Strewart seems to be the local pro, but I know some other people out there have used them as well. I got some rare earth magnets from my brother, and first of all, these little suckers are STRONG! The main thing I'm looking for, however, are maybe some tutorials or sites that give tips to place them. I doubt one wants to use an X-Acto to cut the whole, and the drill for my pin vice is a bit too.... tiny.... Help! --DF2K
Have you read through this thread? I think there was something a little more recent, but this was all I could find on a quick search. Have a look through that thread and if you have any more specific questions feel free to ask them. A pin vice seems to be the best tool for the job. I strongly recommend manual drilling when you are starting out, it is easy with an electric drill to go right through the model which is not good.
Except bullet wounds do not often occur in the world of WHFB, they are mainly reserved for 40k! It can tend to just massacre plastic rather than making it look like a wound as well. You need to be especially careful with small things like skink feet.
Well they're thin but they're about a quarter of an inch around. Is there a drill for a pin vice that big? --DF2K
Of course, you can get drill bits in all kinds of sizes. Quarter inch is quite huge if you are talking about the diameter. No way is that going to fit on most models. What exactly do you want to use the magnets for? I mean, for example, the magnets I use on roughly man sized models are cylindars 1/16" by 1/16", which is a lot smaller than your ones.
I was thinking of putting the magnet in the base and putting a sliver of metal (I think you've mentioned paper-clips in previous threads) in a model's foot. EDIT: I just checked the site you get your magnets from, mine are the disc magnets. --DF2K
Yes mate, paperclips work well in models feet. What do you hope to achieve by having models detachable from their bases though? I don't really see why you would go to the trouble rather than using glue. More advantageous would probably be to put the magnets under the base and get a sheet of stainless steel to use as movement trays so you can transport your units as units on their unit bases.
I wanted to use em in the Steggie. But even thin little discs are too big if they're quarter-inch, you say? Dang, I'll have to get some smaller ones. --DF2K
Test this before gluing or drilling, but why don't you try putting the disc on the underside of the howdah and see if a paperclip is still attracted to it fairly strongly? I'm not sure if thats what you suggested before and I just didn't understand. You will probably need to cut out a small hole on the underside so there is space for it to still fit on the steg.
I'll give that a shot. I'm thinking otherwise I'm gonna have to get smaller ones. Thanks for all the advice though. --DF2K
I've mentioned it before, but before you go through all the trouble of magnets and drilling, you take a look at a product called Tacky-wax. It's a sticky, but completely removable wax, so when you want to stick a skink to the Howdah, put some on his feet and stick him on the howdah. When on a base, same thing. I'm doing this with my skink priest so I can run him on foot, and on the Engine. I also use it on my Orc chariots, characters mounted on monstrous mounts etc. Makes them completely moveable, but also really stable. $3 bucks at craft stores.