I want to have a lot of terradons in my army, i love the idea of death from above. However, i dont really want to be forking out £12 a time from gw. I was wondering wether anyone had seen scratch built terradons anywhere, or built them themself and could tell me how. Im no good with greenstuff btw. If not, do you thjink it would be possible to mount standard skinks on toy perodactlys and paint them up?
I've been thinking of doing the same. I haven't been looking too hard, but I have yet to see any toy pterodactyls anyplace. Anyhow, I think it should work if you can find some the right size.
The thing with using toy dinosaurs from toy shops etc. is that when it comes to GW organised tournies and whatnot, models are expected to be around 60-80%ish GW, so your terradons won't be allowed. Minor conversaions like a head from somewhere else on a full GW figure might be allowed, but when half of the model isn't of GW make, you'll have a very hard time.
I've seen some conversion from saurus (with bretonian pegasus wings). It must be somewhere on the forum (here or on TPV)...