7th Ed. General Slann Tactics

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Sammy the Squib, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    An age old debate, what are the best tactics for the Slann?

    Some people like to make him a magic missile machine gun, others prefer to fire off some big spells using lots of dice. I like to do a bit of both, spells like steed of shadows and rule of burning iron can be used to great effect if used correctly, and it's always nice to get a big spell off...;)

    So, how do you use yours?
  2. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    This is a tricky question, becouse it deppend alot on your playing style.
    I tend to use different tactics when choosing spells dependintg on which army I battle..
    Usualy i think on three things when choosing spells.

    Will I battle a force with high armor save: if so I will pick some spells from Lore of Metal. This gives me the defult spell and chances of rolling even better anti-armor spells.

    Will I be met with a hail of arrows, pick Lore of Heavens for those lovly no-distance-limits Forked Lightning and Uranus Lightningbolt.

    Will I need a bit of tactical help in manovering my units, pick some spells from Lore of Shadow.

    I always consider the Steed of Shadow spell for my oldblood or scar-vet, for better usage of my champ, but spells like the Unseen Lurker can come in handy when my saurus block(s) have a long way to go.

    I seldom take REMAIN IN PLAY spells, becous I realy like to use my slann to cas as many spells as possible.
    If you can afford it, go by a plaq of tepok for that extra spell. It usualy is worth those 15 pts!
  3. FrozenLizards

    FrozenLizards New Member

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    I love this debate. I have yet to take a sole magic missle Slann, but like the idea. I have been given a few tips on Slann and magic I found useful. Base alot of ur choices on who and what u r up against (there is a good thread about this here). Also if u pick a good lore take 4-5 spells from it to enjoy the full range of spells. A good tactic for Lizardmen is Steed of Shadows b/c it helps ur JSoD, if u have one. One thing to try not to do is spread your lores out too much and not end up w/ any spells u want.
  4. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    I usualy pick spells from the Lore of: Heavens, Metal, Death or Shadow. I then have a few spell in each Lore i really don't whant, and I realy dont mind the deafult spells of these lores. Therefor I start on, say Heavens and roll spells until I get the deafult or Celestial Armor. Then I jump to my next Lore. This way I never get any spells I REALLY don't whant.
  5. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    I personally like to get my slann in on the action with lots of damage spells, with the exception of Shadow's movement ones. I'm a large fan of taking 1 spell per Lore, usually from Fire, Light, Death, Shadow, and usually Metal. In those cases, I roll and if I get a great spell, I'll keep it, but if I don't I spam 1st level spells, so that every magic phase I'm shooting off 3 D6 damaging spells, one hero hitter, and a sneaky move for a JSoD or Skink Priest in a pickle.

    But alot of the time, if up against an army like Daemons, I'll mass Light to give my magic some extra POW when it hits those cheeky bastards.

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