Skink Priest on Horned One

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Bibamus, Jan 2, 2010.

  1. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    i converted he chief from teh stegadon kit to a priest and strapped a cold one under his *forum acceptable euphemism for ass* and added some extra horns (thus making him a horned one)
    i'll probably paint the guy tomorrow, but untill then i'd like to ask you guys of what you thing about the following colors on teh model:

    horned one:
    -scaly part: scab red
    -skin part: blood red

    scales: purple
    skin: pink

    i really want a pink skink army and i want my horned one to look different than my cold ones wich are blue, i thought that maybe a red color scheme would give it an aggresive look.
    any replyes in the next 16 hours will be apreciated. maybe i'll be done with him by tomorrow night and i can post a completed picture :D

    thanks in advance
  2. Jaspar

    Jaspar New Member

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    what you could also do for the Horned one is giving the belly side of the cold one a brighter color (fiery orange) and give some drybrush with a little brighter color (blazing orange)

    so that you get the impression that it has a softer belly side and you can get out some nice musceles of your horned one with the drybrush

    you could do the same for the skink but just add a bit white to your pink

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