Impressive work. Those sentry guns came out great too, they look like they could be an official g.w. model imo.
So I'm finally done painting every hormagaunt I had.. Not touching any new hormagaunts for a while now! My gargoyles are still WIP as I haven't gotten the arms for them but now I know which arms to get, I was checking the "Scything Talons" between Genestealers and Hormagaunts. The Genestealer ones where a bit too big for the gargoyles arm sockets so will order some Hormagaunt talons later on. I also have a large Tyranid conversion in mind but dont want to spoil too much of that right now! On other news, after the success of my attempt at working with green stuff I decided I would give it another go with my Space Marines (Primaris). I have long wondered what chapter theme I should go for, but now that I can make my own fur and the amount of Space wolves bits I got I would go for a nordic / viking theme. Not a big fan of Space wolves in general but they are cool however I will try to go for a Bear theme. Here are three guys I gave large fur capes.. What do you think? I will repaint my Marines once I have decided what color scheme to go for. What would go well with brown fur?
Had some extra time to kill so gave all my Lieutenants and my Captain some Fur capes ^^ Also swapped the Captain's Sword for a Warhammer. Meanwhile Puppetswar are taking their time....
Are you doing Game of Thrones inspired primaris Space Marines? This requires a House Lannister version to be made.
I'll try! Will see what color scheme I go for, ordered some new paints this weekend so. And Lannister? Pftss! Backstabbing folk! Plus that would be alot of gold and red. Maybe one day hah
And here are my Primaris repainted and almost finished. Only some minor details and the banner that needs some more paint jobs. Other than that, they are ready to fight! I didn't want to go full on dark armor since my Guardsmen and Tau have that so kept the White armor and redid the blue with dark gray I had, only down side was that the paint was gloss so had to put a somewhat thick layer of GW shade paint to make it look somewhat matt. Dont mind armor parts to look a bit glossy but the fur cant be gloss And lastely and finally.. Puppetswar have shipped my order. Holy moly the wait..
They finally arrived. Only took a whole month to come.. lol. Also got my Tyranid Toxicrene for my upcoming conversion so I got a good weekend so far!
Yeah, I tried around with some heads/helmets I had about but none that I found fit the way I wanted other than the Tempestus Scions heads but since I already have some of those soldiers in my Guardsmen force it didnt feel right to use their heads on these ones also. But I ended up buying some of these heads for them. Spent the night speed painting them. They ended up looking very.. Mechanicus like Edit: Found some servo-skull bits and put them to use. Turned out very well if I may say so myself.
Received the heads for my PDF guys and my other Starter Box. Tried to spend some time outside because it was so sunny, but no wind whatsoever so it was hellish to sit outside even in the shade.. But I managed to continue with my Tyranid conversion and my PDF guys. The heads fit perfectly and they look great! Can't wait to paint them up and see them finished. I won a Tech-Priest Dominus the other day which will look great with these guys I'm sure! Also since the boxer set gives another Broodlord I decided to convert the spare one by using some left over bio-swords from the Hive Tyrant. I was surprised how well it fits and I gave it the hive tyrant tail. I call him a Brood Prince!
Finished off my PDF and Tech-Priest Dominus. They fit together so well! And here are my Genestealer trio! Finished up the "Prince" today, super pleased with it!
And here's my converted Toxicrene. Tried to go for a "Queen" like character for my Splinter fleet. One of the downsides about Tyranids, making "characters" isnt always lore friendly due to them being all under the hive mind. I think Tyranids only have 3 named characters in total.. atleast that I know of; Red Terror, Death Leaper and Old One Eye.
Finally got the bits I ordered weeks ago, an extra trygon tail so I could finish off the Mawloc from the starter box I bought before since I used it's tail for my "Queen" conversion. Apparently the Mawloc is meant to have short claws and fangs but I like to go big! Also tried to do something new with the base, make it look like its coming up from the ground. Turned out great in my opinion, gives it a bit more weight aswell which is good. My Tyranids in its current state. Not sure what else to add, I do want a Tyrannofex and a Carnifex or two. Hm I also got bits for the Vulture from the Ogre Kingdoms. I always liked models with their cybernetic companions, cyber raven and the eagles. So thought I could have my own take on it and went with a the Vulture for one of my Primaris Sergeants.