Hi all, I finally moved my butt and uploaded some pictures of my slowly growing army. They are a bit blurry, but until I can use my camera it will have to suffice... A saurus champion: My theme is based on bony skin and red scales, with lots an lots of gold, and some Obsidian, all very tied together with my fluff: My army dominates the city of Chaqua - the city of gold! I still think he should have something on his scales, maybe a white dot on each scale? Tell me what you think, if you can see anything at all... My self made and converted engine of the gods: The steg I made out of an amazing plastic toy I had, and the howdah from wood and some plastic bitz. I'll publish some fluff as soon as I stop being lazy Comments are welcome!
From some reason I cant see my pics, although I put them in pic tags, right from photobucket... I hope you can see them.