7th Ed. Dumbledore's Army (Video Report vs WoC)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Dumbledore, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Priest - EotG, Lvl 2, Rod of the Storm, DS
    Scar Vet - BSB, CO, Enchanted Shield, Burning Blade of Chotec
    Scar Vet - LA, Sh, GW, Jaguar Charm

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    10 Skink Skirmishers
    10 Skink Skirmishers
    14 Saurus - Spears, Mus, Std

    3 Terradons
    5 SCOC - Mus, Std

    Salamander - Handler

    1500 points exactly.

    The JSOD goes with the spears, the CO Scar Vet with the SCOC

    5 disposable units of harassment and movement control to focus fire on soft targets and set up charges for the three strong combat units (EotG, spears, SCOC). The jag charm is not entirely needed but adds flexibility for chariot popping or mage and warmachine hunting.

    The force is a few weeks off being fully painted but looks sweeeet (needs basing too though I don't have any).

    The list thinned to 1k looks like:

    Scar Vet - CO, LA, Sh, Burning Blade of Chotec
    Scar Vet - BSB, GW, Hide of the Cold Ones

    14 Saurus - Spears, Mus, Std
    10 Skink Skirmishers
    10 Skink Skirmishers

    3 Terradons
    5 SCOC - Mus, Std

    Salamander - Handler

    1000 points exactly.

    Similar idea here.

    Commentary and feedback are very welcome for either list. I will be playing occasionally at my local GW, so will be facing a very wide variety of armies. I may have my first VC match soon, in particular, where 6 DD at 1.5k should be nice, though I hope I have enough CC power to win battles. It should be OK as long as I pick my fights. I know he goes very ghoul heavy at 1.5k, so it shall be a war of poison attacks!

    Edit1: after some deliberation I swapped the skinks for skink skirmishers.
  2. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Re: Dumbledore's Army (1500 all-comers list, and some 1k notes)

    Bumping for a reason: I removed a skink cohort unit (it was in both lists) and replaced it with skink skirmishers.

    I really believe that skink skirmishers are much much more useful for the role I want them for. Skink cohorts could be used as CR units, but I only wanted them as diverters. Skirmishers are way way better at that role as they can move freely over terrain, as well as flee-rally-fire 20 shots*-repeat if needed, not to mention that they can spread out or bunch up if needed to squeeze out of someone's LOS or something.

    *this also brings up the fact that that their firepower is two to four times as much as the javelins with a longer range.

    Magic items (DS at 1.5k and an enchanted shield at 1k) were removed to accommodate for the points needed, also allowing for a few tweaks such as a shield here and there. When it gets to 2k and I should have 40 skirmishers at least it's going to be a real pain pushing those guys around the map.
  3. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Re: Dumbledore's Army (1500 all-comers list, and some 1k notes)

    Thanks for the feedback guys :rolleyes: I should be playing one of the two above lists later today against an unknown enemy, I'll attempt to write a brief summary of how it turns out and an evaluation of the build.
  4. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Re: Dumbledore's Army (1500 all-comers list, and some 1k notes)

    OK I played a very amicable GW staff member and his 1.5k of VC this afternoon. He had:

    3 vampires, 2 being lvl2, the last being lvl1
    3 units of Ghouls
    2 units of Skeletons
    A unit of 6 Black Knights
    A Varghulf
    A unit of 3 fell bats

    He got van Hel's on one guy, and Curse of Years on the other. All the other spells were for raising troops.

    I got Forked Lightning and Celestial Shield, which I exchanged for Portent of Far.

    (Left and right are stated from my perspective)

    There was a forest on each flank, as well as one in the middle of each deployment zone. Each side had small hills in the corners and one side had a hedge by a house

    I foolishly chose the side with slightly more terrain in it and deployed my three skirmishers centrally, with my three combat units (Saurus, Cold Ones, and EotG) bunched near the house. The salamander resided in my forest and the Terradons on my right flank. I deployed like this because his black knights were the unit I feared the most and he placed them far on the left flank with the Varghulf, and I hoped that my skinks could postpone those units while I minced some central combat. The rest of his units formed a steady battle line consisting of two units of ghouls, a unit of skeletons with all the vampires in it, the second unit of skeletons and the final unit of ghouls. His bats faced my Terradons.

    He used ghoulkin to move his battle line up. This was unexpected as I didn't know of that power, and limited the ground I wanted to take.

    I moved things forward and had ineffective magic and shooting at ghoul units with my priest, skinks and salamander only doing negligible damage. His tight battle line meant that redirecting would be a bit dull so I moved my cavalry and engine towards the middle.

    I was pleased with my deployment as I thought that it had left his black knights outside of vampire range, and so unable to march, but they had a banner that allowed them to swiftly swing round the left flank in time to threaten the middle. The Varghulf also moved centrally, being baited by some skirmishers into shooting distance of another set of skirmishers. Magic just consisted of a bit of raising here and there. He moved his fell bats to marchblock my Saurus (it later turned out that he was ignorant of drop rocks).

    My skirmishers peppered the Varghulf with 20 shots, knocking off half his wounds. A few more ghouls died here and there to blowpipes and magic, but nothing important. The Terradons exploded all over his fell bats, both wiping them out and wiping the smile from his face. My engine and cold ones continued to plod centrally.

    Some very good judgment on his part meant that his Black Knights went flying face first into my formation of cold ones. What a lot of F's in that sentence, with far more F's being shouted inside my head, I assure you. His battle-line charged all of my Skinks, who all chose to flee. This left his Varghulf sitting in front of my Engine. Miraculously his Black Knights bounced off of my Cavalry, only managing one or two kills. The Cold One Riders and Scar Vet BSB managed to rip the decaying undead to shreds, obliterating the unit.

    I had a game-turning conundrum at the opening of my turn. I could charge the Varghulf and hopefully have my Skink Priest cut out its vile vampiric heart as a dedication to the old ones, then over-run into an already diminished unit of ghouls. However, if I bounced and the Varghulf survived then my Engine would be open to a fairly large unit of ghouls in the flank. I'll tell you now: I took the gamble and it went to plan... sort of. I charged the beast, set off burning alignment and achieved 12", dousing every unit of his but one in righteous, magical flames! Sadly, I also managed to get four or five wounds on the Varghulf with this magical onslaught, meaning that I had killed it in the magic phase and was now sitting pretty, open to a ghoul unit in the flank and another in the front. Almost all of my Skinks rallied and my Terradons moved to marchblock a couple of his units on the right flank.

    He charged the Engine as predicted, and also charged my spears in the front on the right flank with some ghouls. The skeletons lacking any heroes turned to face my terradons. 18 poisoned attacks resulted in one wound off of my priest. The ghouls failed to kill a single Saurus and 22 attacks later (4 being from my scar veteran) and his unit (who must have caught a blast of sunlight or a slight drizzle of holy water) all evaporated. He tried to magically charge my Terradons, but failed. He managed to kill three Cold Ones with Curse of Years, just leaving the standard and my trusty Scar Veteren.

    From then on it was mopping up for each of us. The Priest survived another round of combat, but died subsequently, just as all of the ghouls got popped by a combination of my Scar Veteran BSB being a killing machine and combat resolution. The terradons enjoyed a round of combat with some skeletons before fleeing to their death. Those same Skeletons had the pleasure of cutting down ten Skinks as they fled. The unit of Skeletons with three Vampires enjoyed shredding a Salamander while watching twenty-two Skinks flee the board over a few turns. He cast Curse of Years on my immaculate unit of Saurus Warriors, and got a wound on the Veteran as well as one or two Spear-Saurus.

    I held two table quarters to his single quarter, and had taken a banner from his Black Knights. Both sides were severely cut down - he had two diminished skeleton units while I had a Priestless Engine, two Scar Veterans (the general on foot with Jaguar Charm being at half wounds), a Cold One Cavalry standard bearer and a solidly healthy unit of Saurus Warriors.

    Overall I had scored a minor victory (395 VPs) and a very enjoyable game.

    My use of skirmishers was poor (though to be fair they did their job in distracting his nasty unit with three vampires in it all game and severely wounded his Varghulf, effectively taking both of those elements out of the game) but I don't think I'll be making any changes to the list. The EotG and Scar Veteran BSB were outstanding, while the both the Saurus Cavalry and Spears were very solid and reliable. The JSOD had no opportunity to shine here as there was no way I was flying him into fear causing units, even though his vampire killing skills could have proven useful. Likewise the salamander could hardly make things panic, and the combination of ghoulkin, Van Hel's and a miscast meant that it had little chance to rain fiery, panic-inducing death on things.
  5. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    Re: Dumbledore's Army (First Battle!)

    congrats on the victory, sorry about not posting earlier, Im not often on the army lists forum.

    I love the list, but is there a reason you've taken enchanted shield when L. armour shield would give you the same bonus for half the points? unless theres already Light armour on your BSB and its just been missed off the list?

    I generally don't run command on the Cold One Cav myself, but the way your using it (with BSB) is great, would really help counteract ranks and if your in a flank or rear the enemies already down by 1 - 2 CR (enemy has standard, maybe out number, you have standard, BSB, plus flank or rear bonus) and thats BEFORE the scar vet and Cav attacks (not to mention the cold ones taking a bite!)

    Again, congrats on your win, and look forward to hearing of more in the future!
  6. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Re: Dumbledore's Army (First Battle!)

    Thanks for posting. Regarding the shield that's sort of just a joke to myself. Basically it doesn't make a difference. If I dropped enchanted shield and took LA and Sh instead I could fit an extra skink in my army, but there's no need. It just gives the same AS but one leaves me with 1493 instead of 1500. Ideally he'd have LA as well but I can't find the points unless I drop the extra handler from the salamander which I might do. The question is is 1 point of armour on a key hero (BSB grants more effective Ld bonus than general) worth panic insulation on the salamanders (you have to lose 2 models to panic with 4 handlers).

    I very much like the SCOC with command and the vet in there. With the scar vet inside they are one tough unit, only really vulnerable to magic or super high strength attacks (ie I suppose a cannon would hurt). The three combat I do have hits hard and the rest... distracts and harasses hard I guess. I might try and squeeze in one or two units of twelve spears (probably without command) when I get to 2 or 2.25k as they are just something you really do not want to fight frontally if you can avoid it. They sort of project a no-go zone 8" in front of them.
  7. pixelsponge

    pixelsponge New Member

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    Re: Dumbledore's Army (First Battle!)

    I think your list is pretty good for the 1500 point range, it's a little hard to judge at least for me since I'm so used using 2250 point lists. Anyway, some changes I might make are, dropping a whole unit of skinks, I think 2 units of 10, the terradons, and the salamander when need be are plenty of skirmishing harassers at that point level. With that 70 points I would probably add a 4th terradon, really make that dropping rocks hurt. I would add the Haunchii banner on the Cold on Calv, with your BSB in there, and that extra movement, you can almost always get the charge with that extra movement. I would also probably go more defensive with your Priest, and replace the Rod with the Diadem of power. Anyway, there are a couple of left over points there, can get the light armor on the BSB to give him a 0+ save.

    That's my 2 cents.
  8. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Re: Dumbledore's Army (more games this weekend)

    In response to pixel I have been considering lowering the volume of skirmishers in my army, but will keep them for now. They performed well against VC last game. 4DD+scroll was enough to manage a magic heavy VC army and rod adds flexibility and a reliable way to kill something nasty like chaos knights. I have been considering tepok instead of rod, which would free points for LA, as it means there's only a 1/20 chance of not getting an offensive spell.

    I'll be heading up to my GW this Sunday to play a game or two and will report back on how things go.
  9. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Re: Dumbledore's Army (Brief reports and 2k list)

    I played two games on Sunday, both against wonderful opponents at 1.5k points.

    The first was a magic heavy high elf list with two bolt throwers and two small units of swordmasters as well as a unit of archers, dragon princes with the banner of sorcery (+D3 PD per HE magic phase) and a hero with a multishot bow on a hawk. He placed his bolt throwers very well, leaving no protection and severely limiting my cold one's movement while he had beasts on one lvl2 and high magic on the other. Although I rolled comet, uranons and portent my priest miscast on two dice on my turn two, ending the phase and preventing my scar vet from flying out and killing a bolt crew and mage as well as taking a wound off of my priest. In his following round I then had the good fortune to have an HE bolt go through the wardsave and straight through my little skink priest's face. My offense as well as my magical defense was then severely neutered and he cleaned up. Massive massacre.

    The second was against a DE player who has been playing for over 15 years and had a very good attitude. We only got to play to the end of turn three, where I had killed his harpies and shades and BSB but he had taken my COR and BSB. I was looking forward to popping his chariot with my scar vet, but sadly time ran out.

    Less interestingly for you guys but more interestingly for me I have miraculously and completely unexpectedly come across £100 and so will bump up my list to 2k. Please give feedback on this list:

    Slann Mage Priest - BSB - (570 points!!!)
    Focus of Mystery (lore), The Focused Rumination (+PD), Higher State of Consciousness (physical immune), The Becalming Cogitation (drop 6's)
    Warbanner, Cupped Hands of the Old Ones, 2x Dispel Scroll

    Skink Priest - Level 2, Engine of the Gods
    Plaque of Tepok, Wardrums

    Skink Priest - Level 2
    Cloak of Feathers, Rod of the Storm

    Saurus Scar Veteran - Great Weapon, Light Armour, Shield

    10 Saurus Warriors - Spears, Musician
    10 Skink Skirmishers
    10 Skink Skirmishers
    10 Skink Skirmishers

    3 Terradons
    3 Terradons
    5 Saurus Cold One Cavalry, Standard, Musician

    2000 exactly

    There are a lot of tricks in there, like the CR2 physical immune slann and the S7 jag charm, the flying, sight-giving skink and the un-marchblockable engine. 570 points in a solo slann is amusingly risky though. Bane head would be nice for a channeling rule of burning iron or something, but scrolls are needed.

    PS: I have some other stuff that can go in the list like a salamander with handler and another 10 saurus warriors and 10 TG. Another battalion of troops will arrive sometime after the new year, and I might move to a TG list depending on how fun I find this one.
  10. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Re: Dumbledore's Army (Brief reports and 2k list)

    One of my local stores is just starting a 1k fantasy league. I played a practice game against one of the organisers who was also playing lizards. Thinking it would be hard I took a frankly nasty list (also of my best painted models) consisting of:

    Priest lvl2, Engine, Plaque of tepok
    Scar vet, LA, CO, Ench Shield, BBoChotec, BSB
    10 skirmishers
    10 skirmishers
    3 terradons
    5 COR, std
    1000 exactly

    He had a very fluffy list with Tetto'eko in it and another priest. To cut a long story short I outmaneuvered him and was very lucky with the rolls (though it wouldn't have changed anything, unless my rolls were catastrophic instead), tabling him in three turns at the loss of less than ten skinks, everything else having full wounds. My engine evaporated his cold ones and my skinks and terradons led his saurus spears into a forest. The mini-league will be filled with DE, Daemons and VC so I built a list to compete with that (plus it was on a 4 by 4 board so there is less room for maneuvering and shooting/avoidance). In the end I just felt a bit dirty, but will keep the list for our daemonic, pointy-eared or undead friends!

    I also played my first proper 2k game with my models against a double steam tank, double great cannon empire list. It only got to the end of my turn two and could have gone either way. He was a fair bit ahead on points but I had only just depleted his four dispel scrolls and was about to lay into his stanks with four turns of spirit of the forge on four PD etc. Hopefully I'll play the guy again and see how it goes. All my skirmishing units loved the terrain and my immune to physical slann excelled himself in being untouchable.
  11. Cole
    Jungle Swarm

    Cole New Member

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    Re: Dumbledore's Army (Brief reports and 2k list)

    Hey Im a newb... so if Im not supposed to post reply's here, go ahead and delete this.

    I have a question for you... what magic lores do you use the most?


    I love your lists and your tactics so I was just wondering.
  12. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Re: Dumbledore's Army (Brief reports and 2k list)

    It depends completely on the opponent's army and the terrain.

    For example death and fire are great against the new skaven. Both do lots of low strength (4 or less) hits for chewing down large units, chipping away at their CR and Ld bonus or slowing down bell/furnace pushers. Death allows you to exploit Ld more by lowering theirs by 3 and making a fear causer/making a fear into terror and the 6th spell effects a large area which is great as skaven tend to be bunched up (censor bearers with a furnace or weapons teams with units). Fire on the other hand is vital if an abomination is taken, and can be devastating if a plague furnace is taken (ie pretty much every skaven army I've seen). Wall of fire + frenzied plague monks + terradons = statistically just over half dead monk unit.

    Death is good against armies with a bit of nasty armour or low toughness (eg HE especially, though all elves in general). The str 1 no armour spell can be brutal against their knights etc.

    Metal is fantastic. It should always be used against WoC, Brettonia, Steam Tanks, Regen Bloodknights (their army is quite easy to spot if they don't have many troops and have BSB in the blood knight unit - say hello to 2D6 no armour saves, no regen S6 hits :bored:)

    Against a lame gunline which I don't feel like playing heavens can actually be a good idea if the terrain is right. If you get comet on your priest (50% chance with tepok) you can hide everything (or at least everything valuable) behind terrain and drop comets on them until they decide to come to you. Make sure you cast each comet with 4PD. At 3PD you have like a 33% chance of success, while at 4 it is just over 70%.

    Shadow can also be good, or beasts against someone completely dependent on a dragon or something. Life and light are a bit more niche.

    Basically choose your lore by looking at your enemy and thinking what you need to deal with by magic.

    PS I've played lots of games since last posting on here. Some 2k games against skaven and about 4 1k games for a small league at my local store. I'll be playing another 3 or 4 1k games this weekend hopefully :) Once the league is done with I'll post some thoughts on them. I learnt a few quite important things about fighting skaven too, which I'll mention.
  13. Cole
    Jungle Swarm

    Cole New Member

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    Re: Dumbledore's Army (Brief reports and 2k list)

    Thanks so much for your input. It seems like your comfortable with your lizardmen.

    It looks like I should just concentrate on building my army around my magic users.

    Im putting together an army right now and I have a scar vet, two units of saurus and and a unit of skinks.

    Are heavy saurus forces not all that great?

    I just need to get an EoTG (picking up the lingo YAY ME! :D ) and Terradons.

    I suppose terradons are situational/war machine killers. Any other advice on target selection with your terradons?

    Leading to my last question: how do you deal with the enemy commander/unit leader/character hunter challenging your skink priest on the EoTG? I was thinking by just flanking and/or charging with saurus and tying to bog down their challenger since he cant change rank position all that easily.

    I would love to hear about more of your games and I'd love to get a little feedback. Thanks for replying!
  14. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Re: Dumbledore's Army (Brief reports and 2k list)

    I'm about to play possibly the filthiest daemon list (kairos, blue scribes, horrors, flesh hounds, flamers) played by a really good tournament player (top ten for his heat in the UK GT thing with DE I think). I'm really looking forward to it and will tell you how it goes. Hopefully I'll be able to put up a good fight.
  15. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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  16. Strim

    Strim New Member

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    Re: Dumbledore's Army (Link to report with LOADS of pictures)

    Good game! I love killing orcs... :) By the way, beautiful slann, beautifully painted, it reminds me of William Wallace and the scots.

    Just one thing, try to get 30 points for another terradon... That unit of orcs would have been slaughtered from running through that unit.
  17. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Re: Dumbledore's Army (Link to report with LOADS of pictures)

    Thank you very much with regards to my slann. Nah I'm happy with two units of 3 terradons. I realised I could have done a different trick with those two terradons. I forgot that they were US4 when I placed them, what I could have done instead was place them in a line towards the board edge so that when the orcs fled and "teleported" through my terradons they would be forced off of the board edge. There was also merit in leaving them alive, as the unit contained both a banner and the BSB, meaning that if I combo charged them with my cold ones and engine (which is what I was going to do when mopping up in the last turn) I would probably get another 200 VPs for the banners.
  18. Starblayde

    Starblayde New Member

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    Re: Dumbledore's Army (Link to report with LOADS of pictures)

    Seconded. Great bit of directional light painting from that orb, I'm half-expecting a bolt of power to fly from it.
  19. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Re: Dumbledore's Army (Link to report with LOADS of pictures)

    Yesterday I got to play the OnG player's WoC army with the same 2k LM list that I used previously. Last game with his OnG I had played honestly quite boringly, being ultra defensive after not realising quite how chaotic OnG are. I therefore decided to be an ultra aggressive lizard this game, throwing things right in schvantselot's little face.

    My list was:

    - Slann, BSB
    Knows Lore, Extra dice, Enemy drops 6's, Immune to Physical
    Warbanner, Bane head, 2 Dispel Scrolls
    - Skink Priest, lvl 2, EotG
    Extra spell, Wardrums
    - Scar Vet, Cold One, Light Armour
    Burning Blade of Chotec, Enchanted Shield
    - Scar Vet, Light Armour, Shield, Great Weapon
    Charm of the Jaguar Warrior

    10 skink skirmishers
    10 skink skirmishers
    12 saurus warriors, spears, musician

    3 terradons
    3 terradons
    5 cold one cavalry, standard, musician

    salamander, extra handler

    I'm not sure of his exact list but he can post it if it's really needed.

    "Left" and "right" shall be from the perspective of my board edge.

    I had left to right:
    terradons behind a wood, skinks, saurus with scar vet on foot, salamander behind a wood, engine by a wood so that it is out of sight of the hellcannon, skinks, slann floating solo, terradons and cold ones with mounted vet.

    He had left to right:
    Tzeench lvl4 on disk, marauder horsemen, knights, hounds, hellcannon, two spawn, 20 marauders with a lovely filler and a tzeench lvl2, marauder horsemen and 12 chaos warriors, another 20 marauders with a nurgle lvl2, his khorne hero general on a chariot.

    He got gateway on his lvl4 while I got forked lightning as the only damage spell on the engine. I chose shadow on my slann rather than metal so that I could be really aggressive with the units.

    I deployed wide. I pretty much always deploy wide, with all of my force in one place.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9IeARuT0uo End of Deployment

    My turn one: on the left I moved up with my terradons to threaten any advance. My skinks and salamanders all gathered into a wood so that they could later be a pain to his advance. I wanted to hold up his knights for as long as possible and hopefully tie up his hellcannon and lvl 4 as well while my slann, engine and cold ones munched the right flank. The saurus unit ponderously progressed to support the right flank. My right flank moved up, trying to keep the cold ones and slann in cover behind the hill somewhat. I moved the terradons far up between the building and the board edge to threaten his juicy marauder horsemen. In the magic phase I used charm and then steed of shadows to catapault my great weapon scar vet to the far right flank in order to threaten his chariot. No real damage was done as he dispelled most things.

    I got extremely lucky as his hellcannon failed its test, moving to my terradons on the left flank, blocking in his knights and preventing any shooting that turn. He moved up across the board and killed two handlers and took a wound off my salamander with flickering fire. His general on chariot was a little behind his lines.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoQxBKd0OVc End of Turn One

    I bombed his marauder horsemen on the left flank as my terradons moved into position to marchblock his knights. The skink unit downed the horsemen to a single brave soldier and his steed. The other terradon unit dropped rocks on the nurgle lvl2's marauder unit as it swooped in behind them. My skinks moved out of the way so that my cold ones could move in position to magically charge the marauders with unseen lurker. I thought that my cold ones and scar vet would muller the marauders with my twenty attacks on the charge, but not enough damage was done and his unit held with static combat res, killing one cold one after I reasonably heavily thinned his ranks. the rest of my magic was not hugely fruitful. I killed one or two of the horsemen on the right flank and my attempts to magically propel my scar vet on foot into his chariot were thwarted.

    His unadulterated luck with warmachines against me stayed strong as his hellcannon shot at my engine with precision aim only to explode gloriously, pummeling schvant's nearby units with loads of high strength hits. Only his warhounds were hurt severely and I am glad to say that they were cooked to the consistency of a fine mist and evaporated along with the hellcannon. His chaos warriors countercharged my cold ones in the flank. I silently crossed every finger and toe on my body, hoping that my cold ones would hold, as that would leave me in position to charge his warriors in the flank with my engine. Due to my scarvet things actually went quite differently. He was on the flank of the unit charged by warriors and issued a challenge, preventing the warriors from hitting him. My four remaining cavalry cut down a fair few marauders while my scar vet enjoyed slicing and dicing the poor champion that took up his call and in the end had overkill to spare. The marauders and warriors both then broke (even though they had not lost by any huge margin), with the marauders running into the terradons placed behind them. Schvant's lvl4 grew tired of his knights being marchblocked and so spewed out a vast torrent of flickering fire at my terradons, leaving only a gently smoking pile of ash. On the left flank he charged his last marauder horseman and a spawn at some skink skirmishers. The poor horseman got a poisoned blowpipe in the eye only for the spawn to roll 7 attacks, chop the skinks furiously and then run them down. The right flank's marauder horsemen charged my salamander, who fled well out of reach.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVWdAjcJDzI End of Turn Two

    My salamander rallied. My engine charged the fleeing chaos warriors in order to force them to flee once again further from combat into a wood. The engine fell short as predicted, now well placed to burning alignment about three or four enemy units. My terradons swooped over the chariot and landed the other side of him past a wood while my cold ones charged the frenzied chaos general and his chariot in the flank. My slann surveyed the battlefield from his throne, serenely floating high on the hilltop. He saw his skink priest attendant fry the last remaining horseman unit with a bolt of lightning, halving their numbers as the arcane fire of burning alignment gently cooked some marauders, lightly sautéed some chaos warrios and took a few wounds off of the chariot and hero. The slann was pleased at this and decided flex his own magical prowess, summoning the opening of a dark pit under the fleeing feet of the chaos warriors. They proved too nimble, and few fell in. Schvant's extended and intensive program of ballet lessons in the chaos wastelands had paid off, damn him. The exalted champion of chaos, blessed by khorne and mounted on a brutal chariot, challenged my saurus scar veteran, anointed of the old ones, to a fight to the death. The two of them then enjoyed a mild pillow-fight together, fighting like a pair of old babooshka ladies with dusty little handbags. Combat res, however, was on the side of the old ones. The chaos general's nerve was broken and he fled through the forest, only to be caught by my waiting terradons.

    Sheridan rallied his remaining chaos warriors and charged his skink-killer of a spawn into my salamander while his knights finally progressed towards the fray without hindrance. His lvl4 also moved towards my forces and cast the notorious gateway spell on my engine, only to... miscast, only to... have it cast irresistibly and then forget the spell! Many S10 hits later and my engine had lost three wounds while the priest had lost one. The spawn chopped up the salamander, once again rolling for 7 attacks and running down the two remaining handlers.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McuQvpGiaCA End of Turn Three

    I charged my engine and cavalry into his marauders (each would only just have been in range, the cavalry probably were out) and my terradons into the flank from the side. I was not sure of how the rules worked up but we just agreed that as the marauders fled the terradons flew past into his spawn and the engine and cold ones fell short. I lost one terradon yet the unit held. My skink priest opened the magic phase by cooking a couple of knights with burning alignment and then attempting to cast forked lightning on three dice, but miscast, ending the magic phase and imploding his own little skull.

    He rallied his marauders and turned them to face my crippled ancient stegadon. He moved his knights up to threaten my stegadon's flank if it charged the marauders. His magic was ineffective as I had nearly as many dispel dice as he had power dice, not to mention that his lvl4 was in range for becalming cogitation.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebgllrre0rU End of Turn Four

    We played the next turn as the last. I charged his marauders with my priestless stegadon, sadly resulting in few impact hits. Their combat res plus a couple of kills on the skink crew forced my crippled stegadon to flee and get cut down. My cavalry meanwhile charged the spawn still in combat with the terradon and cut it to shreds, only to overrun a measly 4" in 3D6 (2" more and they would have hit the knights in the flank).

    Schvants then charged the cavalry in the front with chaos knights, in the scar vet flank with a spawn and in the other flank with the marauder unit. After some furious combat my cavalry held. The one same spawn once again rolled 7 attacks, but they proved futile against my veteran's 0+ save. I lost two more cavalry as the scar veteran annihilated the spawn. We called it game there.

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