AoS 2K List for my first (tiny, local) tournament...

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Christopher, May 11, 2018.

  1. Christopher

    Christopher Well-Known Member

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    On Saturday, 26th May, I'll be playing in a one day tournament at a local shop. Three 2000 point games played back to back, and we have to use the same list for each game. I've never been to this shop, but the atmosphere is supposed to be casual and friendly (Kroaknado is not a good choice, I'm told).

    I'll be using this thread to work out a 2000 point list that can hopefully be competitive against most comers given the scenarios we're playing, which are shown below. Looks to me like mobility will be key in all three, which is a shame, because I was kind of thinking about a Thunderquake.

    Scenario #1
    scenario 1 May 26.jpg
    Scenario #2
    Scenario 2 May 26.jpg
    Scenario #3
    Scenario 3 May 26.jpg
  2. Christopher

    Christopher Well-Known Member

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    Y'know, it occurs to me that this may very well be the last list I write for this edition of AoS. But probably not (I imagine the June edition of this game day/tournament will still run the current rules).

    Here's my first draft!

    Allegiance: Seraphon

    Slann Starmaster (260) [7]
    --Command Trait: Great Rememberer
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (160) [6]
    --Artefact: Incandescent Rectrices
    Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (280) [12]
    --Artefact: Blade of Realities
    Bastiladon (280) [8]
    3 Kroxigor (160) [12]
    10 Skinks (60) [10]
    --Meteoric Javelins and Star-bucklers
    Shadowstrike Starhost (170)
    Skink Starpriest
    10 Skinks (60) [10]
    --Meteoric Javelins and Star-bucklers
    40 Skinks (200) [40]
    --Boltspitters and Star-Bucklers
    6 Ripperdactyl Riders (280) [18]

    Points: 1990
    Wounds: 127
    Models: 74

    This list is designed to be mobile and flexible, given the variety of deployment and win conditions on tap, and given that I have no idea what armies I'll be facing. I understand that the presence of the Kroxigor might be controversial, but hey, I have them and haven't played with them, and I think they're kind of hilarious. They still need to be built, though, as will a bunch of Skinks with Javelins. If I happen to get any extra money in in the next week or so I might pick up another Bastiladon and swap it in for the Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur, but for now, this is what I'm thinking about!
    Wazz and Crowsfoot like this.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Sounds like it could work. The Kroxigor are an interesting idea. Supported by the Skinks they can be decent.
  4. Christopher

    Christopher Well-Known Member

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    I played these games yesterday and this list did not prove efficacious. In the first game I played Flesheater Courts and managed to seize the "neutral" objective early but couldn't hold it. Eventually they ground through everything and took all three. In the second game I played a vicious Daughters of Khaine army and was very nearly tabled before I conceded at the end of round three.

    The third game was interesting. My opponent was playing some kind of one-drop Skaven list that burrowed up from the underground behind everybody's liines and dealt insane numbers of mortal wounds. He took out his first two games in the first two rounds by tabling his opponents, and clearly that was his plan against me. He did 13 mortal wounds against my Carnosaur in the first round with these units of three giant rat guys. Anyway, I decided I was headed for a tabling if I faced him head on. Distracted him by dropping in the Rippers, who benefitted from Toad Rage against TWO of his units because of positioning, and picked up the mobile objective with my unit of forty Skinks. Then he proceeded to blast everything else off the board while I just used Lords of Space and Time to keep the Skinks out of range. Eventually he twigged to what I was doing, but it was too late and at the bottom of the fourth round he conceded he was never going to get to them and, somewhat grumpily, conceded the game. People say Skaven need an update, but I don't know what they're talking about with all the rerolls and mortal wounds he had going for him. And then, when he was talking to me afterward and explaining to his girlfriend how he lost, he said, "That's why Seraphon suck," speaking of the teleport ability. I raised an eyebrow and said "Thirteen mortal wounds?" And he apologized, to his credit. Anyway, two educational losses, one win by dint of the fact that I obsessed on the objective instead of my opponent's units.

    I have to do yard work today, but late this afternoon I need to sit down and come up with a new list for NashCon (lists, actually, since we have to take two), since this one was kind of meh on the table. And then I have to paint for ten hours a day Monday through Thursday to have them table legal!
    Wazz, Crowsfoot and Aginor like this.
  5. mutinygriz
    Jungle Swarm

    mutinygriz New Member

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    were the points costs updated? I thought an old blood on carno was 320pts, and skinks were 80? and the bastildon was 300? where can I find the updated points costs?
  6. Christopher

    Christopher Well-Known Member

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    I use the most recent points costs available for Seraphon, those in the General's Handbook 2017. Which I don't recommend you buy, because the new edition, likely with updated points, will be out next month!
  7. Mormblwka

    Mormblwka Member

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    You can always find in updated army builder on warhammer community
  8. Ecozh
    Cold One

    Ecozh Active Member

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    Sounds like Kroaknado would have fit in this tournament

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