Hi, i've just signed up to this so hello to all!! I've had a 6 year break of warhammer but i originally collected LOTR. Now i have bought some skinks, cold one cavalry and some saurus warriors. Its just a start but now i'm well on the way to finishing my skinks and albino old blood. They aint finished yet as i said so here are a few pics (I apologise if they are blurry)!!! I did have an accident with one of the skinks as he came into contact with my knee and consequently broke both legs, an arm, spear and crest; he is all fixed up now but with some pre-battle scars. I'll add some more when they are all completed, i love the blue colour scheme and i'm layering up the crests to a more vibrant green. What do you think i should add next to the army? Would really appreciate some feedback! spidermaNStu
Well next you rea going to need some Saurus Wariors with sprars, because they are just awesome. Hey have you seen the new washes from GW, they are kinda like inks but just work better. their blue wash over that blue would just look awesome.
They any good to use? i used to use inks, but now i just tend to water down a blob of paint and wash it with that. Your army is pretty awesome how long did it take you to paint all that?
Yea I used inks too, the washes are like thin ink that concentrates into the cracks and creveces on the model, basicly they are very easy to use. Heres a good GW article on them... http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/article.jsp?categoryId=&pIndex=3&aId=6800011&start=4 Yea I have been painting that army for a couple of years now... I'm prety slow.
I'll second the washes. Makes lazy painters like me look better than we are. I also like that I don't have to thin them to use them, they work straight from the pot.