Army Fluff The Lost City of Xalfu (My army fluff)

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Avenger, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Avenger

    Avenger New Member

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    Amid the sands and dunes of Araby, one usually finds only death. But a few explorers returned from Araby, with tales of giant scorpions, undead warriors, and a large section of desert filled with skeletons, and occasionally fresh corpses. Beyond this area, there is a city few have ever seen, and lived to tell about. This is the lost temple-city of Xalfu.
    In the beginning...
    When the old ones came to the world and created the lizardmen, they recognized the need for forward outposts and staging points. So they created the city of Xalfu. Xalfu was placed on an oasis and the construction of elaborate caves for when temperatures became unsurvivable was instituted. Many of the crusades that were undertaken to eradicate unwanted species in the "old world" were staged from Xalfu. The old ones understood that the typical colorings of their servants would make citizens easy targets, so lizardmen of Xalfu have colors that match the desert.
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  2. Avenger

    Avenger New Member

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    The Lost City of Xalfu (cotinued)

    The Coming of Chaos
    When Chaos came to the world, the Slann of Xalfu believed there was no use in trying to fight the demonic hordes, as they were isolated from Lustria. The Slann decided that to save the city, deception was needed. All of the population retreated underground and the entrances were sealed. The Slann then created a field of invsibility around the caves, which made the population invisible to the deamons. For the duration of the war, all of the City and its spawning pools were untouched by Chaos. When the elves finally stopped the deamons, tradgedy struck. As the deamons were banished, they found Xalfu. As they returned to the realm of chaos, they took the souls of the Slann of Xalfu with them. Xalfu had survived, but at the cost of all of its Slann.
    The New city
    The Survivors emerged from the caves to a surprisingly intact city. The Skink preists decreed that from now on, they and the Saurus Oldbloods would rule the city with equal priority given to the Great Plan, and survival of the city if necessary. For many years, the city focused on survival rather than the great plan. Then, after the coming of Sotek, the city was reunited with Lustria when TehenHauin himself arrived at the city and taught Xalfu they ways of Sotek. Xalfu is now more then capable of enacting the great plan, thanks to its stock of Stegadons, Terradons, Cold Ones, Carnosaurs, and underground spawing pools.
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