I'm starting to paint a new bloodbowl converted team i'm looking for some nice pattern i was looking for some green with white scales but i've found this ones on another forums and i like them someone have some advice to help me on making a dark green lizards with white scales (base colour for example) or any other good combinations with white scales (or with really high contrast)
Just as far as basic painting goes I always base coat white. I do this regardless of the main colors of the mini for two reason: it gives you more control of the shading and final look, also a light basecoat will putt out more details for you to paint that may go unnoticed if you had base coated it black. Especially if you're going to be doing white scales I would go with a white base coat. Check out the Dark Angels for cool contrast options.
i don't like very much the white coat, i prefer the black one cause it leave black borders on detail and i love it
you can always paint a black coat over your white base coat. I do this for darker armies but I still base white because even the darkest models have some light details and it makes it all look better in the end if you start white.
i think i have found my color scheme finallyt after some days of looking for lizzy pictures i'm up to these any suggestion for colours to be used?
Wow that scheme would look fantastic on a LM model or a full army. Would be somewhat tricky to pull off though. Red is easy enough, start with scab red > blood red > blazing orange > bad moon yellow. The blue you could probably follow the GW colour scheme.
i have just ended a temple guard looks pretty good tomorrow i'll post a picture not sure about the eyes yet..
what did you use for the higlights on teh shield? i'll use the same red for a horned one but i have no clue what to use to higlight... that looks like warlock purple to me but honestly i never used that color so i could be wrong.
My only advice would be with the gold areas: what you've put on appears very thick and looks quite unnatural compared to the rest of the model. Try to drybrush the gold over the black a little more, like you've done with the plating on the tail. Maybe a wash of Badab Black before a very thin highlght of Mithril Silver. Otherwise, the colour and shading itself looks pretty good. Maybe, as Jaspar pointed out, make a smoother transition between head and body. Blue to Orange is not easy, so maybe finish the orange colour around the mouth/cheeks, rather than going down to where the head piece meets the neck piece.
thank you for the suggestions actually i have done some orange points on the blue neck (barely visible on the pictures) the gold is really less bright probably the light or the flash pop up it too much i was thinking about green eyes (scorpid green) the red on orange didn't fit really well @bibamus is scar red+white
IMO but i don't think the green eyes would be a good idea I would suggest you do the same thing as on your skink -> yellow and black The green would be to fucked up and ok you might say now that the yellow won't come out so good but that isn't the purpose of eyes