AoS Tactics for Nagash Legions

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Dakash, Mar 30, 2018.

  1. Dakash

    Dakash Member

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    Hi, I have a friend that has Nagash Legions army with Nagash himself, a couple of morghast, a start collectin and some more stuff (now hes going to pick a dragon). Which of our units/battalions are optimal vs them? Which would be a good strategy? I play Seraphon of course and I have a wide miniature selection (and can buy more :D). Thanks for ur help, Im new in the game and im learning a lot in this forum :).

    PD: sorry for bad english, it is not my main language

    PD2: We usually play 2000+ in order he can pick Nagash .

    PD3: My stuff:
    Oldblood on foot
    Eternity warden
    Oldblood/Scarvet on carnosaur
    Scarvet on co
    Skink priest
    Tehenhauin (count as starpriest)

    40 saurus lances
    40 skinks pipes/shield
    5 knights
    20 guards

    X2 stegadon/eotg
    X1 troglodon
    X1 bastiladon

    X3 salamanders
    X3 handlers
    X3 terradons
    X3 kroxigors
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2018
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Depending on the game you will need to kill Nagash, shadowstrike and Kroak are probably your best bet
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  3. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    could you list what kinda tactics/units he prefers?

    In general though:

    Stegadons and bastillidons will probably work well. They have a nice amount of burst to take down his healing and ressurecting nonsense in one go, and the added range helps as well. Those puny necromancers hiding in the back can easily be shot with em. Plus even nagash doesn't like getting several lasers to the face.

    Kroxigor will probably be nice if he likes using the hordes.

    For battleline:
    - guards might be good, I'm not sure how much mortal wounds Nagash's legions have laying around. They'd probably do very well against his rank and file though.
    - A sunclaw will be good if he prefers skeletons. They get -1 rend so his skeleton shields will no longer work.
    - I'd probably avoid Knights though as they will probably get bogged down in his tarpits and get overwhelmed eventually though
    - Skinks are only going to be usefull as bodies for standing in the way (claiming objectives, screening). Their low damage output combined with undeaths ressurecting makes em useless beyond tat.

    Shooting is probably good, so razordons and salamanders will probably pull their weight here as well.

    - A slann for dispelling. Screw those necromancers :p
    - The rest is probably up to personal preference. None of the others have any particular edge over undeath and without a specific tactic there's no reason to prefer one over the other
    Aginor likes this.
  4. theodoris
    Cold One

    theodoris Member

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    Avoid Arkhan with the Cuse of years like the plague , stay at least 19" away from him.

    Take him down with your bastiladon and anything else that can shoot as fast as you can.
    He cost a lot of points, but he can put out 10 mortal wounds easily with his spell.

    I have seen him take out any monster or character that came to close to him
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2018
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  5. Dakash

    Dakash Member

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    Hi, thanks for ur answers! He usually goes with skeletons and knight on the middle, and attack with morghast in a side (and ill bet he will with the terror in the other). Nagash and Arkham stay back and he usually play a necromancer and a banshee too (although he can send nagash to the front if he needs).

    I have thought a combinated attack with balewind kroak poke and teleported knights full buffed with bloodclaw, starpriest and scarvet on coldone combo to make an alpha strike on his strongest units (maybe arkhan) but the sunclaw rend is good stuff, i didnt think it.
  6. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Meh, kroaknado probably isn't going to work too well given undeath's tendency to ressurect and the fact that Kroak mostly has AoE. He isn't going to go above 3d3 on a single target, which isn't reliably going to kill much in one go.

    A fully buffed unit of Knights might stand a chance of killing a priority target, but still needs some luck. Plus, it's a suicidal charge which may not be worth it.

    A shadowstrike host might actually work well depending to take out his leaders as well. Most of his leaders aren't too sturdy and are Reliant on their healing for defense. So a unit of rippers is quite likely to destroy them even without needing buffs. Throw in some chameleons for an extra wound or two and it might work quite well.

    Another idea might be to just ignore Arkhan and Nagash altogether and just annihilate everything else, then focus the objective. 2 models aren't going to win on objectives...

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