Did you just repost my Just for laughs meme in the get motivated thread? http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/just-for-laughs.16182/page-360#post-232753
The Pearl Harbor attack of 1941 is a prime example of this. The Japanese never messed about with miniature submarines again The Americans: They pondered why their AAA was not more effective They pondered why they failed to benefit from having radar They pondered why their ships got torpedoed in a Harbor where it was impossible They pondered why all their pursuit aircraft (fighters) were destroyed on the ground They pondered how it was possible to sink a battleship with a single bomb from a single-engine plane Much was learned that day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That which does not kill us... The wound that does not kill me... ...makes me/us stronger. Did Nietzche steal that from a Turk or a Muslim or are all the people attributing: “The wound that does not kill...”, to an old Arab Proverb, unknowingly ripping off Nietzche? Plus, It is untrue (unless there is time to recover). For Individuals: The wound that does not kill you makes you an easier target for the next foe you face. For Armies, Nations, Groups: there might be more truth in it.
But based on the context of the quote they are not using the word "perform" in such a manner. It would be better to look at it as if it was a sport, where practice = preparation and perform = actions during the actual game/contest.