AoS 3rd Place at Realm Wars

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by LordRibbit, Jan 29, 2018.

  1. LordRibbit
    Temple Guard

    LordRibbit Well-Known Member

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    So I had a pretty successful weekend at my clubs 26 man tournament, wanted to test out my list as I'm off to GT Heat 2 in April. My list was:

    Slann, Great Rememberer
    Starseer, Incandescent Retrices
    Skink Priest, Priestly Trappings, Celestial Rites
    Skink Starpriest
    Engine of the Gods, Coronial Shield

    20 Skinks with blowpipes and shields
    10 Skinks with blowpipes and shields
    10 Skinks with blowpipes and shields

    2 x Bastiladons with Solar Engines
    4 x Razordons

    Heavenswatch starhost


    Heroes 5/6 Battleline 3/- Behemoths 3/4 Artillery 1/4

    Game 1: Total Conquest against Murderhost

    Turn 1: I had less drops so decided to go first, one 30 man unit of bloodletters was the target of the starhost, I buffed my basti's and teleported them, rolling 2 6's to move close to the target unit! My engine got off 6 mortal wounds against his herald, killing him instantly (this stopped his 2d6 hero phase move for the battalion). I pushed a unit of skinks up with my Razordons on the left to take the objective. Razordons shot another unit of 30 letters, fluffed and only killed 3! The rest of my army focused on the other unit and with the basti's charging in killed all 30 in one turn. Good Start.

    His turn: pushed a 10 man unit up on the right to hold his objective. Shot my 20 man unit of skinks with skull cannons killing 8. And then charged! Bloodletters charged my Razordons who in turn shot them, killing 19 and ending the threat to my left. The Thirster charged one of the basti's and flesh hounds the other doing minimal damage.

    Turn 2: I lose priority. Flesh hounds move on my remaining 12 skinks on the left and skull cannons towards my basti's. Chooses not to move his remaining 8 letters on the left in fear of being shot again, very odd. Fluffs his shooting and flesh hounds charged my skinks killing another 4. Basti's trade wounds with the hounds and thirster (taking 9 wounds off the thirster!)

    My turn: Razordons move up my left flank to target the other objective on the left, shoot and kill the remaining 8 letters. Only managed to buff one basti and the engine does nothing. I target the unit of hounds killing my skinks for my starhost, if the hounds kill them then they have an open run on my characters. I shoot and kill the flesh hounds on my right and take some more wounds off the thirster (he uses a blood tithe to heal 6 back). Most of his army is gone now so if I win the priority I'm going to go really aggressive.

    Turn 3: I win priority and the game! Blast off the thirster with summon starlight and engines d6 mortal wounds. Move the razordons close to his 10 man unit of letters holding his left objective, shoot most of them before charging in and killing the rest. My engine charges in and kills the other unit of 10 holding his right and concedes. 2000-0 kill points and a major win!

    Game 2: Battle for the pass against Iron Jaws.

    This was against my mate Jim who came 2nd at the GT Final in October, very good player who knows his army inside out. He had a weirdknob shaman with a balewind vortex which foot of gorked his first oppenent off the table in under an hour (you can guess where this is going)

    Turn one: I go first, buff and teleport the basti's to try and kill his shaman but only take 5 wounds off him.

    His turn: Gets the balewind off and foot of gork 4 times (his buff meant he had an extra 12 inch ranges and +4 mortal wounds on his spells.) Slann- dead Starseer- dead and half the razordons. CHarges my basti's and takes a few wounds off both.

    Turn 2: He wins priority and game over. Gets the spell of 5 times this time. Kills both basti's and the rest of the razordons. Gets a 12 inch charge off and wipes a unit of skinks out. I try to keep going but run out of units in my turn so concede after killing an ork and a boarboy. Horrible but he had to roll very well to do it. We worked out he did 56 mortal wounds in two turns (90 across his first game) Kill points 0-2000 Major loss to me.

    Game 3: Duality of Death against Soulblight

    My strongest mission here with 5 characters and 3 behemoths I should win this if I go first which I do.

    Turn 1 (plus extra turn): Roll an extra turn straight off the bat! I teleport the two buffed up basti's onto the objectives and kill his vampire lord before taking his zombie dragon down 6 wounds. everything else moves up to support the basti's causing some wounds but nothing major.

    His turn: Charges his whole army in, killing a unit of 10 skinks and a few wounds to the slann, starseer and basti's. I take his dragon down to two wounds.

    Turn 2: I win priority and get another extra turn! At this point he calls it as he only has one character on two wounds left.

    Major win to me. 2000-60 kill points

    Game 4: Starstrike against Ironjaws (Tomas not Jim)

    Getting a bit bored of orks by this point but knew his shaman must die pretty quick.

    Turn 1: I got first, buff the basti's up and teleport them killing his shaman and the engine causes 6 MW's to a unit. Everything else moves up slightly to get in shooting range for next turn.

    His turn: Charges 3 units into my basti's and boarboys into my 20 man unit of skinks on my right, killing 14 of them. He's made a mistake of sending the boars ahead of the maw crusha I feel as now its in the middle of nowhere on his left flank. Basti's take a few wounds and cause some back.

    Turn 2: Important priority roll to win as yet again my heroes are a little exposed. I win it!!!! Not only that but get an extra turn which causes him to rage quit despite my best efforts to get him to continue. The game was far from over but he was having non of it. He had had some issues with his last opponent, I think he saw a skink army and thought he'd walk all over it. Hey ho.

    Major win for me 2000-0 kill points.

    Game 5: Knife to the Heart against Ironjaws (Sam not Tomas not Jim)

    By now I think I'll be seeing Orks in my dreams!!!! This is getting silly.

    Turn 1: He gives me first turn as I have set everything up as far away as possible from him and a buff means I'm at -1 to hit his whole army first turn. I buff up the basti's and send them in! Take 4 wounds off his shaman and 4 off his boar boys before charging them both in! Take a few wounds off a unit but that's it.

    His turn: Sam leaves a unit of 10 boys on his objective and charges everything else into my basti's, killing one of them thanks to the horrible maw crusha!

    Turn 2: I lose priority but don't mind due to the mission, he's obsessed with killing my last basti and moves his army towards it. Realises his objective is a bit under defended and moves a 5 man unit towards it but still about 10 inches away from it (excellent). Kills my basti but the rest of my army is untouched (I thought he would split his army and bomb towards my objective but didn't)

    My turn: All or nothing now, Sam has killed the tough stuff so I need to move fast and hope for the best! I buff the engine and Razordons and teleport them behind his unit holding the objective. Shooting and a lucky charge plus battleshock kills 8 of the 10. Here comes the moment I win or lose the game, third turn priority.

    Turn 3: I win the roll thankfully! I teleport my slann and starseer over to buff the engine which kills his shaman. Razordons move within 6 of the objective and kill the last two boys. End of my third turn and I control both objectives to win the major. Kill points 300-560. I did apologise to Sam for the short game but couldn't see any way it would've gone but being smashed off the table.

    I even somehow end up with a favourite game vote! This is worth 3 points so takes me above Jim's Ironjaws into third place. Very happy with the list however could get boring fast but really didn't expect it to work so well. Only played 13 game turns out of a possible 25 so ended up with a lot of hanging about.
  2. Xasto

    Xasto Well-Known Member

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    Great report! That list seems to have great turn 1 potential with all the shooting and the double teleporting bastiladons! (Rolling 2 6's is just disgusting!:p)
    LordRibbit and Ritual like this.
  3. LordRibbit
    Temple Guard

    LordRibbit Well-Known Member

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    That' was pure luck!!!! but a great way to pin armies back straight away
    HeirofCarnage likes this.
  4. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Good report, thanks!
    Some good and bad luck there it seems. I also have been on the wrong side of a Foot of Gork once or twice and understand why you went for sniping them as well as you can.

    ...Now I feel the itch to play that EotG...
    HeirofCarnage likes this.
  5. LordRibbit
    Temple Guard

    LordRibbit Well-Known Member

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    Do it! So much fun when you have no idea what it's going to do!
  6. crazyeye45

    crazyeye45 Member

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    I'm going to have to borrow this list sometime. It seems well tested against the ironjawz and will dumb all over chaos
    LordRibbit likes this.
  7. LordRibbit
    Temple Guard

    LordRibbit Well-Known Member

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    It's a really flexible list, I just need to practise more with it and with the change to the engine makes it work even better now
    crazyeye45 likes this.
  8. Tizianolol
    Temple Guard

    Tizianolol Active Member

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    Ehi!good reports!! Do you remember the Jin ironjawz list with vortex? My friend play IJ and he is very interested:)
    - a question : why he got +4 mortal wounds with foot?:)
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2018
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  9. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Nice report, I'm looking for a destruction army and Ironjaws or Ogres are fav at the moment.

    Have you played against Beastclaw raiders?
  10. LordRibbit
    Temple Guard

    LordRibbit Well-Known Member

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    Its part of a battalion I believe? He rolls a dice for every unit within a certain distance 1-3 +6 to the spell range 4-6 +1 MW
    Tizianolol and Crowsfoot like this.
  11. LordRibbit
    Temple Guard

    LordRibbit Well-Known Member

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    Not with this list but I imagine it would do well being able to focus on 1-2 units a turn.
    Crowsfoot likes this.

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