AoS New player where to start?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by michael holt, Mar 19, 2018.

  1. michael holt
    Jungle Swarm

    michael holt New Member

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    Like the title say I am looking to start playing seraphon as my local store now has a aos night. I would like to aim for 1000 point and build up but not sure what to buy first to start. I already have the battletomb boom and generals handbook.
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  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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  3. michael holt
    Jungle Swarm

    michael holt New Member

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    Ok will do thank you
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  4. Deynon-Nikus

    Deynon-Nikus Member

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    Two start collecting boxes and you can do no wrong.

    From there, just get what appeals to you.

    So first:

    2x Start Collecting (24 Warriors, 16 Knights, 1 Carnosaur, 1 Troglodon)

    This should get you about 1000 points, and if you use Crowsfoot's methods for the boxes it'll get you even more than that.

    Then when your wallet has recovered, I recommend these in any order.

    1x Saurus Warriors
    1x Bastilodon
    1x Skink Starpriest
    1x Skink Starseer
    1x Slann
    1x Ripperdactyls
    1x Chameleon Skinks
    1x Skinks

    My recommendations are based on my play style, though, so take it with a grain of salt. As always after the two start collecting boxes, I must reiterate, you should get the guys that appeal to you. These are just my opinion.

    The extra Saurus Warriors will give you a 40 block of warriors (preferably with spears for extra reach on their attacks) which you will want for the buffs they get and can receive. Each Warrior attacking 3 times (2 spear attacks and a bite) with 2 inch reach on the spears? That'll win you most combats against other regular infantry pretty handedly.

    The Bastilodon is probably the single most overpowered thing in our book right now. Ignoring Mortal Wounds on a good roll, a great armor save already, and with the Ark of Sotek you can vomit mortal wounds on everything around you like nobody's business. Granted, it's a little random, but it can be a fantastic distraction... especially if you teleport it where it can hit the most number of enemy units at once.

    The Starpriest is capable of doubling the damage of all bite attacks for your units nearby. This is huge, as it doubles the damage output of your knights and carnosaur's bite, and if you get ripperdactyls you will quickly find yourself dealing insane damage to your opponent.

    The Starseer has one of the more fun mechanics in the game, in that you can play Liar's Dice against your opponent for a number of rerolls. These free rerolls can come in REALLY handy.

    The Slann is one of the best wizards in the game. Expensive, but also quite good. Definitely field him in games over 1000 points.

    Now the Ripperdactyls, Chameleon Skinks, and Skinks. These are fun. With the Shadowstrike Starhost you can have the Ripperdactyls descend 3 inches from the enemy, and immediately tear apart something in your opponent's backline they thought was safe. Chameleon skinks teleport around the field, also making sure nobody is safe, and regular skinks are the cheapest tarpit you can ever tie up an opponent with.
  5. michael holt
    Jungle Swarm

    michael holt New Member

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    This is brilliant thank you so much.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  6. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    What he said.also start a painting log, and join in the motivation thread in the painting forum and the "what are you doing today hobbywise?" Thread in off topic gaming related

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