Next up was the mighty Ogroid Thaumathurge! Such a beautiful model, It took patience to paint all the details, especially the tattoo markings all over his body. Quite happy with how he turned out in the end!
It's after completing my Tzaangor Shaman that I finally decided to give the bases a go, going with a snow and rocks theme! Made the rocks using corks, thanks to great suggestions from this very forum, and then used Valhallan Blizzard texture paint for the snow!
Here is a pic of the ''Bosses'' with their shiny new bases, and it showcases the Gaunt Summoner! I'll try and post more pics of the Gaunt summoner tonight, as I think it is a great looking model when painted and this picture does not give him justice at all!
Here are some pink horrors. Those were done in a bit of a rush, as my big february tournament was coming fast, but I really like how they turned out, even tho they may be of inferior quality when compared to the rest of my Tzeentch stuff. I still like em, and it was kind of a big challenge doing so many so fast!
Not much special here, applying what I'd done with the Pink horrors for my blue horrors! And yes, I've painted the flickering flames on their fingers blue for my Pink horrors and pink for my blue horrors
Here are the promised up-close pictures of the Gaunt Summoner! Really like this chap! The robe was painted with varying degree watered down paints and I quite like the result
Here is Lord Kroak in all his glory! This is a great model but it took so much time just painting details like the vines and such. Happy with it though!
That's a nice gradient on the robe of the Gaunt Summoner. I also like the flesh tone on the head. About your Kroak: Interesting choice to use metal instead of stone for the pallanquin but it looks cool! My only point of critique would be the base, it looks a bit empty.
I'd then finish my Priests! Those guys were a lot of fun to paint. The Skink Priest is a conversion from the Start Collecting Troglodon Oracle!
Yes, I thought It would be cool if he was sitting on a big bronze throne! I know what you mean about the bases, my Seraphon bases were the first bases I'd ever done and didn't know much about it. I found the GW texture paints to be extremely beginner-friendly for people relatively new to the hobby like me. Once my other projects are completed, I will probably go back on those bases and add stuff to them, it shouldn't be too complicated!
I admit I am guilty of that myself, my first few dozen bases are basically sand, brown color, sepia shade, and a light drybrush of grey, and that's it. The good news is that it is indeed easy to give them another pass afterwards. Add a skull or rock or some leaves or tufts and they suddenly look an order of magnitude better.
Nice job(s)! Cool idea to use metal for kroak's throne... he's a special individual (being an individual being special enough among lizardmen ...) and so he deserves a special throne to sit on...