsinite are needed, as the gold will apply in layers to ready-formed alloys.

    Q: Why aren't the weapons just coated in the gold?
    A: For the same reason that cannons are pulled by crews. Imagine how unweildy it would be to try and hit an enemy with a large block of gold! Not to mention the size difference between obsinite alloy weapons that are mostly obsinite and alloy weapons made mostly of gold. The weight of the former allows large sized weapons that are still weildable, whereas the latter would mean your weapons are going to be tiny if there's to be any hope of them being used properly.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  3. Khakorlot

    Khakorlot New Member

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    (the post died again)

    FAQ Continued:

    Q: How do the lizardmen gain golden scales and spines etc.
    A: This is largely unknown, and there is little information to base any theories off. The only possible way is that the genes of each lizard are analysed and the gold forms instead according to the size, strength and power of each lizard.

    Q: What about silver, what does that do and why does it not occur at other times?
    A: Silver appears to be applied only to living organisms, and from studies conducted in the field, it seems to denote a pre-determined rank to each warrior. You will often find gold spined warriors leading silver spines, but rarely the other way around. It is also to be noted that only gold spines have been seen guarding Lord Kaiabotl, often with no pre-determined champion or higher rank.

    Q: What about other jungle creatures that didn't spawn from the lava pools? Such as Stegadons and Carnosaurs?
    A: Their gold and silver features are thought to come from feeding habits (I.E. skinks or other spawned creatures being eaten and the metal mutating them that way) or from infection upon comet impact. Either way, the rank is still denoted, so Stegadons with golden appendages will be used for Godly Engines and mounts whereas silver ones will be used as attack platforms. Carnosaurs have no denoted rank that has been seen. The only carnosaur that has been domesticated is Olblood Khakorlot's. Although other creatures do seem to respect the Carnosaur more than other beasts, but that is to be expected of Lustria's top predator!

    If anyone has anymore questions, don't hesitate to ask!
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  4. Carnokiller123

    Carnokiller123 New Member

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    lovely story
    it might inspire me to paint my lizardmen like that
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

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