7th Ed. Army by tactica

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by The Hunted, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    As I promised in my tactics; I would post the army I created in this section.
    So, for the 2nd time, here she is.

    Slann, General, BSB, The Focused Rumination, The Becalming Cogitation, Dispel Scroll, Diadem of Power, War Drums, War Banner.
    Scar-Veteran, LA, Sh, CO, Bane Head, Sword of the Hornet
    Skink Chief, sh, Stegadon war-spear, ancient stegadon.
    18 Saurus Warriors, Spears, Standard, Musician
    10 skink skirmishers
    10 skink skirmishers
    10 skinks
    11/1 skinks/kroxigor, musician
    3 Terradons
    6 chameleon skinks
    16 TG, St, Mu
    1 Salamander

    Now I know there is some room for improvement, but that is part of this tactica :)
    So, the list is designed to be an All-comers (read the tactica for full reasoning behind it all).
    My Slann is set to be defensive, the scar-vet is primarily a mage hunter with a lot of secondary jobs he can fulfill. Skink chief is my main hammer. Saurus Warriors are a solid anvil, they will stand next to the TG.
    Skirmishers, skinks, Skrox, terradons, chameleons and the Salamander are all part of my support. They are all expendable, some more than others, and are there to annoy the opponent. The TG protect the Slann and are my 2nd hammer. They have s SCR of 6, without outnumbering and the odd wound. As they can always march; they are more maneouvrable than one might think.
    So, anyone interested in improving the list?

    Side note:
    I have a lot of active magic defense, the Scar-Vet and Skrox being the main ones. But Terradons, Salamanders and skinks could do it (in that order). Again, it's all explained in the article.

    The Hunted
  2. novatomato

    novatomato Member

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    very solid list so far. I would, however, throw in a few bound items just so that your magic phase can compete against the more magic heavy armies without being particularly magic heavy itself. the two items I am thinking of are the Rod of Lightning and the Blood statuette of spite. Both are one use only but can provide some pivotal support in drawing out those scrolls against magic heavy defense, and are great for forcing some tests on those mages.
    The BSoS I find to be extremely effective as the majority of spell casters I face are only T3 so thats a 50% chance to wound and a 25% chance to kill the mage outright, no need for the SV to go hunting if that goes off on the first turn. If it gets scrolled (very likely) thats one scroll that won't go to your Unseen Lurking Steggie riding Chief. If you wanted to do this you could either give one or both to the Slann, maybe drop the scroll and get the BSoS. OR you could drop the skrox all together (as far as I can see you'd only be using it FOR mage hunting, which you have a fair bit off anyways) and if needed pointswise (I'm pretty sure) a chameoleon, this way you could pick up a cheap level 1 priest with both the BSoS and RoS. with this fella you just use his single PD to go for Portents in the magic phase, if he gets it great, if not oh well no real loss.
    His extra DD can come in handy as well.

    Not sure if that would change the plan of the army or not but just my thoughts.

    PS. you should post a link to the Tactica so that people who haven't read it yet can. It would be beneficial for everyone.
  3. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    good tip on putting the link into the post itself :p Thanks!

    Onto the list:
    Skrox can also be used (in conjuction with skinks and even a Sala) to protect a flank. THis flank has 3 units that can bait&flee, or the Skrox (and sala) could move to the center supporting the TG and Saurii right there. If Skrox get within 12" of the Slann, their pretty powerfull. As posted in the tactics; a refused flank combines the TG and Skrox pretty well. I'm more than happy to drop them, but I thought that a general army list could use them. I'm not a fan of them, but that's pretty well known in this forum :p

    Bound items. Cool idea, will most certainly consider it. I'll wait with adjusting the list untill more people have commented though. It works for 1 magic phase but that could do it. I'm not so sure about the supporting priest yet, but i'll have to think about that.

    The Hunted
  4. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    i don't like the bane head... seems a bit unreliable on a saurus... a slaan with a lore of metal sure, but a saurus? sure it can kill a character but nothing more the way i see it, not to mention he can just avoid your scar vet.
    also, why a shield on the chief? my guess is leftover points but i like to ask questions
    a champion in teh TG units also seems usefull... he can have the sword of hornet [i know its on the scar vet but we're talking general tactics] to reduce the number of attacks coming on the TG once they get charged and/or in the subsequent CC rounds
    also he can carry the blood statuete to maybe kill a caster... a bound spell is expected on a wizard (more or less) but on a champion? almost never
    i'm having a hrd time seing the point of the wardurms. its nice to be able to march but with movement 4 you can't really do much manouvering, and teh TG are hammer unit, they don't need to slide by enemy troops, they need o crush them like the infidels they are
    i don't like ranked skinks. period. i just don't like them, even when flanking something they are more likely to generate that 3 CR they deny back, if not even more.
    no poison, no impressive weapons, no static CR, no armor and most importantly NO TOUGHNESS. any of these makes light infantry usefull, but with none i just can't see their point (ecept frenzy bating but there are better units for that) [this is a personal opinion and should be treated as such, the fact that i hate them does not mean they are useless, i just dont use them]
  5. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Again, interesting options.
    Some thoughts from me, on your thoughts.

    Ranked skinks are only there for redirecting. If (somehow) they manage to stay above US4 (so 5+) they can grag a table quarter. If not, rally and redirect again! this also means my skink skirmishers can do more but redirect.
    Bane head is there to go straight at a mage, 1 wound=dead mage.
    my TG don't need that much movement, but when they do: I want them to move, and I do NOT want them stuck at Mv4, but I want to get either OUT 8". Or IN 8". To boot, they help my skinks rally (they will be fleeing, naturally). I actually like the item, but i'll wait on more reactions.
    The blood statuette on the champion is a very good idea. I actually put the champion in there to let him get dropped. But that suggestion changes some of the matter.
    I love to kill mages. Period. It is one of my favourite things to do. They always try to flee, hide, be safe in some unit. Well now, NOT ANYMORE!
    After seeing loads of list the last week (all over the web, from pretty much all armies) I noticed that the possible wizard-hunters are a dying race IMHO. In al lot of tactica units are described as "wizard hunters" but in every battle report I read, I haven't found real wizard hunters. I like to kill mages. Let me emphasize that. I like to kill mages
    With every mage you kill, you deprive you opponent of killing your units. These hunters can now perform other roles, and kill other stuff!
    My Scar-Vet charges a unit hiding a mage, being carefull not to touch the champion, kills him and gets away!
    More cool things about that:
    He might actually Pin the unit down, holding it in place for another round.
    If he flees and your opponent does not want to pursue, they might pursue you thus getting out of position
    Last but not least:
    If you buy a scroll caddy versus an army who has no/very little magic (dwarves, brets, any army with also 1-2 caddies) your own scroll caddy is useless. Your wizard-hunters are never useless, a unit you solely had to kill the enemy mage can still perform many other roles. Heck, they might just grab a table quarter and that's it!
    I like killing mages. I like active magic defense.

    The Hunted
  6. novatomato

    novatomato Member

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    I'd go with the Blood Statue on the Revered Guardian, its a great trick to pull and means you don't have to get that expensive priest.
    As for the ranked skinks, on second perusal I would in fact drop them in preferance to another terradon or the revered guardian, so you can pop in the BSoS.
    Terradons are great. No debating that, and the optimal size, for me, is four, that way one fella can be dropped without affecting the US5+ rule, plus 4d3 rocks is just that much more effective.

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