Yes, we have full control of the forum and the content. (The only thing we have not had control of was the domain, obviously There is nothing good on TV, so let me give it a go.
@Warden There! That should cover all the links from the posts, flickers, personal messages and signatures. Was easier running the updates as SQL code directly in the database than to write a separate script to handle it. Just had to find the names of the different tables and columns.
I don't really know what that second sentence means, but it looks like the links themselves all work now! Huzzah
@The Red Devil ...thank you for all the work keeping the place going. (*** Panic abating ***) I stumbled over something (well two things) not working. The first was my memory. I had remained logged in for so long I had partly forgotten my password. The second cropped up when I made a number of failed guesses at my password. It tried to connect to a CAPTCHA server, to make me prove I was not a script controlled bot. But it fails to connect and bring up a CAPTCHA puzzle. There is just an empty rectangle. Without the puzzle it just allows further attempts until finally, Silly Lizards remember their secret word. Maybe the SQL query/script you ran has already fixed this? Tiny security issue if not.
Huh, it took a Vermin Lord to get me back in here. (Thanks Matik if you're watching.) Glad you scale-things are still around, losing this place would be too much of a loss.
I was scared. On the DABDA cycle I skipped anger and went to Bargaining. I was even more scared when I realized I didn't have Red Devil's email anywhere outside of Lustria-Online! The few links I tried seem to still be in order. Which is good because re-assembling the Age of Sigmar Index would be inconvenient, re-assembling the Lustriapedia would be very time consuming. Reassembling the 8th edition Tactica Index would be functionally impossible. My grief was beyond tears, as is my relief.
Indeed, we have a staff team that other forums can only dream of. The power of the Omnissiah is great in our AdMech
Thanks for the notice, I have tied the recaptcha to this domain as well, so it should work as expected now. I believe I managed to cover all parts of the system, if I dont remember wrong it was in the ballpark of 40,000 links or so that was updated from old to this domain. No worries, hosting the community forum is not a problem, and I do not foresee that this will change anytime soon.
By the way, do we have any explicit back-ups in case it happens again? So that people don't immeadiatly panick, especially those that don't have any contact info with the moderators and such.
Holy crap I am so glad I can post here again! That was a really shitty weekend as for some reason I didn't get the message about the new domain.
Yeah I just now read it and then went here. Thanks for that message on TGA, it is the only other Warhammer forum I am active on.