I haven't touched my Warhammer stuff (let alone a paintbrush) in months due to time constraints... I finally decided to do some painting around Christmas and finalized Mazdamundi as well as doing a new skink as a prototype for my next batch. The skink came out well but it's difficult to see the colours on the picture - in real life the difference between the blue of the skin and the black shading and scales is much more visible. Finally I took a picture of my jungle commando skink patrol. What do you think?
I see you had to bend the sides of the howdah to accomodate ol' froggy's knees... Great work on all of them! I can just visualize those green skinks camouflaged in the jungle and then ambushing someone...
I had to rebuild the howdah and used wood as its base. Mazdamundi seems to have packed on the pounds over the past 1000 years or so... The banner is actually made of cloth, that is why it looks like that. Thanks for the comments!
... well Mazdamundi's butt is magnetized so I could conceivably move him onto a new stegadon at some point...
The blue skink looks amazing! I'm not sure if it is what you were trying to achieve, but his shield looks like gems rather than hide which just gives him a very cool striking look. Definitely my favourite model, the others look good too though.