As I'm sure many have asked before me (I tried search!), I'm wondering how to make good jungle bases. I'm going for the kind of lush jungle look (if you get my drift) so yeah, any advice would be greatly appreciated. P.s I don't really want to buy them, gotta save on money. Ninjastone
Unfortunately, it's tricky to get good results without spending at least a little cash. Some things you might want to look into are aquarium plants - they're usually pretty cheap, and once you cut them up a bit, they're perfect for jungling up some bases. Also grab some static grass, and maybe some Clump Foliage as well. If you have the old Lustria book, there's some dandy articles in there about how to make Lustrian terrain.
Thanks heaps, that was my plan, some aquarium plants and some foliage, maybe a jungle swarm for some little creepy crawlies . Do you reckon I should paint the aquarium plants? Thanks for your response Ninjastone
Im making my jungle bases of terrarium / aquarium plants, mixed with rocks, big leaves made out of green stuff. The base is mud, made from the GW base sand painted in a wet, brown fashion with random tuffets of static grass. I also use greenstuff to create vines over the rock pieces (rock made out of cork, painted with black, drybrushed with 2 shades of grey). Looks good, not by any means amazing but its pretty easy to do. Love the idea of adding som random swarms to the bases.
If you plan on using a lot of plastic plants you might want to invest in a hot glue gun since a lot of the other glues are prety inefectice on the plastic they are made from.