Army Fluff lizardmen story

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by speedygeko, Jan 7, 2010.

  1. speedygeko
    Cold One

    speedygeko New Member

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    In the world Edge Mountains between the south lands and the Bad Lands, lord Stephen of Nuln and his exploration party came across a large pyramid shaped building in a valley that was about 2 miles long and 2 miles wide, surrounded by mountains on all sides except the small opening that they had come through, the building appeared to be in disrepair. And although the party of men where at least a mile away and a thick wood separated them they where very exited. One man said “that ole thin don’t look like a dwarf mine t’me” “or a green skin camp” replied another. After a group discussion, it was near night time and the men decided to set up camp and explore the “artefact” the next day.

    Hua leapt across the jungle canopy swiftly and silently. He and his chameleon skink kin had been following the untamed ones for 4 hours, when the humans set up camp they sprinted to the temple city of xita in a matter of minutes ducking and dodging through the branches as they went. When they arrived they acquired a council with the skink priest theko who decided that the untamed ones should be followed and slain if necessary. So back they went but this time backed up by a group of Saurus led by the legendary scar-veteran xa who was promoted to such a rank at the young age of 136 for the legendary battle of ataxa were his spawn brothers and him held the mountain pass against 250 rampaging orcs in time for reinforcements to arrive. A battle that out of all his spawn kin he alone survived.

    The next day the exploration party’s anticipation got the better of them so the packed up and left the clearing where all 25 of them had spent the night by 6 in the morning. After hacking there way through about a mile of jungle thy where almost there and decided to stop for a breather “Charlie and Thomas, your on guard check the area for orcs then come back. Everyone be careful” lord Stephen said. “The green skins get sneakier by the day”

    Green skins would not have been their biggest worry if the men only new what was watching them from the darkness. With a shrill chirp Hua gave the order for the Saurus to attack. With the loud foot falls and a low growl the Saurus replied. The skinks let fly with a barrage of poison darts killing 4 men and waking the rest with screams of pain and various shouts of “ambush!” “get up and get ready for a fight!!”

    By the time the Saurus had reached the clearing most of the men where armed. The Saurus where out numbered but not out powered. With a spray of red gore Xa cut open a mans chest cavity with a mighty swing of his halberd and knocked another to the floor with his tail before lunging the end of his halberd into the mans chest.
    “re group” the captain yelled as he struck a Saurus in the side the wound dribbled with dark blood the captain looked around him and saw the rest of the party routing or dead. That was the last thing he would see. Hua left the rest of the fight to the Saurus and went back to xita and was promoted to a stalker rank for such a well co ordinated ambush.

    “What this city has in the old ones plans we do not know but rest assured, we will do it well” high priest Theko of xita

    sorry if its a bit grusome lol Tell me if you like it. ;)

    edit: ive made a small story and rules for my character Xa i'll post them if anyone is interested
  2. camo-skink
    Chameleon Skink

    camo-skink New Member

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    i like it.
    any thing with chameleon commando skinks is good. :D
  3. Avenger

    Avenger New Member

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    Nice job. That was a pretty intresting story.

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