hey guys i just got my first saurus regiment i was wondering if i could get some ideas and get answers to some questions do lizadmen use steel or stone for their weapons? thanx in advance
This is the wonderful part of our beloved hobby. In your army, they can use whatever you want them to use. Most people go for metals and stone but the choice is yours! My lizardmens' weapons are steel looking but that's me.
Lizardmen weapons are described as using a type of super-hardened stone called Obsinite, so a stony colour would be the most realistic; but then again, there's no real limit to what you can paint it, you could paint it bright pink with neon green swirls, but if you want to be realistic then a stony colour is best.
thanx for the ideas is there any other regiments i should grab and is there a way to make the saurus look more aggresive
Unless your good with modeling puddy you can't really make the models themselves look aggresing, you could save all the skull and head bits from units and make a single unit look really BA by decking them out in torphies from enemies past. Red is an aggresive color...