Be gentle. This is the first large scale model I've painted in several years, and I don't get to paint much any more on account of the damned children. Images are a bit blurry in places because I haven't worked out how to get the depth of field right on the new SLR that I got for Christmas.
Looking very nice indeed! The stone of the Howdah/EotG is excellent, and I particularly like the purple shading and the Stegadon's skin/scales. As for depth of field, you want to set your aperture for at least f8, perhaps even higher/smaller (depending how you look at it) at f11 or beyond. If you're shooting handheld and this is the lowest/widest f-stop you can get down to, then perhaps change where you're focusing on the image. Use a Depth of Field preview button if you're lucky enough to have one on your camera. If you're on a tripod, of course, just whack up the aperture some and there you have it.
Nice model! I really like the Howdah and the skink coloring on the stegadon. The only thing I could point out is that the skulls on the front seem too grey... perhaps more white would make them stand out more? Other than that, looking good! Do you have pictures of the rest of your army?
that is a stunning model i also would like to see some more of your army have you got any other heroes to show? Geko
Nice, you have very good painting skills. The choice of colours would not quite be my first, but everyone is different. The main problem I have with it is the steg looks a little flat because the scales are not different enough from the flesh. Darkening or lightening one a few shades would IMO enhance the model, but a lot of people do like the one colour models so if it is your style then stick with it.
The steggie looks Fantastic!! I might agree with Strewart about increasing the contrast, but as is I think its wonderful. in fact, could you give me a tip on what color combinations and shading you used on the steggie? Are all the blue's mixes or out of stock pots? Thanks for any advice ~Sandman~
WOW! That's really nice! Not quite 'Eavy Metal quality,but, then who is? I'm not. Keep up the good work, and post more piccys soon please. Cheers, Bez