It's come time for me to paint my steggie. It is all assembled and ready to paint, but I have no idea where to start. I want to paint him red and I can't find any tutorials on how to do it. Does anyone know of a nice tutorial for painting a red stegadon, or just has some tips in general?
i dont no on how to paint it red but i no that its easier to have the model in three peices like the stegadon, crew, and the howdah its faster to paint the model like this because u can reach all the places on the model so if u get another one u should do that. And if u go to games workshops website under articles for lizardmen it can show u how to paint it (but not red) and assemble it.
thanks, ya I have the model in those 3 pieces and I have a general idea on how I want it to look but I just don't want to go in and screw this beautiful and expensive model up.
For the skin prime black and then overbrush with mechrite red. Then highlight with blood red and finally wash with devlan mud. Thats how I did it and it looks quite good. If you want it lighter then try using some bloodred + white highlights
If u dont like how it looks use nail polish removal it will take the paint off fast but use a brush to take it off.
Thanks for the help ninja. I just tried out those steps but with a 50/50 merchite/scorched brown mix as the base and I'm loving it! DO you have any suggestions on how to do the scales and/or bones? I'll post up some pics once I get everything finished up.
I did the bones White with a wash of devlan mud as for the scales Im not sure what to do just do what you think looks best and goes with your colour scheme
for the horns i did a basecoat of calthan brown then feathered vomit brown next i feathered bleach bone and finish with skull white.
I find the best tip with painting and converting is to not worry about screwing a model up. If the paint job looks weird, you can always paint over it or strip it back and start again no worries. Just get some paint on it and go with the flow (no pun intended).