AoS Help beating a Dracoth army!

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Ecozh, Jun 5, 2018.

  1. Ecozh
    Cold One

    Ecozh Active Member

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    My opponent next wednesday is participating in a tournament. To help him prepare I offered to play my Seraphon against him.

    Hist list:
    1 Lord-Celestant on Stardrake (with the +1 save to units within 12" trait)
    1 Lord-Celestant on Dracoth
    2x 2 Dracothian guard fulminators
    2x 2 Dracothian guard Tempestor
    3x 5 Liberators

    From my previous battle with him (with Dark Elves) I know the Dracothian guard hit like a truck. After looking at my options, I'm not sure how to tackle him.

    Any ideas are welcome, this is the first time that I have been worried of a battle in advance (our Games group usually is a friendly non-competative setting).

    What I have to work with:
    1 Slann or Kroak (proxy Ghazgull Thrakka due to mailorder delay)
    1 Saurus Sunblood
    1 Eternity warden
    1 Skink starpriest (which I could proxy as a Skink priest)
    25 Saurus guard (10 need to be assembled, but I have the time tonight )
    20 Saurus warriors
    20 Skinks Boltsplitter and club
    10 Camoskinks
    1 Bastilladon (I really should buy another)
    6 Ripperdactyls

    I have thought about eternal starhost but that feels to costly especially with the damage that a Draconith can do (on a wound roll of 6 is does d6 damage :S ).

    My plan so far was to lure the Dracothians my way and then teleport to remove the Liberators off his objectives. Keep playing the 'kite' game.

    Any help is welcome!
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    It's a shame you don't have more big dinos I would have gone Thunderquake and used skinks as screens, with what you have a Kroaknado list might be better, proxy a balewind vortex or maybe try a shadowstrike list.
    Ecozh likes this.
  3. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Eternal starhost is pointless, everything but his liberators spams mortal wounds they'd be annihilated in moments.

    As @Crowsfoot said, a thunderquake host probably would be best here. But sadly you don't have those.

    Other than that, you only have 3 models that really stand any sort of chance. Kroak, the bastilidon and the rippes in a shadowstrike host. They'l stand a decent chance of wiping out 1 of the dracoth units when you deepstrike. But they're unlikely to survive for long. Your best bet is probably just to take Kroak + shadowstrike + bastilidon, focus fire on 1 dracoth unit at a time and throw whatever else you have fielded at the others to slow em down.

    Overal I think you're slightly screwed though. With only 1 big monster you don't have anything that can really block any of the dracoth units for long. Maybe wait till the endless spells are released, should be a fairly big boon given that you have a kroak and he has no wizard :p
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  4. Stevie754

    Stevie754 Member

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    Dracoth lists are hard to deal with using what you have because of their tankiness.

    A shadowstrike list backed by kroak for mortal wounds is your best bet, also if you have a carnosaur the bloodroar ability is huge for getting them to run.
    If he runs them in units of 2 they aren't every failing battleshock with bravery 7, but he does still have to take a test for it and you can really hurt elite armies like this making whole 5 wound models run away.

    Other than that, ignore the stardrake, kill everything else with kroak and if the rippers kill a unit use their speed to go and claim objectives or tidy up hurt units. If he only has the drake left you should be able to win the objective game or focus everything on killing it at the end.

    Ecozh likes this.
  5. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    saurus can force a battleshock on em as well with their banners. Admittadly it's only a 1 in 6 chance, but still.
    Ecozh and Stevie754 like this.
  6. Ecozh
    Cold One

    Ecozh Active Member

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    I was soundly besten with my list, but Kroak did well (could have done a lot better).
    Bastilladon accounts for 1 sound in three rounds of shooting so I will be supportingen that with a bannerbearer in the futures.

    I planned on pulling his formation apart but as the objective landed square in the middle that tactic was lost.

    When the dracoths are away from their boss, they are killable when you get first strike (Rippers/guard) but in the end his 2+ save with reroll rerolls of 1 was what killed me.

    More Mortal wounxa next time. Planning on buying a Slann and another bastilladon + engine of the gods.

    Most valuable player where my skinks as they formed a barrier that stopped my opponent for two turns before het could het close to Kroak.

    I learned a lot more tactically and your tips where verry usefull, thanks!
    Canas likes this.

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