Hey, I recently bought my first Slaan model and was surprised by the sheer weight of it and how GW expected it to be held up by a flimsy plastic stick. Now, usually i'm not one to be annoyed by these things, as they can easily by remedied by greenstuff... or so I thought. I'm now got a top-heavy toad, held on by superglue and greensuff that STILL tilt down on one side and turns diagonally. Have any other people managed the remedy this with the minimum of fuss? (Minimum of fuss being anything but pinning and magnetising) I've got few extra floating base sticks from my Tau collection, so I was thinking of adding those to distribute the weight more evenly, but it looks slightly odd, and personally, I don't want my Slaan to keep doing this. I also want to know if there is any way to get the metal things on his palanquin to stick. I've tried super glue, i've tried green stuff, and i've tried green stuff with superglue, but I always come back the next day, tap the metal bit and watch it drop off. I have a feeling that this only applies to the Slaan, as everything else i've had to seal with green stuff has stayed together (full metal daemon prince, defiler legs, metal obliterator, bits of Abaddon... the only things that keep coming off are the railguns on my broadside suits, but that's the be expected to the rubbish proportions, the rubbish placing of the slot on the model, and how heavy the gun is). Just adding that i've washed the release fluid off, so i doubt it's that. But yeah, I need something besides pinning and magnets that can holy a slaan together and keep him upright. Cheers.
The only way I could get my Slann to sit as I wanted him to was just to sadly glue him to his base without a flying stand. The 3 horns on the underside help keep him level, luckily I used resin bases for my Lizardmen and his base is raised up slightly in the centre. I did want to originally have him slightly higher but after a few attempts I had to settle for the above, still looks great in my opinion as he is lower and closer to the other troops so he appears to float rather than fly.
I have yet to try this but a few ideas that just came to mind... Mount the Slann on his base on a mini temple/pyramid type structure. Not quite floating but would certainly stick out. Use 3 of the flying base stands to better distribute the weight. You would need to create 2 more holes in the base of your Slanns ride for that. Build some uber cool mechanical device that actually raises up the slann during the magic phase. That will certainly impress the opposition and surely they will bow down in defeat instantly. Build and even more impressive device based on magnets that actually floats your slann perfectly above his base! ... ok now thats just getting a little silly... it is doable though!
To tell you the truth, I don't have any problems with my Slann, I cut off the flimsy end bit of the stand, widened the hole in the bottom of the Slann and hey presto, solid as. My main problem is putting him in my unit of Temple Guard those horns that stick out are a pain.
My plan is to drill a hole and stick a dowel or rod through the model and anchor it into a heap of skulls on the base.