Looks great, got one myself that will be in my March challenge. What new techniques did you try on it?
This was my first go at the ethereal look using a white primer with a green wash, I really like how simple and easy it is to get a good look with it. I also tried some OSL with the flames by drybrushing orange and yellow. This also came out pretty well and I really like how much depth it adds to a model. Finally I also did some freehand on the book, and while not as detailed as I would have liked I'm fine with the results. You'll really enjoy painting it!
Been a long time since I've posted on here because the model I have been working on has taken me forever to do... I painted the Celestial Hurricanum, which, while an incredibly fun model to paint, I would never want to do again. Lots of new techniques were used and I learned a lot about paint management and brush control, so I feel like I came out a much better painter in the end.
I love the Empire Wizards! Your Heavens wizard looks great, as does the hurricanum. Nice starry cloak.
Yes! So many little details that give each miniature a lot of character. The starry cloak was one of the new techniques I tried, thank you
Thank you! I have an ex-empire army for it to slot nicely into but if I didn't need it I'd probably do the same as you, it was intimidating enough to start it when I could use it!
Yeah I have no intention of painting it, will go to ebay this week with a few others and the proceeds will go on Ironjawz, waaaghhh
Smash da humies!! And thanks to the rest of you! I've completed Spiteclaw's swarm from Shadespire. This was my first real go at using NMM techniques and I like how it looks.
Got a troglodon painted up. This has been a long time coming, but it didn't take nearly as much time as I was expecting.
Grey and purple works so well together, that is a great looking Trog, I found the same thing when I painted mine they are actually pretty fast to paint. Nice job, nice base as well