First time poster. I just painted up my first saurus, i'm relative new to the hobby and i'm bit unsecure about the paint job. I want to know if it's table top quality and i'm open for criticism. Im totaly hooked on the lizard man and will try to build up an army , and i will certainly stick with this site ( can't get
I fixed the tags.. We don't use img tags due to SPAMbots posting nasty stuff, you need to use [pic]. It looks good for a first model. Don't worry about the quality when you are just starting out, remember the more practice you get the better painter you will become. I would consider it good enough for the tabletop. I suggest watering down your paints a bit before applying them though. Several thin coats looks a LOT better than one thick coat even if it takes more time. The paintwork looks quite neat; you have all the colours where they are meant to be not splashing into other areas, which is definitely a good first step and something you should continue to focus on. Another small tip, get some inks/washes and look up how to use them. That shield and the bone areas (feet) in particular would benefit from a wash, it adds much depth to the area. Keep it up and keep practicing! Also, welcome to the forum.
Thanks for the tips. But i did use a wash ( badab black) what's the correct way applying it? How i paint my saurus: The body parts with leaf green ( revell paints) then i did the scales with yellowish olive( revell) used stone grey on the 'bone areas (shield, teeth, claws)(revell) then i did the gold parts with shining gold and made the spear handle tank grey(revell) Then i used highlights with the same colours with a bit of white added. then i used badab black all over the model . I found painting my gaurds men and 15mm ww2 alot easier (could also post pic of them ) then painting this saurus.
Maybe it was just hard to see on the photo. Add a bit more wash the the bone areas. A bit of devlan mud might be a good idea as well.