My ork nobs are now complete! They were a lot of fun to paint, more so than expected! Bad Moonz: Evil Sunz: Deff Skullz: Goffs: The odd orks out: the Snake Bite and the Blood Ax dudes: And here are the shots of the storm boyz together so you can see their 'kustom rocket packs!
Very cool @Warden They look great The one on the left is right up the alley of @Bowser . Very reminiscent of Bullet Bill from the Mario Bros. universe! I like it!
Something a little different... Custom Warhammer Game Tokens! The ideas for these tokens harkens back to playing classic Warhammer games with my Lizardmen versus my brothers Wood Elves and Beastmen. We had an old GW token kit with wound markers, power stone/dispell scrolls, and others to augment our games. I took it upon myself to make some of my own, based on some exceptional inspiration I got from over at the Garden of Hecate. Here is the breakdown: 20x Wound Markers (the skulls with red bloody numbers on them; each side has either a 1 or 2 to mark the number of wounds suffered ) 10x Dispel Scrolls/Power Stones (blue/purple lightning background with a scroll on one side and a skull on the other) 4x Fireball/Spell Markers (the black flaming skull) 4x Frenzy/Stupidity Markers (the red ork skull marks frenzy , with the clueless green ork face marking stupidity ) I am also working on some flame markers, including a flaming wall to add later. Spoiler: WIP photos Here are the tokens before they were fully painted. They are made out of simple soft foam you can get out of a craft store: Future flame tokens: Also inspired by the artists over on the Garden of Hecate, I made my own token box! Turned out better than expected; it fits all the warhammer and Mordheim tokens I have created so far, including the wyrdstone markers and treasure chests. Box lid: The little Lizardmen glyphs in the background read "Lizardmen R Da Best," in reference to the Lizardmen plaza I made some years ago! Spoiler: WIP Token Box I hope you liked how they turned out! And thanks for the visit @Bowser !
Travesty and woe is upon us brothers! While I was painting my orks earlier this week; it seems an imperial assassin sneaked into my workspace and tricked me into knocking over my green wash jar with my elbow... Lost about half of the product in about two seconds IN ORDER TO PREVENT FUTURE SPILLS (turns out spilling GW washes happens quite often according to some internet posts out there), I have constructed a small device to hold the jar: (made of cheap orky materials: foam board and a used toilet paper roll) I tried knocking the paint jar over again, it is MUCH more difficult to do now, so hopefully I don't accidentally loose anymore product in the service of Gork and Mork! ... ... In other news, since all my Ork Boyz back-banners got temporarily ruined, I finished up a small group of Ork Stormboyz instead: The nob was previously painted, and all ten follow the Evil Sunz clan color scheme. More work needs to be done to finish the bases, and I am thinking to add some designs to their rocket packs as well, just haven't decided what kinds (checkers, spirals, radioactive symbols, more bomber faces, stuff like that).
I lost half a pot of yellow glaze that way. GW pots suck IMO. The Orcs look cool. A bit comic-style to me, but that's perfect for Orcs.
Sepia, agrax earth shade and nuln oil... but the worst was when I knocked down my water glass... Nice orks by the way ...
I once spilled beer on my painting table, and I also knocked over my water glass. Twice at least.... I then decided that I had too much stuff on my table and cleaned it up a bit. I tend to put so much stuff on my table that my actual surface to work on is just 30x30cm.